Wednesday, August 25, 2010

So I've Been Told.....

So I've been told, recently, that all I talk about is my puppy and traveling. Well, if that's all I know, besides family, church and work then what else am I supposed to talk about?! And, I really can't talk about my immediate family to my immediate family because I'm not telling them anything they don't already know anyway. Who wants to really carry on a conversation about work outside of work? That's called take work to work and leave it there.

Many people talk about the weather to start a conversation. I admit I'm guilty of the same when I don't know what to say. "So, how do you like this fall-like weather we're having?" To answer myself, "I'm loving it!"

What am I supposed to talk about if I'm not involved in 'it' or know anything about 'it'? You carry on a conversation about what you know. This is what I know: my church, my family, my puppy, an occasional trip somewhere. That's what I know so that's what I talk about.

To my friends who get an excessive low-down on any of the above; sorry that I have nothing more to talk about. It's not that I'm self-absorbed and can only talk about me, and it's not that I want to look better than anyone else (because believe me I'm not), but that's all I know. Many times I'm hesitant to discuss my latest travels unless I'm asked first. Simply because I realize I've been very fortunate and blessed to have done so or get to. I pray that I never come across snotty our proud because I'm neither and that is never my intention. I'm just a small town girl who never thought she would have a career she could be proud of or that she'd go anywhere outside a few close states. Some days something will pass my mind and I still can't believe I've seen several areas of the US and Europe. That's just something in my wildest dreams I never thought would happen.

I know it is all God so I must share what God is doing in my life. Without God I'd, first of all, not be here in the first place and would be lost in sin with no hope for eternity. Without God I'd be nothing, nowhere, zilch, nadda! I'm called by God to share and show how good He is. He does great things in my life and sometimes it's hard for me to comprehend why and why me. There are times I even think too hard and think that God might take it all away (He could you know). I always want to praise God for ALL He does in my life; good and bad. Believe me, I have storms of life too. If I don't praise God and show others His love then I'm not listening to God or answering my call. Not listening to Him can get you in big trouble!

So, anytime I'm talking about a trip; it's all God's doings and I LOVE to share about his beautiful creations I've been so fortunate to see across the globe. GOD IS HUGE!!! So, anytime I'm talking about much of nothing about my family; it's all God's doings because He has blessed me with such a wonderful and loving family. So, anytime I'm talking about my puppy Jasper; it's all God's doings because He's punishing me with having an awnry (spelling?) dog....just kidding...Japser has the potential to be a loving and sweet dog, but he's very much into that puppy phase. So, anytime I'm talking about my church; it's all God's doings because I'm very much involved with the church family and I DON'T WANT ANYONE TO LEAVE THIS WORLD LOST IN SIN AND UNSAVED!!!!!!!!! GOTTA SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS OF JESUS!!!!!!!

If I don't talk about what I know then I'll be talking about something I don't know. ???????

Until next time . . . how's the weather?

1 comment:

  1. You can talk about your cool friends in the cube, dip day, that marvy girl Sara, awsome Becky and she's having a boy, Ashley and don't forget....I once had an office, Gloria.
