...till I am on vacation!!! I so can't wait. Even though I will turn 30, I will be doing something I love....TRAVELING!!! As a way to celebrate a milestone birthday and not be depressed as I become 30, which I can hardly believe, I decided to take a trip; which has been a year and a half in the planning. Now, this trip started out just going to be me and my good friend Nicole, but it kind of evolved into a big group. Sadly, Nicole is unable to go this time. That just means there will have to be another trip of this nature somewhere down the road. We have said that were are going to go to Europe together. I was there for the first time in 06 and she in 05. I remember her telling me that after I see a piece of Europe I would love it and we would have to go back sometime. Well, sh e was so right; I absolutely love Europe. Part of the buzz is just being there, but my oh my the history that just unfolds the minute you step off the plane. It's like you are walking right into a history book and the book is becoming 3-D
Anyway, in 20 days, for one that's the eve of my milestone B-day, and two I'll be heading across the Atlantic for Europe. The first destination is London. I can't even fathom that I'll turn 30 in London!! Maybe I'll spend the evening at a Shakespearean Theater, or a musical, or a walk in the mysterious Hyde Park, or maybe even the Jack the Ripper walking tour, who knows. Oh, gives me goose bumps just thinking about it. After a couple days in London we will head to Paris; then Lucerne, Switzerland (where we get to go to the top of the Alps); then to Innsbrook, Austria, and finally Munich, Germany. We will be away for a total of 10 days so this is going to be a busy moving tour.
I SIMPLY CAN'T WAIT!!!! That's all I can say. I'm filled with so many emotions of the adventure, and I can't describe it. I could still talk your ear off about Paris as if it were yesterday that I was there. The feelings and the emotions of it just stay with you. My mom gets a kick out of me about how much I remember and how passionate I am about traveling. She doesn't quite understand why I am so passionate about it. Well, she is going with me this time. I told her the minute she realizes she is in Europe (it takes you a few days for it to sink in where you are) she will understand exactly what I mean and how I feel each time I talk or think about Europe. It is simply amazing. Oh the history.
Well, that's all for today. I've got to get out of vacation mode and back to work. Have a wonderful day. And, Spring is near. The little birds are just singing all over the place!
(Picture 1: The Louvre (at least what will fit in 1 picture); Picture 2: Arc de Triomphe on the Champs-Elysees; Picture 3: Notre Dame Cathedral; Picture 4: Conciergerie -where Marie Antoinette was in prison before she was beheaded.)
Until next time . . .
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