Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Long time no see!

Long time no see!  By the looks of my blog it looks as if I've fallen off the planet.  Nope, I'm here.  Been here.  Just been roving around here, there, and everywhere. 

I have renamed my blog.  Previously it was titled "Just Roving Around".  That term was inspired by my insane love of travel and the sheer fact that I'm always on the go.  I still have that insane love of travel.  That hasn't changed nor will it.  And I am still am constantly on the go.

The new title, "Dress Shoes in the Barn Lot", simply clicks with my life.  Many of you know I live on a farm; my family's farm to be exact...the farm my grandfather started and now run by my folks.  There is ALWAYS something going on with farm life.  Unlike the town day job, there is no time clock and the job never stops.  Cows always need to be checked; especially those bulging mommas-to-be.  No matter what your plans are, if something is wrong you stop what you're doing and fix it right then.  There is always work to do!  Sometimes it gets stressful and I don't always like my plans changed.  But it's my life.  This is where God wants me.  And I'm happy with that!

You just never know what I'll be sharing.  It may be excitement about a trip; my adventures in Ireland, Scotland and Wales 2013 flew by!  And Germany, Switzerland and Italy 2015 will be here before I know it!  It may be something to do with farm life; living.  It may be something about what God is doing in my life.  Or, it may be something completely off the wall like having to help pull a new baby calf out of a spring branch while still wearing my office clothes and wearing those dress shoes in the barn lot.

Until next time . . .

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Back!!!!! Miss you and I like the new name!!
