Okay, for a different route to the blog....WALKING!!!
A few girls, or ladies, I work with and I have been walking during lunch; Becky, Ashley and Glenda to be percise. I think we have walked everyday for the last work week except one. Note to self..document days walked!
So walking...we've been walking. I think I have the same thinking as Becky...I feel great! I feel so refreshed, invigorated, and alive!! We have this great 1 mile path we take on our break...see ain't it pretty?!

You know...walking and getting control of one's life is not about what other people think of me. Oh sure, worry about what others think of me and knowing that some don't even give me a chance because all they see is the outer layer does weigh on my feelings. But, that is not going to get me healthy. This is about getting my life back and quit fretting over how others perceive me. It's time to take control of my body. God gave this body to me not the world for the world to knock it down!
I've come to realize that if a person doesn't give me a chance at knowing me because of my outer layer then I'm not not going to worry about it. Not that I'm some sort of wonder woman because I'm just as normal small town as you get, but it's their loss right?! I tell you being heavy most of my life has made me realize that I never want to be a bully. It's not fun being picked on. You might ask, "why do you talk this way, you're an adult?" Well, I'll tell you, it's not fun getting picked on, ridiculed, laughed at, or called mean things; all of which I've had to deal with much of my life because, well, I'm fluffy! For a long time I held in a lot of anger because of all this. But now, I've FINALLY realized, that it's not about them and I feel sorry for them because they have no compassion and feel they have to pick on others to feel good about themselves! WOW...It's taken me 31 years to get that out!!! Anyway, enough of the so called drama.
I'm finally taking control of my life and body. It's mine, God gave it to me, and I'm going to get it healthy. Thank you to my wonderful friends who inspire me to do better and walk with me. It's not easy nor will this battle of losing (all the while gaining my life back) be easy, I wouldn't lie and say it is...BUT I will conquer!!! and polish up this fine body God gave me..lol lol I know gag right?! hehehehe Hey, I have to have confidence and that confidence starts with me and knowing that I am a Child of God, He makes no mistakes, and He made me beautiful in His image!!!
Got a little longer winded than I had intended...with me that happens. Oh no, I hear that Mtn. Home lunch bell! Later blogger buddies.
Until next time . . .