On this day I gladly welcomed a 20-something pound, four-legged, big brown eyed, chewing everything in sight monster, sweet yellow lab into my life!! His name is Jasper. I have wanted a dog for a long time. My parents and sister each have one so why not me? Well, I understand that two big lab dogs on one ridge is a lot and we didn't want to hurt their feelings. Mom and dad have the oldests of the dogs, Ben - he's 12. My sister has the youngest, now middle child, Tucker - he's 7. They are the best dogs. I knew exactly which pup's feelings would be hurt if another pup was brought onto the place..yep, you guessed it, Tucker! Ben didn't mind at all, in fact I think he likes Jasper. Tucker on the other hand, a dog who rarely barks...well, he barked alright and showed some teeth with a growl!! He will get over it.
So blogger buddies..meet 12 week old Jasper, born March 24th, 2010. I haven't nailed down his registered name yet, but he is definitely going by Jasper.