Well, we received our first spring-like thunderstorm last night. It was a bit early in the season since it is only February. But, as the old timers say, "Thunder in February means a frost in May." This is one of those many wives' tales that have been passed down to me. Many of them seem to ring true. Mark your calendar, there will be an early frost in May since it Thundered on the 10th of February. If not, we will see that this is a mythical tale, but I'm betting on a frost. One of the other wives' tales is this: Fogs in August mark the number of Snows in winter. I can't remember how many fogs my mom counted in August '08, but I remember her saying that there was only 1 snow left after the ice storm. We'll see! Sometime I'll have to post a list of all the wives' tales that have been passed to me. These two are the ones I remember the most. Probably because they have a bit of a rhyme to them. I love the 'fogs in August'. A friend of mine said that would be a good band name and I will have to agree.
Anyway, we did receive a 'gully' washer last night. There was a lot of flooding and high water spots near the house and surrounding areas. I don't mean that it got close to my house as I live on a hill top. But, the hollars and spring branches by my house were rolling this morning. I love the sound that rushing, rolling water makes. I can hear it from my house when the wind is calm. It is such a soothing, sssssss sound of nature. Oh, I just love it! I guess we also had a lot of wind last night, too; although, thankfully we didn't have any damage. I couldn't tell you if they wind blew or not. I was at my mom and dad's in their basement. Usually when the weather map looks like it did last night one can find me at my parent's house. I am a bit of a scardy cat when it comes to storms. I freely admit it! Did I mention that I live on a hill? Well, I do. I live on a hill in the middle of open fields so there is not much wind block on my little house. That is the only downside of the place. Oh, if I weren't there by myself I would probably stay. What

am I saying? No way, I would still go to my mom and dad's basement if there were tornado watches and the map looking all red and junk! :)LOL :) I'd rather be safe than sorry! The whole scene is actually kind of funny. Mom and dad usually leave the light on for me because they just know I'll be there and one of the garage doors on their house is ALWAYS lifted about a foot or so for Tucker-the Lab. You think I'm a scardy cat when it comes to storms? The first crack of thunder and Tucker goes into tremors, litteraly. His just trembles all over when it thunders. We always know when the weather changes and there is a thunder boomer rolling in. Tucker is right at my dad's him and just shakes like crazy. It is actually kind of funny to witness. My whole family gets so tickeled at that dog. I knew right where he would be last night when I got to my mom and dad's; in the garage. He always comes to the edge of the door and sticks his nose out to see who is there, but that is as far as he goes. His nickname sure suits him well, Tucker Butt, because he 'tucks' his butt and runs when it storms. There is not a day goes by that I don't get a laugh out of Tucker, or Ben, the old Lab. He is my dad's dog. Tucker is my sister's dog, but he might as well be dad's too because he is ALWAYS with dad. They are such wonderul pets and definitely have personalities....I got off subject, as I normally do. My thoughts just go from one thing to another. You should be in my head sometimes, it is like a roller coast

er or ferris wheel (always moving; round and round or up and down).
Well, as always, I better get back to work. Just wanted to take a few minutes to reflect on the past day. I always thank God for blessing me with another day. He is so good to us. And while I'm at it I thank Him for the wonderful rain.
Until next time...
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