Let me back up a second. Tuesday my sister got a call that Jasmine (the youngest) was sick and the school thought it was swine (H1N1)...report=it's not! So a little after 10 am Tuesday my sister and I were leaving work to go get Jasmine at school. Then, Jasmine needed to be taken to Gainesville to the clinic to get medicine. So, crazy day.
Ok, so Wednesday is rolling around and Renee, my sister, planned to go to work early (like 7:30 am) so she could do some work and leave once that was finished in the morning. I was to stay with Jasmine while Renee was away. Fine and dandy. Renee called a little after 9 am Wednesday saying she was finished at work and heading to Wal-Mart to get Tylenol and a thermometer and then she'd be home. No problem. I was going to come in to work as soon as she got back. About 45 minutes later, I think because everything went crazy from there, I get a phone call and thought it was Renee but really couldn't tell because she was so upset. I remember her saying "I need some help! You're going to have to come help me!" I said, "Who is this? Is this Renee?" She told me yes and that she had been in a wreck. Oh my goodness!!!! She told me she may be able to drive her van home but didn't know yet because she hadn't made it out of the vehicle. Then a man's voice came up to the vehicle and I could hear him say no, that it was no driveable. So off to Mountain Home I go, with sick child in tow. Needless to say I didn't go get my sister then turn around and go back to work.
What a day. Renee doing the good thing by going in extra early to work so she could come home and care for her sick child. She is the most giving person I know and has the worst luck. Sometimes I think it followers her to get her down.
Here's what happened: She was making a left turn and a beverage truck stopped in the outside lane to let her out because the truck needed to turn into where she was pulling out from. The beverage truck motioned her out. Note: she knows and would never pull out into a blind lane because someone motions her out. Anyhow, the truck motioned so he could pull into the road where she was so she proceeded to pull out ever so slowly, peaking around the beverage truck. Out of know where a truck came into the inside lane and smack!!!

Well, you know who got the ticket and charged with the 'at fault'. You got it, Renee did. Funny, the beverage truck skedattled out of there and was never to be seen again; even thougth they were the direct cause of the accident. I'm not just saying this and taking sides because it's my sister either. The beverage truck was the cause of the accident but Renee got the blame.
We are praying and have faith that everything will work out. We are thankful that no party was hurt, just a little banged up and sore. Metal is replaceable but skin isn't.
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