Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Always so behind . . .

So, I knew blogging everyday would be tough.  Life has been busy so I'm lagging behind. 

March is proving to be an excellent month.  Started the month off right by attending Winter Jam 2012 in Nashville, TN with two of my dearest friends.  It was a great reunion and time of fun and laughter.  I also celebrated my birthday this month; the big 33!  Wew, where does the time go.  Just yesterday I was 25.  But, life is good.  Life is great.  And, Since Valentine's Day I have lost 20 pounds!!  WEW!!

The last post was on Day 6 of Focus 40 . . .  we're now up to Day 29!  I'll be honest I haven't been as committed to my praying as intended.  It's a work in progress.  Not only is it hard to blog everyday, it's equally tough or tougher to pray focused prayers daily. 

To bring you up to speed . . 
Day 7: Pray for the people in your life who need a relationship with him.
Day 8: Pray that you will let go of what is holding you back from really experiencing God's love.
Day 9: Pray that God will give you strength to invite a friend to church and then do it!
Day 10: Pray for healing to happen in the life of someone who needs it.
Day 11: (Nashville, TN trip) Pray that you will have the ability tot keep being salt in your communities.
Day 12: (Nashville, TN trip) During your fasting, pray for someone else's needs to be met by God's provision.
Day 13: (Nashville, TN trip) Pray that God will direct you to be there for someone else today.
Day 14: Pray for and encourage someone who needs to see the work of God in his or her life.
Day 15: Pray fro strength to speak to others about God in daily conversations  Then talk about him!
Day 16: Pray that you too will be able to follow the nudging of God in your life.
Day 17: Pray that you will recognize the little interruptions as a blessing from God.
Day 18: Pray that God will help you keep your joy no matter the circumstances you are in.
Day 19: (Happy Birthday to me!) Pray that God will give you a chance to tell your story to the right person who needs to hear it.  Do not miss the opportunity.
Day 20: Pray that God will help you show love continually to the "Grandma Angie's" in your life.
Day 21: Pray that others will see Jesus through you because you are loving people where they are.
Day 22: Pray for someone who God is placing in your heart who needs to be drawn closer to him.
Day 23: Pray that you will have absolute faith even in times that seem unsteady.
Day 24: Pray you will be able to share Christ with someone because he first gave it to us.
Day 25: Pray you will be able to show loving grace to people you encounter today.
Day 26: Pray for encouragement to continue to pray for others to come to Christ.  Say a prayer for them too.
Day 27: Thank God for the work he has done in  your life and others. Know that he continues to work all the time! (MY HOUSE CLOSED TODAY)
Day 28: Pray that you will be able to continue to lose your life for Christ and be witness to others.
Day 29: As you pray, remember that you are praying in the power of the blood of Jesus that overcomes all things. 

So, in all these things pray.  Pray for me as I do my part to work on being committed to this prayer time. 

Until next time . . .

Monday, March 5, 2012

Focus 40 - Day 6

Hello Monday and Day 6 of Focus 40.  I have decided not to post on days that fall on the weekend.  1.  I'm not glued to my phone over the weekend and 2.  Well, I'm distracted over the weekend; aka not as good on the ole diet as I should be :)

So needless to say I will not be reporting my weekend meals.  I wasn't entirely bad, but I wasn't good either.  It's a work in progress. 

I will share Day 4 and Day 5 prayer focus with you . . .
Day 4 Prayer Focus: 
Pray that you will trust God to provide to you what you need and in God's timing.

Weird, I hadn't thought of it until just now . . . . I got an exceptional phone call on Saturday; when the prayer focus was to trust God will provide what I need in His timing.  I received word Saturday afternoon that some people who have been looking at my house were approved at the bank and want to buy my house.  So the ball is rolling on that process and we should close in less than two weeks!!!  WOO!

Day 5 Prayer Focus:
Pray for reconciliation to take place in a broken relationship.  

Hadn't really thought about this one either until just now . . . . This prayer focus will remain a silent prayer request as it's a work in progress.

So here we are Day 6.  My mind feels like it's going a hundred different directions at a million miles an hour.  I'm all over the place.  I'm happy.  Trying to prepare for a mini-vaca this weekend.  Trying to prepare for a brief family/friend vaca in May.  Trying to work.  Trying not to think about all the goodness going on around me.  Trying not to get my hopes up about some things.  But, again I say, "I'm happy."  I so love and enjoy this live God has provided, even though it's pretty challenging sometimes.  At the end of the day I still know, trust and believe God is in charge and working. 

Day 6 Prayer Focus:
Pray that God will help you break down the obstacles that prevent you from him. 

Right now, I would say this obstacle is TIME!  I know I do not give God the time He deserves and needs from me.  This is one of my biggest and toughest challenges. 

Until next time . . . 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Focus 40 - Day 3

Happy Friday and Day 3 of Focus 40!

Day 3 Prayer:
Pray that you will step into faith so that you can really be with God. 

So many times our faith is tested, either by life's trials, things not going our way, etc.  We wonder where God is when our faith is tested.  Well, He's right there beside us; always and forever . . . but the teacher is often silent during tests! 

Over the past year I have felt my faith being tested, I've been stretched, pulled, tugged in so many directions; like many folks these days.  I've cried out to Jesus to hear my prayers.  I've yelled and questioned things going on in my life and asked God why He's not answering in my frustrations.  I've felt God move in my life which has caused me to reflect on those moments of frustration when I thought God wasn't moving fast enough for my liking.  Oh yes, my patience has been challenged this year; it has grown!  And now that I'm finally beginning to see that light all those moments of doubt, question, frustration, the joyous times when I felt His presence, etc. are all flooding my mind.  I am at such peace in all those things.  It's indescribable!

So on this Day 3 of Prayer and Fasting . . . I pray God direct all my paths.  I pray that He flushes me out of me and fills me with Him!  Because you know, when we are full of ourselves God has no room to work!  In everything I do I want to be with God and for God.

Until next time . . .

Focus 40 - Day 2

Today (March 1, 2012) is Day 2 of Focus 40. 

Day 2 Prayer: 
Pray for someone you know who is in need of God's work in his or her life.  

The same person always comes to mind when I pray that God will place a lost person on my heart.  There are so many lost around me (not that I'm judging or think I'm better than anyone else), but the same person comes to mind first every time! 

After speaking with members of my church and pastor I am revamping my fasting focus.  Since I have never fasted before and I am notorious for not finishing something I start I have been advised to not set myself up for failure.  That being said; I am still pursuing the Focus 40 Prayer & Fasting.  I am incorporating parts of the Daniel Fast; i.e eating fresh fruits and veggies.  But this time I'm not strictly doing the Daniel Fast; i.e. no dairy or meats.  My goal for the Focus 40 is to cut out junk foods; i.e. pop, chips, sweets.  And, at the same time I'm going to be conscientious of the carbs and portions of what I'm feasting on.  This is a good match and start for me. 

P.S.  I so fudged today!  Girl Scout cookies arrived and I did feast on some Thin Mints :) 

Continue to pray for me as I seek God's direction and His will.

Until next time . . .