I just love, love, love spring; for so many reasons. One, after long gloomy winters it is refreshing to see color and breath crisp air. Two, my morning greetings usually come from the sweet splendor of the singing, chirping birds. And three, spring brings new baby calves on the Collins Farm.
This year I am exceptionally excited because 22 heifers are in the lot right behind my house. Ok, here's my back door, which goes into my yard, which is separated from the lot by barb wire fencing. You get the picture on how close that lot is? Yep, it's close. I go to the back door every morning to see if anything is out of the norm. Spring calving season also means for a late night stroll on the 4-wheeler w/my dad. He checks those girls like a hawk! Anyway, back to the babies.
You might be asking, "Why do these heifers bring more excitement?" You see, we raised these baby girls and now they are fixing to be mommas for the first time!! They are so special when you raise them and have seen them grow up. Sunday morning, February 28th, 2010 started all the excitement!! I was taking my morning trip through the house to the back door to check out the girls. Down in the far corner of the pasture I saw something that looked a bit unusual; unusual in the sense that it wasn't there the day before. It was early so my eyes were still adjusting. To see if that unusual spot was really what I thought it was I gave out a hollar, "Good morning Girls," to the heifers. To my surprise that unusual spot moved followed by the spotting of ears! I was so excited. I ran, got the phone, and dialed my mom and dad's house. See, dad usually calling me of a morning to see if everything looks ok. Well, I beat him to the punch. He picks up the phone and w/o me saying hello I said......"Get up, get up, get up, we have a black dot!" His response was, "REALLY?!" Yay, #109 gave birth to a beautiful little heifer calf; so black and shinny!
Yesterday was such a beautiful day so I was outside much of the afternoon painting my storage building. Have to have it painted before Tuesday because my car canopy is being installed in front of the building. YAY! Anyway, while I was enjoying the sunshine I kept my eye on the heifers. This one fat girl kept pacing the field. Knew she wasn't feeling good. After a while I noticed one of the heifers balling continuously, a distress call, so I decided to check it out. Much to my surprise baby number two was on it's way. But, she was needing some help. So I hollared at dad. Yes, we don't usually need phones at my house cause I just hollar across the hay field and they hear me if we're outside, and he was on his way. Got the expecting momma into the corral and runway to help her out. Ten minutes later a strapping black shinny bull calf made is entrance on the Collins Farm. His momma loved him instantly as she began mooing to him and cleaning him up.
Jasmine, Renee's youngest, was there for the excitement as I held the tail (and pulled on skin, but no need for graphics here) while dad and Renee pulled. Jasmine was in awe! I asked her when I was washing my hands if she'd ever seen that before. She gave me a quick grin of amazement and said, "No." I told her that was her initiation to farm life!
So an exciting weekend on the Collins Ridge. Two little black dots made their arrival. I suspect there will be more by the time I get home this evening. Hopefully I can get my camera out there and bring you pics!
Until next time . . .