Wednesday, October 27, 2010


You know how you have to kid-proof your house and/or anything around it when you have toddlers?  Well....the same goes for puppies; a 7 month old yellow Lab who goes by Jasper to be exact!  Except my parents and sister haven't figured that out yet!!!

I've done pretty well at Jasper proofing my yard at the house.  My mom and dad's house and sister's house on the other hand, well, let's just say it's a work in progress and he has lots of stuff to get into.  However, just when I think I have everything hidden or picked up outside my dad forgets and leaves something in my yard.  In this situation, a pile of old insulation from the well house.  You know where this is going don't you?  You see, the well house is in my yard and he put new insulation in it to winterize it.  Well, he left the pile of the old stuff in my yard.  It's been in my yard for two days now and Jasper hasn't bothered it; not even a sniff.  But for some reason  in those wee hours of this morning he felt the urge to shred!  To my surprise I walked outside this morning to a winter wonderland, not one of snow but of insulation!  Jasper looked at me with those big brown eyes like, "SURPRISE! Didn't I do good?  Isn't my master piece lovely!"  Those sleepy eyes quickly turned droopy as I didn't give him a quick 'atta boy!' response.  He knew a scolding was on it's way, but I just had to turn around for a brief moment to compose myself.  Even though it's a mess it was a tad bit humorous.  Then, at 6:50 AM I made a phone call to my lovely father and simply said, "You get to clean this mess up mister!"  lol

The following picture will forever be added into evidence and proof that if you don't J-Proof you WILL have a mess!  The picture doesn't do the master piece justice.  There are tiny bits all over and in other areas of the yard too.  This is just the most concentrated my front door!  Hmm, wonder what people will think as they drive by today? 

Snow in October? Nope...the outcome if you don't J-Proof EVERYTHING!
Until next time . . .

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