Monday, March 5, 2012

Focus 40 - Day 6

Hello Monday and Day 6 of Focus 40.  I have decided not to post on days that fall on the weekend.  1.  I'm not glued to my phone over the weekend and 2.  Well, I'm distracted over the weekend; aka not as good on the ole diet as I should be :)

So needless to say I will not be reporting my weekend meals.  I wasn't entirely bad, but I wasn't good either.  It's a work in progress. 

I will share Day 4 and Day 5 prayer focus with you . . .
Day 4 Prayer Focus: 
Pray that you will trust God to provide to you what you need and in God's timing.

Weird, I hadn't thought of it until just now . . . . I got an exceptional phone call on Saturday; when the prayer focus was to trust God will provide what I need in His timing.  I received word Saturday afternoon that some people who have been looking at my house were approved at the bank and want to buy my house.  So the ball is rolling on that process and we should close in less than two weeks!!!  WOO!

Day 5 Prayer Focus:
Pray for reconciliation to take place in a broken relationship.  

Hadn't really thought about this one either until just now . . . . This prayer focus will remain a silent prayer request as it's a work in progress.

So here we are Day 6.  My mind feels like it's going a hundred different directions at a million miles an hour.  I'm all over the place.  I'm happy.  Trying to prepare for a mini-vaca this weekend.  Trying to prepare for a brief family/friend vaca in May.  Trying to work.  Trying not to think about all the goodness going on around me.  Trying not to get my hopes up about some things.  But, again I say, "I'm happy."  I so love and enjoy this live God has provided, even though it's pretty challenging sometimes.  At the end of the day I still know, trust and believe God is in charge and working. 

Day 6 Prayer Focus:
Pray that God will help you break down the obstacles that prevent you from him. 

Right now, I would say this obstacle is TIME!  I know I do not give God the time He deserves and needs from me.  This is one of my biggest and toughest challenges. 

Until next time . . . 

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