Anyone like winter weather? Snow?
This is one of those folklores my grandpa and mom have always told me about. He passed those folklores to my mom and now she has passed them to me.
For as long as I can remember my mom has written 'FOG' on the calender every August for each day there is fog. I remember as a child asking what that meant and this is what she said, "For every fog in August that predicts the number of snows for the winter." Of course as a child I was like, 'Right on!' because snow usually meant no school. As an adult and member of the work force it is a different story; although I think snow is beautiful!
As tradition goes I have now taken on the habit of penciling 'FOG' on my calendar. For inquiring minds who want to know, we are at 2 fogs so far for the month and it's only the 5th. (I don't think I missed one in there. I'll have to double check mom's calendar) Wonder what the remainder of the month has in store?
Remember....count those fogs in August! Oh, and here's a good read from the Farmer's Almanac about fogs in August. Clink on the link below.
Until next time . . .
Weather :: Like snow? Count the number of fogs. :: Farmers' Almanac
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interesting, very interesting.....