Happy Birthday Dora (Bug); you're 5 today!!!
A sneak peak into my life . . . From working in town to country life, chasing sunsets, living and working on the farm, and my insane love for travel.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Happy Birthday Dora Bug!
This is a special posting to wish a Happy Birthday to a very special little girl who is turning a big number today. So,
Thursday, February 26, 2009
20 Days and Counting....
...till I am on vacation!!! I so can't wait. Even though I will turn 30, I will be doing something I love....TRAVELING!!! As a way to celebrate a milestone birthday and not be depressed as I become 30, which I can hardly believe, I decided to take a trip; which has been a year and a half in the planning. Now, this trip started out just going to be me and my good friend Nicole, but it kind of evolved into a big group. Sadly, Nicole is unable to go this time. That just means there will have to be another trip of this nature somewhere down the road. We have said that were are going to go to Europe together. I was there for the first time in 06 and she in 05. I remember her telling me that after I see a piece of Europe I would love it and we would have to go back sometime. Well, sh e was so right; I absolutely love Europe. Part of the buzz is just being there, but my oh my the history that just unfolds the minute you step off the plane. It's like you are walking right into a history book and the book is becoming 3-D
Anyway, in 20 days, for one that's the eve of my milestone B-day, and two I'll be heading across the Atlantic for Europe. The first destination is London. I can't even fathom that I'll turn 30 in London!! Maybe I'll spend the evening at a Shakespearean Theater, or a musical, or a walk in the mysterious Hyde Park, or maybe even the Jack the Ripper walking tour, who knows. Oh, gives me goose bumps just thinking about it. After a couple days in London we will head to Paris; then Lucerne, Switzerland (where we get to go to the top of the Alps); then to Innsbrook, Austria, and finally Munich, Germany. We will be away for a total of 10 days so this is going to be a busy moving tour.
I SIMPLY CAN'T WAIT!!!! That's all I can say. I'm filled with so many emotions of the adventure, and I can't describe it. I could still talk your ear off about Paris as if it were yesterday that I was there. The feelings and the emotions of it just stay with you. My mom gets a kick out of me about how much I remember and how passionate I am about traveling. She doesn't quite understand why I am so passionate about it. Well, she is going with me this time. I told her the minute she realizes she is in Europe (it takes you a few days for it to sink in where you are) she will understand exactly what I mean and how I feel each time I talk or think about Europe. It is simply amazing. Oh the history.
Well, that's all for today. I've got to get out of vacation mode and back to work. Have a wonderful day. And, Spring is near. The little birds are just singing all over the place!
(Picture 1: The Louvre (at least what will fit in 1 picture); Picture 2: Arc de Triomphe on the Champs-Elysees; Picture 3: Notre Dame Cathedral; Picture 4: Conciergerie -where Marie Antoinette was in prison before she was beheaded.)
Until next time . . .
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
To put it Simple...
I'm a blank slate...Do you ever just have a blank mind; no thoughts, no opinions, nothing there? Well, that's what mine is this week, seems like. Even though there is usually a lot going on and I'm always going somewhere or doing something, my mind seems blank. Kinda weird to me really. But, occasionally I'll get like this and feel there are no thoughts in my noggin. The only thought that consumes my mind is "what I am forgetting to do?" It's the weather, I'll blame it on the weather. It has been Winter for too long and it is time to be Spring. That's what it is; I'm restless and bored! But you may ask, "How are you bored if you're always doing something?" My opinion is that we get bored of the same routine. We need variety in our lives; healthy variety that is. It seems like I'm in this funk of doing the same ole thing and going to the same ole places. And, I'm not really complaining. I just think this frame of mind I am in at the moment is just too weird. I search for thoughts in my head and there is nothing, nodda, zilch! Oh, well, I guess it could be worse. The one thing that still holds true though is to continually thank God for blessing me with another day. Even though my mind is a blank slate I still have breath and another day to work for God.
Well, I guess since there isn't much going on this is all I'm going to say for today. If anyone has any ideas of how to get out of a restless, bored state please let me know. I am open to suggestions.
Until next time . . .
Well, I guess since there isn't much going on this is all I'm going to say for today. If anyone has any ideas of how to get out of a restless, bored state please let me know. I am open to suggestions.
Until next time . . .
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Just Breathe!
Sometimes I have to tell myself, "Lindsay, just breathe!" Today is one of those sometimes. One of the things I despise the most is for someone not to believe me and report that I don't know what I'm talking about. It is at that moment that my blood boils uncontrollably. I begin to shake, I want to cry, and at the same time I want to just yell at whoever doesn't believe me.
What a shame it is that this world, this America, has come to a point where no one believes anyone and everyone think you are lying and just out to get them. Well, where I come from, and how I was raised, you still tell the truth of it the first time. Unfortunately, there are people of this world who will never believe the truth.
It just so happens that I am on the backside of this case right now. I pleaded my case, and it was all honesty and truth, yet I have been made out to be the one not telling the straight of it. I've got to tell myself to just breathe and all will work out. But, just let me say as soon as all of this is over I will NEVER do business at a certain establishment again, EVER! Unless, things work out for the best. Then I will always wonder if they just settled things to get me to shut up. That is another thing I despise in this world....women are always made out to be the dumb ones that don't know anything. I can guarantee you if my dad would have been with me during the negotiations then I wouldn't even be posting this blog.
Well, I feel a little better now that I have gotten part of this off my chest. Remember, JUST BREATHE.
Until next time...
What a shame it is that this world, this America, has come to a point where no one believes anyone and everyone think you are lying and just out to get them. Well, where I come from, and how I was raised, you still tell the truth of it the first time. Unfortunately, there are people of this world who will never believe the truth.
It just so happens that I am on the backside of this case right now. I pleaded my case, and it was all honesty and truth, yet I have been made out to be the one not telling the straight of it. I've got to tell myself to just breathe and all will work out. But, just let me say as soon as all of this is over I will NEVER do business at a certain establishment again, EVER! Unless, things work out for the best. Then I will always wonder if they just settled things to get me to shut up. That is another thing I despise in this world....women are always made out to be the dumb ones that don't know anything. I can guarantee you if my dad would have been with me during the negotiations then I wouldn't even be posting this blog.
Well, I feel a little better now that I have gotten part of this off my chest. Remember, JUST BREATHE.
Until next time...

Monday, February 16, 2009
Call me a fuddy duddy!
For many Valentine's Day is a day of sweets and treats, wining and dining, and lovy dovy. Well, for me it is just another day. I can honestly say in all my years I have never had a sweet, special V-Day. Oh, mom and dad would occaisionally give us a special card and/or sweet treats and mom still likes to give us a valentine. My sister is usually good to get us all a sweet treat as well. But the day is nothing special. I remember the good stuff of V-Days past...I was in school. The best memories are those of making those special Valentine's Day Card boxes that you take to school. I remember the thrill of seeing all those special boxes and the talent that even elementary kidos had. I especially liked the boxes that you could just tell that the mom helpled make the box. NOT, JUST KIDDING because they are the ones that usually won the prize for best box. Anyway...this is one of those 'traditions' that I think has fallen by the way-side. I don't think they make boxes anymore for school, but I could be wrong. Kind of like homemade Chrismas ornaments, making a Valentine Box is one tradition that I want to have with my children; whenever I have them someday.
The one highlight of V-day is the annual Valentine's Dinner the youth have at the church. This is a time for the kids to give back to the church by serving them dinner and making them feel extra special. We create a 'date' atmosphere for the church. This is always fun because everyone dresses up and comes out for a nice meal. The kids always enjoy it too. I think this year was the most kids we had had to be involved; there were 14! God continues to bless us with children and youth in the church.
Well, anyway, as far as Valentine's Day having any real meaning, well for me there is none. Maybe one of these days my tune will change. Until that time it will be just another day, full of the commericialism of stores trying to make an extra buck.
So just call me a fuddy duddy!
Until next time...
The one highlight of V-day is the annual Valentine's Dinner the youth have at the church. This is a time for the kids to give back to the church by serving them dinner and making them feel extra special. We create a 'date' atmosphere for the church. This is always fun because everyone dresses up and comes out for a nice meal. The kids always enjoy it too. I think this year was the most kids we had had to be involved; there were 14! God continues to bless us with children and youth in the church.
Well, anyway, as far as Valentine's Day having any real meaning, well for me there is none. Maybe one of these days my tune will change. Until that time it will be just another day, full of the commericialism of stores trying to make an extra buck.
So just call me a fuddy duddy!
Until next time...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Thunder in February, Frost in May
Well, we received our first spring-like thunderstorm last night. It was a bit early in the season since it is only February. But, as the old timers say, "Thunder in February means a frost in May." This is one of those many wives' tales that have been passed down to me. Many of them seem to ring true. Mark your calendar, there will be an early frost in May since it Thundered on the 10th of February. If not, we will see that this is a mythical tale, but I'm betting on a frost. One of the other wives' tales is this: Fogs in August mark the number of Snows in winter. I can't remember how many fogs my mom counted in August '08, but I remember her saying that there was only 1 snow left after the ice storm. We'll see! Sometime I'll have to post a list of all the wives' tales that have been passed to me. These two are the ones I remember the most. Probably because they have a bit of a rhyme to them. I love the 'fogs in August'. A friend of mine said that would be a good band name and I will have to agree.
Anyway, we did receive a 'gully' washer last night. There was a lot of flooding and high water spots near the house and surrounding areas. I don't mean that it got close to my house as I live on a hill top. But, the hollars and spring branches by my house were rolling this morning. I love the sound that rushing, rolling water makes. I can hear it from my house when the wind is calm. It is such a soothing, sssssss sound of nature. Oh, I just love it! I guess we also had a lot of wind last night, too; although, thankfully we didn't have any damage. I couldn't tell you if they wind blew or not. I was at my mom and dad's in their basement. Usually when the weather map looks like it did last night one can find me at my parent's house. I am a bit of a scardy cat when it comes to storms. I freely admit it! Did I mention that I live on a hill? Well, I do. I live on a hill in the middle of open fields so there is not much wind block on my little house. That is the only downside of the place. Oh, if I weren't there by myself I would probably stay. What
am I saying? No way, I would still go to my mom and dad's basement if there were tornado watches and the map looking all red and junk! :)LOL :) I'd rather be safe than sorry! The whole scene is actually kind of funny. Mom and dad usually leave the light on for me because they just know I'll be there and one of the garage doors on their house is ALWAYS lifted about a foot or so for Tucker-the Lab. You think I'm a scardy cat when it comes to storms? The first crack of thunder and Tucker goes into tremors, litteraly. His just trembles all over when it thunders. We always know when the weather changes and there is a thunder boomer rolling in. Tucker is right at my dad's him and just shakes like crazy. It is actually kind of funny to witness. My whole family gets so tickeled at that dog. I knew right where he would be last night when I got to my mom and dad's; in the garage. He always comes to the edge of the door and sticks his nose out to see who is there, but that is as far as he goes. His nickname sure suits him well, Tucker Butt, because he 'tucks' his butt and runs when it storms. There is not a day goes by that I don't get a laugh out of Tucker, or Ben, the old Lab. He is my dad's dog. Tucker is my sister's dog, but he might as well be dad's too because he is ALWAYS with dad. They are such wonderul pets and definitely have personalities....I got off subject, as I normally do. My thoughts just go from one thing to another. You should be in my head sometimes, it is like a roller coast
er or ferris wheel (always moving; round and round or up and down).
Well, as always, I better get back to work. Just wanted to take a few minutes to reflect on the past day. I always thank God for blessing me with another day. He is so good to us. And while I'm at it I thank Him for the wonderful rain.
Until next time...
Anyway, we did receive a 'gully' washer last night. There was a lot of flooding and high water spots near the house and surrounding areas. I don't mean that it got close to my house as I live on a hill top. But, the hollars and spring branches by my house were rolling this morning. I love the sound that rushing, rolling water makes. I can hear it from my house when the wind is calm. It is such a soothing, sssssss sound of nature. Oh, I just love it! I guess we also had a lot of wind last night, too; although, thankfully we didn't have any damage. I couldn't tell you if they wind blew or not. I was at my mom and dad's in their basement. Usually when the weather map looks like it did last night one can find me at my parent's house. I am a bit of a scardy cat when it comes to storms. I freely admit it! Did I mention that I live on a hill? Well, I do. I live on a hill in the middle of open fields so there is not much wind block on my little house. That is the only downside of the place. Oh, if I weren't there by myself I would probably stay. What
Well, as always, I better get back to work. Just wanted to take a few minutes to reflect on the past day. I always thank God for blessing me with another day. He is so good to us. And while I'm at it I thank Him for the wonderful rain.
Until next time...
Monday, February 9, 2009
Back to the work week!
Well, it's Monday again. I'm always thankful and blessed by God to have another day, but Monday just comes around too fast. Especially after having the spring-like weather we had this weekend. I simply love spring and can't wait until it's here. The past snow/ice we had, mixed with these warm days, has the little green grass popping in some spots. I love seeing new grass pop up among everything that is still brown and gray. Pretty soon the trees will begin to wake up and we will see a beautiful green color palate over the hills. That is what I love about spring. It is a rebirth and an awaking from a long sleep. Anyway, I'm sure I'll talk more of this the closer we get to spring.
It was overall a good weekend. I had to put new tires on my car though....ugg! they are so expensive! Dad, Shanea & Dee made the trip with me to town. It was a good day. Those girls are too funny sometimes. While we were out strolling the town Renee stayed at her house and prepared us all a fantastic dinner; turkey and mashed potatoes and mom's homemade rolls! It was a nice evening for us all to get together. Cooking is the one trait that my sister got that I didn't. She is such a good cook and cooks just like I remember my grandma's cooking. Don't get me wrong..I CAN cook, just don't like to all the time; I have to be in the mood to cook a big meal. Renee on the other hand CAN cook and ENJOYs it.
Sunday was Youth Sunday at church. Everything, except the preaching, was supposed to be done by the kidos. This was our first in a long time to do this way, so the kids needed a bit of help. I was so proud of them though. One young man read the morning spripture reading and several of the kids helped lead the music. Some of them even brought their guitars for the first time and played during the "Praise & Worship" time. I was so proud of them for all their effort!
Yesterday was the first practice for the community cantata that mom and I are apart of. We have done this one before for Easter; "Who Do You Say I Am" . It is SO SO good. Every song is filled with a blessing!
I finally got my eliptical put together last night. Man, what a booger to get together. But, gotta have something to get back going on the weight loss. It is so frustrating to have lost 42 pounds and gained about 10 or so back just because of not being able to walk. So, now I have no excuse when it is raining or dark outside!
Well, I better get back to my Monday. Have a great week! See you all around sometime.
Until next time...
It was overall a good weekend. I had to put new tires on my car though....ugg! they are so expensive! Dad, Shanea & Dee made the trip with me to town. It was a good day. Those girls are too funny sometimes. While we were out strolling the town Renee stayed at her house and prepared us all a fantastic dinner; turkey and mashed potatoes and mom's homemade rolls! It was a nice evening for us all to get together. Cooking is the one trait that my sister got that I didn't. She is such a good cook and cooks just like I remember my grandma's cooking. Don't get me wrong..I CAN cook, just don't like to all the time; I have to be in the mood to cook a big meal. Renee on the other hand CAN cook and ENJOYs it.
Sunday was Youth Sunday at church. Everything, except the preaching, was supposed to be done by the kidos. This was our first in a long time to do this way, so the kids needed a bit of help. I was so proud of them though. One young man read the morning spripture reading and several of the kids helped lead the music. Some of them even brought their guitars for the first time and played during the "Praise & Worship" time. I was so proud of them for all their effort!
Yesterday was the first practice for the community cantata that mom and I are apart of. We have done this one before for Easter; "Who Do You Say I Am" . It is SO SO good. Every song is filled with a blessing!
I finally got my eliptical put together last night. Man, what a booger to get together. But, gotta have something to get back going on the weight loss. It is so frustrating to have lost 42 pounds and gained about 10 or so back just because of not being able to walk. So, now I have no excuse when it is raining or dark outside!
Well, I better get back to my Monday. Have a great week! See you all around sometime.
Until next time...
Friday, February 6, 2009
10 Things you might not know...
I thought I would add a post with '10 Things You Might Not Know' about me. So, here we go...
10. A little afraid of the dark (it's not the dark necessarily, it's what could be in it).
9. Kinda proposed to once, but there was no ring.
8. VERY thankful that #9 didn't come to be with that person.
7. Always wanted to be an astronaut when I was growing up. So, I love to star gaze, view constellations, watch meteor showers, and wish upon shooting stars.
6. Believe in fate and love at first sight.
5. With #6, I know that the perfect person is out there; well not perfect, but perfect for me!
4. I believe there is something beautiful in everyone (no matter what they look like or size) because God doesn't make mistakes.
3. A bit of a romantic...although I bet you couldn't tell by #'s 3, 4 & 5.
2. LOVE to travel and I keep a travel log for every trip I take.
1. Can't wait to be a wife and mother.
These are all little pieces of me that you may or may not know and make me uniquely Lindsay.
Finally Friday!
First off, this has been the longest week seems like. I said this morning that it feels like it has been months ago since our power was out due to the ice storm; it has only been a week. It is strange to me how some days/weeks feel like forever and some go by in a flash. Anyway..
I have to say, "I live for Friday's!" I am grateful for everyday that God blesses me with, but I have to say Friday is my favorite day of the week. Not realizing for a long time that I did it, I used to come into the office where I used to work and say (obnoxiously) 'It's Friday!' My good friends Racheal and Nicole pointed this out to me. Now it is funny and I can always hear myself say 'It's Friday' like I did back in the old office. Just the thought makes me miss my dear friends that I used to work with. We try to stay in as much contact as possible. As a tradition I now send Racheal an email on Fridays simply saying...It's Friday...and she knows exactly what I mean. :) Although lately I've been bad and haven't sent her the message. I'll do that as soon as I'm finished here.
You may ask, "why Friday?" Well, here is a simple answer. It marks the end of a long work week. Plus it means there are two days to not have to answer to a work schedule or normal demands. Friday marks the beginning of two days, regardless if there is much to do, but two days out of the normal routine of life. This is why Friday is better than Saturday for me. Saturday means that there is only one more day of relaxation before I hit the work trail again. I always get a boost of energy on Thursdays because it means that the next day is Friday, my favorite day.
So, I'm going to get this day going and get my work done. Have a wonderful Friday and weekend.
Oh, by the way...IT'S FRIDAY!!!
Until next time...
I have to say, "I live for Friday's!" I am grateful for everyday that God blesses me with, but I have to say Friday is my favorite day of the week. Not realizing for a long time that I did it, I used to come into the office where I used to work and say (obnoxiously) 'It's Friday!' My good friends Racheal and Nicole pointed this out to me. Now it is funny and I can always hear myself say 'It's Friday' like I did back in the old office. Just the thought makes me miss my dear friends that I used to work with. We try to stay in as much contact as possible. As a tradition I now send Racheal an email on Fridays simply saying...It's Friday...and she knows exactly what I mean. :) Although lately I've been bad and haven't sent her the message. I'll do that as soon as I'm finished here.
You may ask, "why Friday?" Well, here is a simple answer. It marks the end of a long work week. Plus it means there are two days to not have to answer to a work schedule or normal demands. Friday marks the beginning of two days, regardless if there is much to do, but two days out of the normal routine of life. This is why Friday is better than Saturday for me. Saturday means that there is only one more day of relaxation before I hit the work trail again. I always get a boost of energy on Thursdays because it means that the next day is Friday, my favorite day.
So, I'm going to get this day going and get my work done. Have a wonderful Friday and weekend.
Oh, by the way...IT'S FRIDAY!!!
Until next time...
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Just too cool...
Well, technology fascinates me. After much clicking, searching, and copy/pasting I have finally figured out how to add a music gadget to my blog!! You'll be able to listen to some of my favorite, inspiring, songs as you read the ole blog.
Just thought I would share this news.
Until next time...
Just thought I would share this news.
Until next time...
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Back to civilization
Good Tuesday morning. Thought I would take a minute to write a few things. For starters, WE GOT OUR POWER BACK Friday morning. Hallelujah!!! Many people I work with are going to be out, according to the electric companies, until March. I can not even imagine. What a stressful time for all still being affected by this winter storm. Mother Nature sure is a powerful force. Mountain Home looks like a war zone or as if a tornado came through and wiped out every tree top in sight. It is amazing. We were out from Tuesday 1/27/09 2pm to Friday 1/30/09 around 10am. Quite long enough for my liking. Not that I am princess or anything, but man what a stressful situation. I didn't know what kind of mess I was going to come home to with frozen pipes and such. Dad and I thought I had a water pipe busted. Thankfully it was not.
It is so nice being back in civilization and being able to be at work. I never knew how much I missed work until I couldn't be here. Don't get me wrong a few snow days are nice every now and then. I can see why some go into the public school system. Although I would never become a teacher just for snow days. If I decide to get my Master's degree in Education snow days will not be a factor I can ensure you. The love of teaching others and opening the eyes of kidos is the number one factor! This is a little off subject, but now that I have mentioned it...I hope to further my education in the field of Eduction with an emphasis in History. Since I have started traveling I have found my passion - History... I always liked history class with Mrs. Stratton and always tried to picture how things might have been. The first time I went to Europe it was like I was walking in a history book and it all came to life. So, so amazing!!! History is so important and often it's not taken seriously. I would love teaching this subject in order to help bring it to life for students. Anyway, this is my little side note for the day. I often get off subject and write the ramblings in my mind; I assure you there are several avenues in my mind. Twisting and turning, going in all different directions. What is nice is when those roads intersect and come back together!!!
Ok, ok, back to civilization. I am definitely thrilled that the sun is shinning and all the snow/ice is melting away. I can't wait until green starts to peak out among all the gray and brown; as if to say, "rise and shine!"
Not much going on this week other than today being guitar lesson day. I better get back to work. It's time for me to begin our 08 audit. YEAH, FUN!!!
Until next time......
It is so nice being back in civilization and being able to be at work. I never knew how much I missed work until I couldn't be here. Don't get me wrong a few snow days are nice every now and then. I can see why some go into the public school system. Although I would never become a teacher just for snow days. If I decide to get my Master's degree in Education snow days will not be a factor I can ensure you. The love of teaching others and opening the eyes of kidos is the number one factor! This is a little off subject, but now that I have mentioned it...I hope to further my education in the field of Eduction with an emphasis in History. Since I have started traveling I have found my passion - History... I always liked history class with Mrs. Stratton and always tried to picture how things might have been. The first time I went to Europe it was like I was walking in a history book and it all came to life. So, so amazing!!! History is so important and often it's not taken seriously. I would love teaching this subject in order to help bring it to life for students. Anyway, this is my little side note for the day. I often get off subject and write the ramblings in my mind; I assure you there are several avenues in my mind. Twisting and turning, going in all different directions. What is nice is when those roads intersect and come back together!!!
Ok, ok, back to civilization. I am definitely thrilled that the sun is shinning and all the snow/ice is melting away. I can't wait until green starts to peak out among all the gray and brown; as if to say, "rise and shine!"
Not much going on this week other than today being guitar lesson day. I better get back to work. It's time for me to begin our 08 audit. YEAH, FUN!!!
Until next time......
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