Woke up this morning (thank the good Lord) and it was September 1st, 2010! Where has 2010 gone? We are in the last quarter of the year; can you believe it? I sure can't. Seems like yesterday the trees were just beginning to bud after their winter's sleep and the grass was starting to pop with green. Now, the leaves are turning shades of bronze and brown as they begin their winter's sleep. Remarkable how fast time goes. But, the way I see it, we've had almost another whole year of God's beauty and working for Him.

Fall is one of my favorite seasons. I love them all, but Fall is wonderful! The smell in the air and the color; OH, I just love it! Plus, we begin having those little black dots making their arrival on the Collins Ridge; aka new black baby calves in our Fall-birthing momma cows. One other wonderful thing about Fall...getting those flowerbeds ready for winter by mulching a clipping back their summer growth; or lack thereof with a dry summer (hopefully) behind us. This is just one way to spruce up the yard and give a final splash of fresh color before the flowers go to sleep till Spring.
I'm wishing you all a fabulous September and Fall! Enjoy God's beauty that is all around.
Until next time . . .
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