Greetings fellow bloggers! How are we doing on this exceptional day?!
So, I made it through the Focus 40 Prayer and Fasting! Yes, I survived . . . . . only to splurge on my pop and sweets a few times. These past 40 days I thought would take forever when I started. At the beginning I honestly couldn't wait until the end to see what happened. Kinda like reading the last page of a book; we get impatient with the happenings in the middle!
Well, I wouldn't trade the happenings in the middle for the world! No, I didn't see any lost saved during this Focus 40. But what I did see was a change inside of me. A change to be better for God that I had been. A change to really shine a true Light. A change to make sure what I'm thinking matches what I'm actually doing. During this time I vowed to do without pop, sweets and junk food. Well, I haven't purchased a bag of potato chips since February 20th! That's huge for me! I only had a few pops during that time and even cut way down on my coffee . . . . on top of all that I lost 24 pounds!!! WOOOO! Also, during this time of prayer and focusing on God's Will my house sold and is even moved to it's new home already. I'm excited that chapter is closed; however, still sad I will not be able to take my 2013 Ireland trip due to the fact that it took a year (almost to the day) for my house to sell. My Ireland money went into keeping up with payments on two properties :( But I guess there's a reason I'm not supposed to be going. What it is I CAN NOT see yet! Oh well.
Let me bring you up to date on the final week of Focus 40. I left you on Day 29 so today I'll begin with Day 30 to bring you to the close:
Day 30: Pray that this day you can show someone the love of God in an unexpected way for them.
Day 31: (Day my house sold, officially) Pray for the future generations that you will never see that they too will know Jesus Christ and his love.
Day 32: Pray that you will become all that God has planned for you by his plan for your life.
Day 33: Pray that God will search your heart and work through you for Jesus Christ.
Day 34: Pray for God to continue to transform you from the inside out.
Day 35: Pray to follow God completely in the direction he is leading you.
Day 36: Pray for God to tear down the walls that are preventing God from filling your life completely.
Day 37: Pray for God to give us positive attitudes in all we do.
Day 38: Pray for strength to show Christ's love through the mess of our lives.
Day 39: Pray for the will of God to be done in all aspects of your life.
Day 40: (We made it!!) Resurrection Day! Pray that in your everyday life you will follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and not miss an opportunity! (Ha! I did something very bold today!!)
Thanks guys for praying for me during this 40 days. Although I wasn't as committed as I set out to be or wanted to be, I did learn much through this process. I learned that I need to have a prayerful mind ALL the time not just during 40 days. I learned that keeping Focus 40 in my mind at all times helped to control my eating habits. I learned to lean on God for E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!
I hope you learned a little something along the way too if you were keeping up with my blogging and the daily prayer posts.
Until next time . . . .