I'm a blank slate...Do you ever just have a blank mind; no thoughts, no opinions, nothing there? Well, that's what mine is this week, seems like. Even though there is usually a lot going on and I'm always going somewhere or doing something, my mind seems blank. Kinda weird to me really. But, occasionally I'll get like this and feel there are no thoughts in my noggin. The only thought that consumes my mind is "what I am forgetting to do?" It's the weather, I'll blame it on the weather. It has been Winter for too long and it is time to be Spring. That's what it is; I'm restless and bored! But you may ask, "How are you bored if you're always doing something?" My opinion is that we get bored of the same routine. We need variety in our lives; healthy variety that is. It seems like I'm in this funk of doing the same ole thing and going to the same ole places. And, I'm not really complaining. I just think this frame of mind I am in at the moment is just too weird. I search for thoughts in my head and there is nothing, nodda, zilch! Oh, well, I guess it could be worse. The one thing that still holds true though is to continually thank God for blessing me with another day. Even though my mind is a blank slate I still have breath and another day to work for God.
Well, I guess since there isn't much going on this is all I'm going to say for today. If anyone has any ideas of how to get out of a restless, bored state please let me know. I am open to suggestions.
Until next time . . .
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