Friday, June 5, 2009

History Made...STATE CHAMPS


Wow, so exciting and I wasn't even physically there. Thank goodness for radio. Well, it was one of those classic games; behind in scoring late in the game and have a 7th inning rally to take it all: the Class 1 State Title in High School Boys Baseball.

I couldn't get the online feed for Q94 to work on my Mac, so I headed out to the car to listen to the game. I can honestly say this is the first time, other than listening to the 1st game of the Final 4, that I have listened to a game on the radio. I actually liked it though. You are physically there, but the excitement and intensity are so great because you can't see what is going on, just hearing. So, there is definitely something about our senses when one is unable to work. Since I couldn't physically see the game, only hear, it's like you hear every word and detail the announcer is telling because you don't want to miss a moment.

So, here's a brief run-down. I got into the game in the 3rd inning with a score of 2-1 (not in our favor). We were the visiting team which meant we batted first, but didn't get the last bat. Ok. I don't remember the innings of scoring, but at some point Santa Fe jumped out to a 5-1 lead...things were looking bleak because we just couldn't get our bats going. Then, we scored one, making it 5-2. So, we fast forward to the top of the 7th, the last chance at getting runs on the board. It is time to rattle those bats. It's the top of the 7th and the first man gets a hit and gets on base. This is all it took to get those boys pumped and the fans cheering. When it was all said and done those Dora Falcons scored a whomping 6 runs in the top of the 7th to make it 8-5 (OUR FAVOR). We had 11 boys come to the plate in the 7th and a fantastic inning and comeback. Now all we had to do was hold them. Santa Fe had exceptional defense throughout the entire game, but fell apart in the 7th. A good team like that just needs to get rattled and that's just what the Dora Falcons did. They never give up; which sure makes it a nail biter and tense on the fans. Well, those boys held them in the bottom of the 7th; not allowing them to score another run. So, the final score was 8-5; making the Dora Falcons the Class 1 State Champs in high school baseball.

I am so glad it was my sister's day to drive because there would have been no way I could have concentrated on the road driving home. It was all I could do to concentrate going to pick her up after work. I don't even remember driving over there because I was so intune to the game. Anyway, everytime the boys would get a run or a good hit or something I would squeel or shake my sister was getting so tickeled. I couldn't help it; the excitement and enthusiasm was just going all through me. Even though I would have loved to be there, I can't imagine it.

This was a great day for the Dora Falcons and the entire community. A day that none of us will soon forget!!!

WAY TO GO DORA FALCONS....We are so proud of our STATE CHAMPS!!!!!

Until next time . . .

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