Well, here it is, the last day of August 2011. This is also the last day old timers quit counting those fogs in August. Although statistics don't prove this, old timers used to count (some still do as you can see it was passed to me) the number of fogs received in the month of August. This was done to predict the number of snows they could possibly receive in the coming winter season. My grandpa always counted; thus my mom learned to count; thus she passed those old tales on to me :) It's fun!
Every winter when it starts snowing one will often hear my mom saying, "Well that's one snow down only xx number to go and we're finished!" hahaha
According to my counting I tallied 5 big thick fogs and 2 days of patchy morning fog. I think there might be a couple more patchy foggy mornings, but I really couldn't tell if it was actual haze or fog. So, my calculations aren't exactly accurate. But it will still be fun counting when the snow starts falling.
One old timer, and my neighbor, has already said all indications are showing we're going to have a long, cold and snowy winter. I guess we'll wait and see!
Until next time . . .
A sneak peak into my life . . . From working in town to country life, chasing sunsets, living and working on the farm, and my insane love for travel.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Nerves of Steel . . .
I'm sure you've heard the saying "you've got nerves of steel." Well, today I wish I had nerves of steel. All I have are nerves of 'I wanna throw-up!'
I think I sort of have a lunch date today. Now sit down and don't overreact girls! It hasn't been called a date. Just lunch with friends. But we won't mention the fact that one of these friends might be interested in me. I said sit down! haha I have forgotten, is it technically a date when a fella comes and picks you up for lunch?
Goodness, why do things have to be so difficult? I mean, I pray for that 'someone' who God has intended for me. I pray that God has someone for me. I know he's out there. Not saying this person is that someone, we've only just met. But why does it have to be so nerving trying to get to that 'someone'?
Needless to say the saying 'nerves of steel' does not apply to me today. I'm actually telling myself I might would rather stay single than have to deal with getting to know someone again. Although I don't really mean that, but it's just easier being single. Never thought I'd hear myself say that. I think I've become way too independent over the last several years. LOL
Until next time . . .
I think I sort of have a lunch date today. Now sit down and don't overreact girls! It hasn't been called a date. Just lunch with friends. But we won't mention the fact that one of these friends might be interested in me. I said sit down! haha I have forgotten, is it technically a date when a fella comes and picks you up for lunch?
Goodness, why do things have to be so difficult? I mean, I pray for that 'someone' who God has intended for me. I pray that God has someone for me. I know he's out there. Not saying this person is that someone, we've only just met. But why does it have to be so nerving trying to get to that 'someone'?
Needless to say the saying 'nerves of steel' does not apply to me today. I'm actually telling myself I might would rather stay single than have to deal with getting to know someone again. Although I don't really mean that, but it's just easier being single. Never thought I'd hear myself say that. I think I've become way too independent over the last several years. LOL
Until next time . . .
Monday, August 22, 2011
Fog #5
Good Monday morning!!
Just sending out an update on the Fogs in August . . . . . Fog #5 was drifting around this morning. It was a little on the hazy side up at my place, but got really thick down by the river. But nonetheless, it was foggy.
Note: we had a hazy morning Friday morning, but I didn't report fog.
That's it for now....short and sweet today. Have a great Monday!
Until next time . . .
Just sending out an update on the Fogs in August . . . . . Fog #5 was drifting around this morning. It was a little on the hazy side up at my place, but got really thick down by the river. But nonetheless, it was foggy.
Note: we had a hazy morning Friday morning, but I didn't report fog.
That's it for now....short and sweet today. Have a great Monday!
Until next time . . .
Friday, August 19, 2011
Note to self! Adventures of Bug Man and Girl with the Party Cube
I have a knack when it comes to opening my big mouth at the most inopportune times! But, those times tend to turn into laughter; for the most part.
So we've had a round of rodents at the office; i.e. mice! Just ask my dear friend Sara, she loves them! tehehehe Anyway, the Bug Man (as I call him) comes around ever so often to spray and check party boxes; aka little black boxes filled with yummy mouse poison. I call them a party in a box because the box is in my cube. Yes, you know it...my cube is where the party is! haha Then they daringly take that stroll from my cube to Sara's and croak! Again, just ask Sara.
I'm getting off track. Wow, that is so unusual isn't it? ANYWAY, today was bug-man day woohoo. I got a little excited yesterday when I heard someone in the office say the Bug Man was coming in on Friday. That meant he would be in my cube to check out the party box. We have the best little chats when he's here. So today, sitting in my cube chatting with Sara and I tell her someone is behind her. IT WAS THE BUG MAN! Immediately the giggles were upon me; not embarrassingly uncontrollable either. Come on girls, I held it together. We proceed to chat with Bug Man about this weeks rodent events. Fun times. At some point in or chats today, just after I said I was going for coffee and he told me that stuff is bad for me, he informed me coffee makes him pee. Seriously, he said that!
He checks the party boxes and goes along his merrily little way. Or so I thought! After a few moments I stroll to Sara's cube and proceed to tell her I just love bug man days because he sure is a cute little thing! It wasn't even two seconds later and there he was squatting by her cube door to refill the party box located at the back of her cube! Oh my goodness! Me and my big mouth! LOLOLOLOL
So, note to self: Self, next time you say (out loud) the Bug Man is a cute little thing make sure he's not still lurking around your cube, ok!
It'll be at least 60 more days before the next bug man day :( Oh well, until then. What a great, fun way to end the week. Happy Friday folks!
Until next time . . .
So we've had a round of rodents at the office; i.e. mice! Just ask my dear friend Sara, she loves them! tehehehe Anyway, the Bug Man (as I call him) comes around ever so often to spray and check party boxes; aka little black boxes filled with yummy mouse poison. I call them a party in a box because the box is in my cube. Yes, you know it...my cube is where the party is! haha Then they daringly take that stroll from my cube to Sara's and croak! Again, just ask Sara.
I'm getting off track. Wow, that is so unusual isn't it? ANYWAY, today was bug-man day woohoo. I got a little excited yesterday when I heard someone in the office say the Bug Man was coming in on Friday. That meant he would be in my cube to check out the party box. We have the best little chats when he's here. So today, sitting in my cube chatting with Sara and I tell her someone is behind her. IT WAS THE BUG MAN! Immediately the giggles were upon me; not embarrassingly uncontrollable either. Come on girls, I held it together. We proceed to chat with Bug Man about this weeks rodent events. Fun times. At some point in or chats today, just after I said I was going for coffee and he told me that stuff is bad for me, he informed me coffee makes him pee. Seriously, he said that!
He checks the party boxes and goes along his merrily little way. Or so I thought! After a few moments I stroll to Sara's cube and proceed to tell her I just love bug man days because he sure is a cute little thing! It wasn't even two seconds later and there he was squatting by her cube door to refill the party box located at the back of her cube! Oh my goodness! Me and my big mouth! LOLOLOLOL
So, note to self: Self, next time you say (out loud) the Bug Man is a cute little thing make sure he's not still lurking around your cube, ok!
It'll be at least 60 more days before the next bug man day :( Oh well, until then. What a great, fun way to end the week. Happy Friday folks!
Until next time . . .
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Fog #4
Good morning!!!
It sure was a beautiful and peaceful morning today. There was thunder rumbling in the distance and lightning twinkling afar. Stepped outside and what do I see? Fo-og! (said in a fog horn type voice) teehehe :) Yep, Fog in August #4
Have a great day folks!
Until next time . . .
It sure was a beautiful and peaceful morning today. There was thunder rumbling in the distance and lightning twinkling afar. Stepped outside and what do I see? Fo-og! (said in a fog horn type voice) teehehe :) Yep, Fog in August #4
Have a great day folks!
Until next time . . .
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Rise and Shine!!!!
Good morning fellow bloggers!
It's an early morning for me! 7:45 am and I've already been up nearly three hours! Woah, shocker I know. Well today started my new carpool route. I've been looking forward to it for several weeks now. It is certainly going to be an adjustment, but one I think will have positive rewards; i.e. off work by 3:30 every day and saving about $30 a week in fuel!! That's way positive at $3.50 a gallon (average).
Everything was so quiet and still this morning, with exception of the thunderstorm brewing in the north. I left the eastern windows open on the house so it'll probably rain. But, that is quite alright as we desperately need it.
Well, I'm going to get back to my yogurt and granola...yes, I'm still doing okay eating healthy. Do you know how loud granola is to chew when there's absolutely no noise in a big office building? Let me just tell you it's loud. Sounds like a herd of people walking through the woods stepping on crunchy leaves! ha
Have a great Tuesday and week!
Until next time . . .
It's an early morning for me! 7:45 am and I've already been up nearly three hours! Woah, shocker I know. Well today started my new carpool route. I've been looking forward to it for several weeks now. It is certainly going to be an adjustment, but one I think will have positive rewards; i.e. off work by 3:30 every day and saving about $30 a week in fuel!! That's way positive at $3.50 a gallon (average).
Everything was so quiet and still this morning, with exception of the thunderstorm brewing in the north. I left the eastern windows open on the house so it'll probably rain. But, that is quite alright as we desperately need it.
Well, I'm going to get back to my yogurt and granola...yes, I'm still doing okay eating healthy. Do you know how loud granola is to chew when there's absolutely no noise in a big office building? Let me just tell you it's loud. Sounds like a herd of people walking through the woods stepping on crunchy leaves! ha
Have a great Tuesday and week!
Until next time . . .
Friday, August 12, 2011
Fogs in August #2 and #3
First of all . . . . Happy Friday folks! Wishing you a wonderful weekend :)
Well, fogs in August #2 and #3 have appeared. Don't know if that's a good sign or not. But, in keeping with tradition and remembering legends of old wives' tales I'm still counting.
I think in the old days, you know back when old wives' tales were thought of. Before hi-tech technology and meteorological forecasts....settlers had to have some way of predicting the weather, planting seasons, etc. I mean, even with all our technology a weather forecast is still a prediction. So, I think folks of days gone by knew what they were talking about. They counted the moons and their phases. They noticed that time of year when it's blue blazing hot in the summer and wake up one morning to a dew soaked land and fog. Probably thought, "wonder what that means?" That set the legend into motion I'm sure. They had to have a way to predict what their winter would be like.
Kinda like with wooly worms. We should start seeing them soon, if not already. The black on them apparently tells us we're in for a harsh winter while the lighter brown means less severe. Last year's woolly worm nailed our winter season spot on!
Or here's another one, since we're winding up summer (THANK THE GOOD LORD!) and heading into early fall (WOOHOO!) Tarantulas! If you'll notice, now remember what I'm about to tell you. Tarantulas begin crossing the highway when there is a major change in temperature and weather between the summer and fall months. Usually when you start seeing them that indicates fall-likeness or the new season is about two weeks away. Check it out this year and see.
Ok, back to fog; afterall that's what we started out discussing. The number of fogs doesn't always match the number of snows, but in years past it's always been close. Plus, it's fun to count the fogs and then count the snows. If you're like me, it's fun to be on the countdown and predict when winter is winding down.
I didn't see fog #2, but scouts did . . . but here's a look at #3
Happy fog counting!
Until next time . . .
Well, fogs in August #2 and #3 have appeared. Don't know if that's a good sign or not. But, in keeping with tradition and remembering legends of old wives' tales I'm still counting.
I think in the old days, you know back when old wives' tales were thought of. Before hi-tech technology and meteorological forecasts....settlers had to have some way of predicting the weather, planting seasons, etc. I mean, even with all our technology a weather forecast is still a prediction. So, I think folks of days gone by knew what they were talking about. They counted the moons and their phases. They noticed that time of year when it's blue blazing hot in the summer and wake up one morning to a dew soaked land and fog. Probably thought, "wonder what that means?" That set the legend into motion I'm sure. They had to have a way to predict what their winter would be like.
Kinda like with wooly worms. We should start seeing them soon, if not already. The black on them apparently tells us we're in for a harsh winter while the lighter brown means less severe. Last year's woolly worm nailed our winter season spot on!
Or here's another one, since we're winding up summer (THANK THE GOOD LORD!) and heading into early fall (WOOHOO!) Tarantulas! If you'll notice, now remember what I'm about to tell you. Tarantulas begin crossing the highway when there is a major change in temperature and weather between the summer and fall months. Usually when you start seeing them that indicates fall-likeness or the new season is about two weeks away. Check it out this year and see.
Ok, back to fog; afterall that's what we started out discussing. The number of fogs doesn't always match the number of snows, but in years past it's always been close. Plus, it's fun to count the fogs and then count the snows. If you're like me, it's fun to be on the countdown and predict when winter is winding down.
I didn't see fog #2, but scouts did . . . but here's a look at #3
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Fogs in August #3 - August 12, 2011 |
Until next time . . .
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Another year of . . . Fogs in August #1
Good morning bloggers!!
(said the way Ty Pennington opens his Extreme Homemaker Show :)
What a beautiful day it is! I was up and outside just before 6 AM this morning and it was absolutely gorgeous! The sun was coming up over the horizon, there were clouds and I just knew the sunrise was going to be a beaut. And, it did not fail me. Just as the sun was starting to peak above the horizon the clouds took on a pink hue and blanketed the eastern sky. Then here came the yellow and orange. OH! I could have stood there forever. But, the work train would be leaving soon so onward I had to go.
As I was walking out the door to head off to work I noticed something I hadn't seen in a long time. You know the feeling you get when you've gone all winter with no thunder/lightning storms and then the first one of the season you think, "oh, that's thunder..haven't heard that in a while." Well, what I was viewing was no different. In fact, I had to stand there a moment and think real hard what month we were in. Ok, so what did I see that caught my attention? What did I see that made me take a step back and soak in the moment? FOG! It was so foggy! It wasn't foggy when I was out at 6 AM, but my goodness how things change in 30 minutes.
I gazed out across the pasture, the cows were still munching on their hay rolled out to them the night before, and in the stillness I said, "huh, that's fog!" Then I thought for a minute about the meaning of this fog. I literally was saying, out loud to any critter or farm animal who was listening, "that's fog, it's foggy, isn't there something special about fog this time of year? Wait a minute, it's foggy. Is it August? It is August! Fogs in August equal frost in May? No, that's thunder in February frost in May. Fogs in August predicts the winter snows! Yes, that's it. It's the first fog in August, oh my snow!" hahahahaha
You ask, "Were you really having this conversation, Lindsay?" Yes, yes I was. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that it was foggy and it was August. I was so excited! And of course I snapped a picture. The moment wouldn't be complete without one :)
So, here's to Fog in August #1 2011 . . . . let's see how many more we get :)
Until next time . . .
(said the way Ty Pennington opens his Extreme Homemaker Show :)
What a beautiful day it is! I was up and outside just before 6 AM this morning and it was absolutely gorgeous! The sun was coming up over the horizon, there were clouds and I just knew the sunrise was going to be a beaut. And, it did not fail me. Just as the sun was starting to peak above the horizon the clouds took on a pink hue and blanketed the eastern sky. Then here came the yellow and orange. OH! I could have stood there forever. But, the work train would be leaving soon so onward I had to go.
As I was walking out the door to head off to work I noticed something I hadn't seen in a long time. You know the feeling you get when you've gone all winter with no thunder/lightning storms and then the first one of the season you think, "oh, that's thunder..haven't heard that in a while." Well, what I was viewing was no different. In fact, I had to stand there a moment and think real hard what month we were in. Ok, so what did I see that caught my attention? What did I see that made me take a step back and soak in the moment? FOG! It was so foggy! It wasn't foggy when I was out at 6 AM, but my goodness how things change in 30 minutes.
I gazed out across the pasture, the cows were still munching on their hay rolled out to them the night before, and in the stillness I said, "huh, that's fog!" Then I thought for a minute about the meaning of this fog. I literally was saying, out loud to any critter or farm animal who was listening, "that's fog, it's foggy, isn't there something special about fog this time of year? Wait a minute, it's foggy. Is it August? It is August! Fogs in August equal frost in May? No, that's thunder in February frost in May. Fogs in August predicts the winter snows! Yes, that's it. It's the first fog in August, oh my snow!" hahahahaha
You ask, "Were you really having this conversation, Lindsay?" Yes, yes I was. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that it was foggy and it was August. I was so excited! And of course I snapped a picture. The moment wouldn't be complete without one :)
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8.9.11 Fog in August #1 complete with cows munching :) |
Until next time . . .
Friday, August 5, 2011
Misc . . .
Happy Friday blogger friends!
Don't quite know where to begin today. Seems like there's been a lot going on in every direction. This 'trying to sell my house' adventure has been anything bu an adventure. But, I'm keeping the faith that the Lord has a buyer for me; without me sacrificing too much on the value of the home. Everybody wants something for nothing! I tell ya, this has been a learning and growing time in my faith and patience. We can't be given patience, we have to learn it and earn it. Let me tell ya this has been and still is a learning and earning process!
On to Jasper news . . . . well puppy boy has been such a good pup for several weeks now. He's 1 1/2 and so we're on the downhill run of the puppy phase chew & destroy! I guess Tuesday night Jasper had a mean streak come over him . . . oh yes, he was very bad. My dad took his glasses off to take a swim in the pool; laying them on the table beside the pool. Do you know where this is going? Sad to say, but it's true. Jasper for some unknown reason decided at some point to grab the glasses and take off! We searched the yard for an hour or so in the dark, no luck. Dad searched the entire yard at dawn the next day, no luck. Funny thing is, Jasper knew he had done something wrong and was in trouble. Dad got home later the next evening and stuck his old glasses in Jasper's face. He looked at Jasper and said, "find my glasses!" Jasper turned and took off through the yard; leading dad right to his glasses!!! WOO! But, Jasper did leave his mark on them and break a lens. At least we don't have to replace lenses and frames! I have to say it . . . what a smart dog!! lol
On to remodeling news . . . remodeling is starting to pick up again. We 86ed a door project and decided to put in a new window instead. I think I'm going to like that better anyway. Back bedroom is complete and ready to move in. Bathroom is complete and ready for a good move in cleaning. The to-do list is still long, but we're making progress. I (hopefully) will never remodel again (an old house anyway), but this has been and is an awesome experience. I'm getting to work with my dad and will remember forever my dad helping me. Plus, with it being an old house I'm learning such great ideas to incorporate when I build new. Old houses have such awesome character. Whenever I build I hope to put the old with the new; i.e. use old ideas to make it look old and rustic in a new creation. Old with the new reminds me of my travels; that's all Rome is - old with the new!
OHHHHH I almost forgot....you know I posted a few weeks ago that I'm working to get my life back. Meaning I'm learning to eat healthy. Well, since I started (July 5, 2011) I have lost 10 pounds!!! And, that has been without taking my walks...it's been too hot to walk. Can't wait to be eating all my fruits and veggies and start walking again! Woohoo!! I have a long way to go, but 10 pounds is 10 pounds and I already feel better :)
Ok, that's all for now. Have a great August my friends and have a great weekend!
Until next time . . .
Don't quite know where to begin today. Seems like there's been a lot going on in every direction. This 'trying to sell my house' adventure has been anything bu an adventure. But, I'm keeping the faith that the Lord has a buyer for me; without me sacrificing too much on the value of the home. Everybody wants something for nothing! I tell ya, this has been a learning and growing time in my faith and patience. We can't be given patience, we have to learn it and earn it. Let me tell ya this has been and still is a learning and earning process!
On to Jasper news . . . . well puppy boy has been such a good pup for several weeks now. He's 1 1/2 and so we're on the downhill run of the puppy phase chew & destroy! I guess Tuesday night Jasper had a mean streak come over him . . . oh yes, he was very bad. My dad took his glasses off to take a swim in the pool; laying them on the table beside the pool. Do you know where this is going? Sad to say, but it's true. Jasper for some unknown reason decided at some point to grab the glasses and take off! We searched the yard for an hour or so in the dark, no luck. Dad searched the entire yard at dawn the next day, no luck. Funny thing is, Jasper knew he had done something wrong and was in trouble. Dad got home later the next evening and stuck his old glasses in Jasper's face. He looked at Jasper and said, "find my glasses!" Jasper turned and took off through the yard; leading dad right to his glasses!!! WOO! But, Jasper did leave his mark on them and break a lens. At least we don't have to replace lenses and frames! I have to say it . . . what a smart dog!! lol
On to remodeling news . . . remodeling is starting to pick up again. We 86ed a door project and decided to put in a new window instead. I think I'm going to like that better anyway. Back bedroom is complete and ready to move in. Bathroom is complete and ready for a good move in cleaning. The to-do list is still long, but we're making progress. I (hopefully) will never remodel again (an old house anyway), but this has been and is an awesome experience. I'm getting to work with my dad and will remember forever my dad helping me. Plus, with it being an old house I'm learning such great ideas to incorporate when I build new. Old houses have such awesome character. Whenever I build I hope to put the old with the new; i.e. use old ideas to make it look old and rustic in a new creation. Old with the new reminds me of my travels; that's all Rome is - old with the new!
OHHHHH I almost forgot....you know I posted a few weeks ago that I'm working to get my life back. Meaning I'm learning to eat healthy. Well, since I started (July 5, 2011) I have lost 10 pounds!!! And, that has been without taking my walks...it's been too hot to walk. Can't wait to be eating all my fruits and veggies and start walking again! Woohoo!! I have a long way to go, but 10 pounds is 10 pounds and I already feel better :)
Ok, that's all for now. Have a great August my friends and have a great weekend!
Until next time . . .
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
It's hotter than Blue Blazes!
Have you ever heard the expression "It's hotter than blue blazin!" Well, that's hot! If you have seen a fire close or seen a cutting torch you would have seen this blue fire. It's the fire that's closest to the center. The hot point. The hot point beyond all hot where everything it touches melts even before contact.
Well, it's not that hot, otherwise none of us would survive. I imagine that's what Hell is like and I want no part of it!! If we think it's hot outside at 108 degrees . . . you fill in the blanks.
The point I'm trying to make is . . . it's HOT out there!!!!! This has been one of the (longest) hottest summers I can ever remember. High heat temps are expected to be broken today. So, stay inside as much as possible. If you must be out, stay cool as possible. Remember to HYDRATE!! And, don't forget about the pets :)
Have a great day friends!
Until next time . . . . pray for cooler temps and rain!
Well, it's not that hot, otherwise none of us would survive. I imagine that's what Hell is like and I want no part of it!! If we think it's hot outside at 108 degrees . . . you fill in the blanks.
The point I'm trying to make is . . . it's HOT out there!!!!! This has been one of the (longest) hottest summers I can ever remember. High heat temps are expected to be broken today. So, stay inside as much as possible. If you must be out, stay cool as possible. Remember to HYDRATE!! And, don't forget about the pets :)
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Today is Tuesday, August 2, 2011 |
Until next time . . . . pray for cooler temps and rain!
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