Friday, August 31, 2012

Weekly exercise recap . . . .

Well this week I didn't get much trail walking/jogging in...none actually.  I was on the highway driving.

But, I did make two trips to Silver Dollar City; it was the Southern Gospel Picnic.  Went to see/hear Jason Crabb and The Hoppers!  EXCELLENT!!  WOWOWOW!!

Anyway....Echo Hollow.  Have you ever been there?  Have you ever walked into and out of that place?  My goodness!  Well, a month ago when I was there I huffed and puffed and my legs were fire by the time I got to the top.  This week, oh ho this week.  I climbed up out of that holler and FELT GREAT!!!  Sure I huffed and puffed, but nothing like I used to.  And the legs, oh ho the legs...they felt great!  On top of that, I ran from the exit gates all the way to the car both nights....probably a quarter mile I'm guessing. 

So no normal trail walking/jogging but I feel like I've met another small victory in that climb out of Echo Hollow as well as jogging IN PUBLIC!!!  Yeehaw!!  Although the scale isn't really saying so yet, I guess what I'm doing is really working!

Until next time . . . Run for dear life!

Fogs in August 2012

Today is the last day of August, 2012.  According to my record keeping this month, and I confirmed with mom because she watches too, we have had 5 fogs this month.  Now for those of you just joining you're probably wondering what in the world I'm talking about.

Well, according to old wives it wives or wise??...anyway, you know what I mean.  According to tales and the Farmer's Almanac the number of fogs in the month of August predict the number of snows for the upcoming winter season. 

Fogs is August 2012 . . . . . .  FIVE!  We'll see :) 

Until next time . . . run for dear life!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

200 Day Challenge!

203 days from this very day, Lord willing, I will be doing my most favorite thing in this world....TRAVELING OVERSEAS!!!!  The Britannia 2013...aka Ireland, Scotland, Wales and London.  Yeehaw!!

This is something I feel so very fortunate to have the opportunity to do.  I remember as a little girl dreaming of seeing those ancient lands, monuments, lands filled with rich history, and that countryside.  My big dream was Paris and visiting the Eiffel Tower...that was my very first trip in 2006.  Since then I have had the bug to go as much as I could, when I could, and when finances allowed.

I think sometimes of my traveling journeys being like my weight loss journey.  I never thought I'd be able to travel overseas, even though I dreamed of it and prayed for it....took me awhile, but I DID!  My weight loss journey is no different...I dream of waking up healthy and skinny and pray for God's's taking me awhile to get where I need to be, but I WILL! 

Each time I've ever been in Europe I have the time of my life; oh the memories.  Yet at the same time I've let the weight bother me some.  First of all, 8-9 hours in an airplane across the big pond is not fun if you are too fleshy!  LOL  I think when I'm first reminded of the weight is when I'm getting on that first plane and have to ask for a seat belt extender.  Oh goodness that's hard sometimes.  Then I'm reminded when I can't fully put the tray on the seat back down all the way.  Yep, it's those little things that remind us of our trials.  This is negative talk and so not the purpose of this post!  Stay focused Lindsay.

So, on to the 200 Day Challenge....I've lost about 25 pounds thus far.  I'm challenging myself to keep up with the walking/jogging/eating right.  I would love to step on that plane at least 50 more pounds lighter, 75 total, on March 20, 2013 (the day after my 34th birthday).   Sure I'll take more.  But over the years I've found that if I set that number too high and fail those voices are not so nice to me.  I'm going to be meeting up with friends from Rossville, IN who I first met in 2009 on the Paris, London and the Alps tour.  I can not wait to step off that plane in Ireland 75 pounds (or more) lighter :) !!!!!  Plus, I'll need cute new clothes for the trip :) lol

Until next time . . . Run for dear life!!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Run for Dear Life!

Run for Dear Life...probably not the title you're used to seeing from me.  But, as of today I've decided to use my blog for good instead of gab; not that I posted bad stuff.  Maybe someone will get something out of my ramblings.  If anything, this will be my own account of my journey to a healthy life. Something I can look back on 6 months, 1 year or 2 years from now to see how far I've come in this journey. 

Sure, I've said it MANY times....I'm going to get healthy, I'm going to lose this weight, yada yada yada.  I start out okay for a while then FLOP.  Well, I'm tired of flopping and giving those who laugh and mock more to laugh at.  Yes, sadly, there are some who have actually said to my face "I'll believe it when I see it for you to lose weight."  But you know, those kinds of people are always going to be there.  As I think back on that I should have used that fuel as a fire starter not a reason to quit.  I'm tired of beating myself up and having more emotional bruises to heal.  I'm finished with feeling like I'm holding myself back in this life because of my weight.  No more!  You know, it's like our fight with Satan.  The Bible tells us Satan has to leave us when we tell him too in the Name of the Lord...he has to leave...yes, scripture says that!  So....weight be gone in the name of Lindsay WILL conquer you!  hehehe a moment of toughness!  

Many of you know I've been working hard this year at the weight loss battle.  The scale doesn't say so as much, but I feel I've made so many positive improvements.  Sure I could have worked much harder.  Losing weight is not all about the food; although I desperately need to learn how to fuel my body and not eat just to be eating.  In fact, for me, it is more about the mind.  Sure food has a lot to do with our success, but I think our mental readiness is so important, too.  Even more so important than the food aspect.  Our minds control so much of our being.  I mean, think about this.  We're sad or mad (an emotion in the mind and heart), we're bored, etc so what do we do?  WE EAT! At least I do. 

Since the first of the year I have tried to rethink my life, my habits (good and bad), my likes, my dislikes, what fuels me and what drains me.  I've started following fellow Ozark Countians on their pursuit to a healthy life by running.  I'm a LONG way from being able to keep up with them on the trail, but Norene P, David M, Molly L, Carl B and so many more have been inspirations to me.  I've listed them in my blog and I don't think they have an idea how they've inspired and helped me already.  It all started last year when many of them ran in a marathon in Nashville, TN.  I have no idea what it was and to this day can't tell you. But something clicked in me.  The desire deep inside me that is running on all cylinders....but it's a desire that's running on the inside trying to find it's way out; out and onto the open road! 

I read their posts about training.  I remember thinking, "My goodness that's a lot of running."  I also remember thinking, "I'll never be able to run (our minds are brutal!)."  Even though I've always felt like my soul was a runner....I've never exactly had the runner build!  Then I saw their pictures from the race. You could see so much emotion on their faces; emotions of completing a huge endeavor, emotions of exhaustion yet feeling so accomplished, smiles, laughter, and being so happy to finish such a milestone.

"I'm so happy for them.  That is awesome.  I can do that.  I want to do that.  I NEED to do that."  These are all things I remember hearing myself say.  They were all statements associated with that "click" in my head.  That moment of have a great life and you're very blessed and fortunate, you're happy with everyone and their accomplishments except yourself, you know what you have to do! Let me back up a second...I tend to be a very happy person and very much enjoy life.  But you may understand where I'm coming from.  Even though my life is filled with joy I still feel like I'm letting my weight hold me back from my full potential; that potential that God has given me that I allow the weight to rule.  That's the part of me where I'm so hard on myself and hot happy with.  But by gollies I'm going to do something about it! HA :)

I'd like to say all that changed my life in an instant, but it didn't.  It's not easy.  If it were, I wouldn't have let my weight get so out of hand.  Not an excuse, but being overweight is the absolute hardest thing I've ever had to deal with.  It's worse than college, worse than relationships (and I stink at those), worse than living life single, worse than losing loved ones.  But you know, weight is the reason I stink at some of those other things in life.  No matter how much I'm liked...if I can't fully like myself it's just a ripple effect on everything else.  There is a verse of scripture for that:  Love your neighbor as yourself. -Mark 12:31.  I do love my neighbors, but you see, if I can't fully love myself how in the world can I do as God commands and fully love my neighbors?!  It's all a ripple effect I tell ya.   

I'm losing focus.....So, after the first of the year I started to watch my food, get some walking in.  I lost about 24 pounds in a little over a month doing that.  But then the mind starts in.  My mind kept telling me how it doesn't matter that I've lost 24 pounds because people don't know it and can't tell.  I still felt people looking at me like a fatty.  Granted I still was and am, but I felt so good having lost that.  I mean come on, that's eight packages of sugar!  But, the mind got the best of me.  I recall making a blast on facebook about being sick and tired of working so hard at losing weight and still being looked at as a fatty.  Boy, did that get a lot of comments! Ha.  Then, the comment from a great friend that set in motion another "click"...that little text that asked if I minded they help me with my journey.  Boy did that stir me up.  I first thought no way can I let this happen.  I don't like to talk about my weight to my parents let alone someone someone outside my realm of comfort, especially a guy.  And a hunky one at that ;) (Ha, he knows I think that cause I've told him so no worries!)  But then, as tears flowed down my face and as I prayed in the silence, I could feel this was right.  I could even feel a strong presence of God around me during that moment.  I knew I now had a true accountability partner who saw me as me not a fatty, someone to keep me in check, someone I did not and do not want to fail!!  Maybe one day I'll have the courage to tell him.  Until then, patience for God's timing.  

Yes, I've failed many times since March and I'll continue to not do as good as I should/could.  I have a long way to go and much to learn.  I can't think of things as failures, but areas to work harder to get better.....I'm a work in progress.  I've walked/jogged many miles since January 1, 2012...I wish I would have kept record of them before now.  I finally have a love of walking and working on the jogging.  I get out there on the open road and push so hard. I remember the first several weeks I could hardly move after I'd get in from a walk.  Now, I'm walking 2-6 miles nearly every day.  When I get home I'm exhausted, but it's a great exhausted and I can't wait to get out there again.  I finally feel that I'm going to be able to jog one day.  All I hear my mind say are the words of that dear friend, "You can do this Linz, you can!"  That inner runner in my soul is making it's way out to run for dear life; in order to have life!   

So, today...August 27, 2012 shall be my first blog of my journey.  I may not post everyday, in fact I doubt it, but I'll post all my miles.  I do have some logged in dailymile, but I really don't want to go back through them! LOL  Let's just say there are several footprints on the road that belong to me.  Join me in my journey to get healthy!  You can all be my accountability partners :)  As for any trial, I'm always excited to see the other side of it and see God's works that are revealed! 

Until next time . . . run for dear life!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

BLoG uNdeR CoNstRucTioN!!!

Wow!  Two posts in one day......just a note to say that my blog is going to be UNDER CONSTRUCTION! 

I get bored with the way it looks so I'm really going to work on a revamp!  Bare with me.

Until next time . . .

Where Have I Been????

Hello blogger friends! It's been a while. Every time I say I'll do better seems I get worse :( It's been a busy summer!!!

I think the last time I posted was right after VBS. Since then I can't remember what I've been up to! Ha! This, that and the other I guess.

All I know is that it's been a fast, hot summer. The kidlets are back in school, August has cooled off a little compared to our June and July, and we're beginning to receive a little rain after a summer of extreme drought. The Fall feeling is in the air.

I'm not going to say I promise I'll be better at blogging, but I'll say I'll work on getting being more consistent in my blogging.....who reads it anyway?! Ha!

Hope you all have a fantastic day. Happy blogging!

Until next time . . .