So Jasper has adjusting nicely to his home in the country. He is right at home, trust me. I was recently gone for almost two weeks. With a 5 month old puppy that made things interesting; I had to get a puppy-sitter plus Jasper was teething (BAD)!! Thank goodness for my (adopted) sister Cristina and her little girl Dora. They camped out on the Collins Front for the first week I was gone. They were good puppy-sitters even though Jasper was a bit of a handfull at times. SORRY Cristina!!! While I was away Jasper discovered one of his, now, most favorite escapes....the old well house. There is no longer a cover over the well house; it is now just a block of concrete. But in that concrete is the space where back in old days the people would keep their milk cold. Now that the top is off the well house the hole holds water. Jasper is a water rat so, yep you guessed it....he found the water hole! Picture above denotes this new puppy oasis! Jasper now has to jump in and cool off practically every time he passes! He's too funny.

Between trips I had about a day and a half to play with my puppy. Then I was gone again. Only this trip my sister and her girls were the puppy-sitters. I think Jasper prefers Cristina and Dora, but shhhhh don't tell anyone! hahaha this was quite the eventful week. Jasper, so I was told, was a complete spaz for Renee and the girls. Can you blame him? He was missing his momma; he is teething; and he is just like a toddler/preteen in a 5 month old puppy body!!! I guess my four-legged furry critter chewed, ripped, and ran into everything in site! lol
After I got home I had to investigate and see if there was anything I needed to replace. I was concerned about mom's new landscaping lights :( EEK! But, Jasper never touched them; knock on wood. As I was investigating Jasper had to show me his new found oasis.....MOM'S FLOWER WATERING POOL!!!!! Noted by picture above. Oh my gosh, when I found him in that pool I was like, "my mother is going to hurt me!" He would just get in the pool, walking over/through the plants, and sit in the middle to rest his rump in the water! What can I say, it was hot and the dog was just trying to cool off.
This pup is a mess, but oh so sweet-when he wants to be. What can I say, "I love my puppy!"
Until next time . . .
I think he misses us. He never got into that pool when we were there, although we did walk by it to check on the houses.