With temperatures near 70 today and we're past the Spring Equinox; I think it's safe to say that Spring has sprung!!! Oh, there may be a few more cold days and nights here and there, but Spring is here. YAY!
The daffodils, aka jonquils, aka easter lilies are in full bloom. One can see hints of yellow bursts all along the way. The birds have also been singing loving, "Good morning Lindsay," tunes. What a wonderful way to be greeted. My yard has been full, I mean full, of big ole fat Robins and little blue birds. I think I counted 50 robins the other morning. I haven't seen any Martins yet; hopefully they'll make their arrival soon.
The little black dots have slowed down a little on the arrivals. We haven't had any new babies for the last few days. Hopefully those mommas will get in gear and start popping again. The little dots we do have are starting to feel their oats; all the while bucking, running, and jumping across the fields. They are just so cute!
Of course one is busy year round on the farm, but this time of year gets exceptionally busy. Dad is starting the fertilizing of the hay fields and pastures. It'll be time to cut that hay in no time...hopefully God will bless us with good rains to have a good hay crop. We've already talked about farming being busy right now with all those babies arriving, and it's time to put in all those cross fences..uggg gaucho wire is not very forgiving at all!!! Not really what I want to spend my weekends doing, but I feel obligated to help mom and dad; plus that fencing will be so nice once it's finished.
On a totally different note....it's now officially election year again. My dad, Gary Lee Collins, filed as a candiate for the Ozark County Presiding Commissioner. The past 20 years dad has been in county government; 4 of that serving as Presiding Commissioner. Not that I'm biased, but dad is very good at what he does for the county. He has a financial mind set and a sturn head on his shoulders to work and do what is necessary to run a productive, in the black, county. I won't say all those years were easy, but he has the know how to make it work. He works for the people, not a political agenda. So, don't forget to vote in Ozark County, Missouri on August 3rd, 2010.
Well, guess that's enough for now.
Until next time . . .
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