Since I've had trouble blogging via my phone, and I won't be near a computer after today until next year, I would like to say.....HAPPY NEW YEAR! May you and yours have a fabulous 2011!
Until next year . . .
P.S. Ha, and you thought this was going to be a long, drawn out post! Fooled you didn't I? :)
A sneak peak into my life . . . From working in town to country life, chasing sunsets, living and working on the farm, and my insane love for travel.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
My Chinese Feng Shui horoscope for 2011
So I took the Chinese Feng Shui horoscope for 2011. I like the results. Let's see if this rings true.
This is a Chinese Feng Shui horoscope.
If you are honest this tells the truth.
Write your answers on paper.
To find your Feng Shui horoscope scroll down.
1. Which is your favourite color: Red, Black, Blue, Green or Yellow?
2. Your first initial?
3. Your month of birth?
4. Which color do you like more, Black or White?
5. The name of a person that is the same sex as you?
6. Your favorite number?
7. Do you like California or Florida more?
8. Do you like a Lake or the Ocean more?
9. Write down a Wish (a realistic one)
When you are done, scroll down. Don't cheat!
1. If you choose:
Red: You are alert and your life is full of love.
Black: You are conservative and aggressive.
Green: Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back.
Blue: You are spontaneous and love affection.
Yellow: You are a very happy person & give good advice to those who are down.
2. If your initial is between:
A-K: You have a lot of love and friendships in your life.
L-R: You try to live your life to the max & your love life is soon to bloom.
S-Z: You like to help others and your future looks very bright.
3. If you were born in:
Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you
fall in love with someone totally unexpected.
Apr-Jun: You will have a strong love relationship that will last forever.
Jul-Sep: You will have a great year and will experience a major
life changing experience for the good.
Oct-Dec: Your life will be great; you will find your soul mate.
4. If you choose:
Black: Your life is about to get better. You are more than ready for the
White: You have a friend who completely confides in you and would do
anything for you, but you may not realize it.
5. This person should be your Best Friend.
6. This is how many close friends you will have in your life time.
7. If you choose:
California: You like adventure.
Florida: You are a laid back person.
8. If you choose:
Lake: You are loyal to your friends and your lover. You are very reserved.
Ocean: You are spontaneous and like to please people.
9. This wish will come true if you send this to 1 person in one hour. Send
this to ten people and it will come true before your next birthday.
Until next time . . .
- I am alert and my life is full of love.
- I try to live my life to the max and my love life is soon to bloom.
- The year will go very well for me and I will discover that I fall in love with someone totally unexpected.
- My life is about to get better. I am more than ready for the change.
- Sara is my best friend. **NOTE** I have to add that I have a few best friends (the best cube mates ever), but her name was the first girl name to pop in my head because I heard her talking on the phone.
- I like adventure.
- I am spontaneous and like to please people.
This is a Chinese Feng Shui horoscope.
If you are honest this tells the truth.
Write your answers on paper.
To find your Feng Shui horoscope scroll down.
1. Which is your favourite color: Red, Black, Blue, Green or Yellow?
2. Your first initial?
3. Your month of birth?
4. Which color do you like more, Black or White?
5. The name of a person that is the same sex as you?
6. Your favorite number?
7. Do you like California or Florida more?
8. Do you like a Lake or the Ocean more?
9. Write down a Wish (a realistic one)
When you are done, scroll down. Don't cheat!
1. If you choose:
Red: You are alert and your life is full of love.
Black: You are conservative and aggressive.
Green: Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back.
Blue: You are spontaneous and love affection.
Yellow: You are a very happy person & give good advice to those who are down.
2. If your initial is between:
A-K: You have a lot of love and friendships in your life.
L-R: You try to live your life to the max & your love life is soon to bloom.
S-Z: You like to help others and your future looks very bright.
3. If you were born in:
Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you
fall in love with someone totally unexpected.
Apr-Jun: You will have a strong love relationship that will last forever.
Jul-Sep: You will have a great year and will experience a major
life changing experience for the good.
Oct-Dec: Your life will be great; you will find your soul mate.
4. If you choose:
Black: Your life is about to get better. You are more than ready for the
White: You have a friend who completely confides in you and would do
anything for you, but you may not realize it.
5. This person should be your Best Friend.
6. This is how many close friends you will have in your life time.
7. If you choose:
California: You like adventure.
Florida: You are a laid back person.
8. If you choose:
Lake: You are loyal to your friends and your lover. You are very reserved.
Ocean: You are spontaneous and like to please people.
9. This wish will come true if you send this to 1 person in one hour. Send
this to ten people and it will come true before your next birthday.
Until next time . . .
From December 25th text attempt: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Like the previous post, I tried to update the ole blog via a text message. I was out for a few days for Christmas and didn't have computer access so text update was the next best thing; or so I thought.'s my December 25th Merry Christmas message:
Merry Christmas from the C Ridge, aka Collins Ridge of Dora, aka Lindsay Collins! Hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy the season with love and togetherness!
It's been a weird day here and around the C Ridge, not to mention the change in family tradition I've been dreading for quite some time; the kind of change that means the whole family no longer gets together on Christmas Day like we have for YEARS! But, it is what it is and makes me understand the importance of family so much more. Part of the family (aka those I get along with) were unable to be with us today and I missed them so.
My folks sister, nieces and I had our traditional Christmas morning of slinging presents. I'm blessed to have been under my parent's roof every Christmas morning of my life. That's one thing I hope my own family (Lord willing I ever get one) will be able to do one day. We (my sister and her girls) go to mom and dad's on Christmas Eve, camp out, have good snacks, and play games till way late in the night. Then we get up early Christmas morning to get our stockings and open presents. Fun fun fun and wonderful memories!
After a morning of opening presents we always get around and go to Grandma's for lunch. This is where we take a 'change' turn. First of all, we weren't all going to be together this year like we have in year's past....I missed my family not being there. Secondly, just before heading to town we got a call that Grandma was in the ER. To make a long story short, she was released in time for lunch and those of us who were there got to eat together then go home. I'm okay with change and normally welcome it, but a change like this is hard to deal with. But again, it is what it is...just make the best of it and be thankful, right?
So on our way home from town I was talking with God; internally speaking. I was feeling sad about the day and all that had happened in the past few weeks. Out of the blue, God reminded me of something I asked Him for last year. I remember asking God to please put a man in my life and please let me have a companion by Christmas 2010 so I wouldn't be alone for another holiday (I know...we shouldn't put time frames on God). Well, God didn't put a man in my life, but I sure didn't know that companion would be yellow, furry, four-legged, and barks!...aka Jasper! God has a sense of humor!
I told my mom about this and she just laughed. She responded something to effect of be more specific next time kid! I told her I'd pray that maybe I'd be engaged by next Christmas. She says, "Heck with that, pray for a short courtship and be married by then!" Oh my, my mother! I just laughed!
Well, I will tell you I prayed more specific this time! lol
Happy New Year and have a wonderful 2011.
Until next time . . .'s my December 25th Merry Christmas message:
Merry Christmas from the C Ridge, aka Collins Ridge of Dora, aka Lindsay Collins! Hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy the season with love and togetherness!
It's been a weird day here and around the C Ridge, not to mention the change in family tradition I've been dreading for quite some time; the kind of change that means the whole family no longer gets together on Christmas Day like we have for YEARS! But, it is what it is and makes me understand the importance of family so much more. Part of the family (aka those I get along with) were unable to be with us today and I missed them so.
My folks sister, nieces and I had our traditional Christmas morning of slinging presents. I'm blessed to have been under my parent's roof every Christmas morning of my life. That's one thing I hope my own family (Lord willing I ever get one) will be able to do one day. We (my sister and her girls) go to mom and dad's on Christmas Eve, camp out, have good snacks, and play games till way late in the night. Then we get up early Christmas morning to get our stockings and open presents. Fun fun fun and wonderful memories!
After a morning of opening presents we always get around and go to Grandma's for lunch. This is where we take a 'change' turn. First of all, we weren't all going to be together this year like we have in year's past....I missed my family not being there. Secondly, just before heading to town we got a call that Grandma was in the ER. To make a long story short, she was released in time for lunch and those of us who were there got to eat together then go home. I'm okay with change and normally welcome it, but a change like this is hard to deal with. But again, it is what it is...just make the best of it and be thankful, right?
So on our way home from town I was talking with God; internally speaking. I was feeling sad about the day and all that had happened in the past few weeks. Out of the blue, God reminded me of something I asked Him for last year. I remember asking God to please put a man in my life and please let me have a companion by Christmas 2010 so I wouldn't be alone for another holiday (I know...we shouldn't put time frames on God). Well, God didn't put a man in my life, but I sure didn't know that companion would be yellow, furry, four-legged, and barks!...aka Jasper! God has a sense of humor!
I told my mom about this and she just laughed. She responded something to effect of be more specific next time kid! I told her I'd pray that maybe I'd be engaged by next Christmas. She says, "Heck with that, pray for a short courtship and be married by then!" Oh my, my mother! I just laughed!
Well, I will tell you I prayed more specific this time! lol
Happy New Year and have a wonderful 2011.
Until next time . . .
From December 24th text attempt: Chronicles of Jasper
Ok, so I attempted to sent this via a text message on December 24th and everything was scattered!
So here goes again......Ok, so I talk a lot about my pup...but he can be so funny and cracks me up; not to mention he's my baby! Well, I must share this funny. It was funny the day it happened and still funny now as I recollect on the instance! Yesterday, which now would have been December 23rd, I was helping dad with the building of the cable fence; I'm the fire watcher. Dad had to use the cutting torch to cut part of the steel pipe. He cut a piece of metal and it hit the ground. We've discussed in great detail how Jasper thinks he has to pick up everything. You know where this is going don't you? Ok, so the HOT metal hits the ground. I kept my eye on it. This little exercise is just like teaching our children not to touch a hot stove; sometimes they have to touch it to learn. Well this is just what Jasper did. he went up to the hot metal; first just turning his heading looking at it. Next, he touched his paw to it repeatedly tapping it. Then, after he decided it was ok, he went to pick it up!!!! He dropped that metal like a hot potato and just shook his head and sneezed. So funny watch I must say!! After all this he just walked in circles around it forever. About 20-30 minutes after this happened he walked up on the metal again; which by this time was cooled off. He wanted nothing to do with it and continued to walk circles around it anytime he got close.
Just thought I'd share this funny. Like I said, it was funny then and it's still funny now!
Until next time . . .
So here goes again......Ok, so I talk a lot about my pup...but he can be so funny and cracks me up; not to mention he's my baby! Well, I must share this funny. It was funny the day it happened and still funny now as I recollect on the instance! Yesterday, which now would have been December 23rd, I was helping dad with the building of the cable fence; I'm the fire watcher. Dad had to use the cutting torch to cut part of the steel pipe. He cut a piece of metal and it hit the ground. We've discussed in great detail how Jasper thinks he has to pick up everything. You know where this is going don't you? Ok, so the HOT metal hits the ground. I kept my eye on it. This little exercise is just like teaching our children not to touch a hot stove; sometimes they have to touch it to learn. Well this is just what Jasper did. he went up to the hot metal; first just turning his heading looking at it. Next, he touched his paw to it repeatedly tapping it. Then, after he decided it was ok, he went to pick it up!!!! He dropped that metal like a hot potato and just shook his head and sneezed. So funny watch I must say!! After all this he just walked in circles around it forever. About 20-30 minutes after this happened he walked up on the metal again; which by this time was cooled off. He wanted nothing to do with it and continued to walk circles around it anytime he got close.
Just thought I'd share this funny. Like I said, it was funny then and it's still funny now!
Until next time . . .
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Welcome Baby Sanders!
Today's blog is dedicated to new with that being said:
Welcome to the world little baby boy; Wyatt Bradyn Paul Sanders!!! We are all so excited you're here!
You know when the phone rings late at night you perk up wondering what that could be. Well, last night about 10:38 PM my phone rings and to my surprise it was Becky. Even more to my surprise she informed me Ashley's water had broke and they were on the way to the hospital. That was great news!! I was so excited!
New life was created nine months ago and we've gotten to watch Ashley blossom as baby Wyatt was growing, but today, December 16, 2010, baby Wyatt came into the world. For months we, the girl row of cubeville, have talked to Ashley's belly, watched Wyatt move around, felt the belly, some have even poked on the belly. I won't name names of the belly poker, caugh caugh um Sara! LOL All this in anticipation of his arrival; which by the way was supposed to be December 27th! This little guy was ready to meet us all.
God knew you when you were conceived; he knit you in your mother's womb (Psalm 139:13). After months of talking to the belly, today we get to meet you and share in all God's love and joy of a new life!! Congratulations Patrick, Ashley and big sister Zoey!
Until next time . . .
Welcome to the world little baby boy; Wyatt Bradyn Paul Sanders!!! We are all so excited you're here!
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Wyatt Bradyn Paul Sanders December 16, 2010 7:00 AM 7 lbs 2 oz 18 3/4" |
New life was created nine months ago and we've gotten to watch Ashley blossom as baby Wyatt was growing, but today, December 16, 2010, baby Wyatt came into the world. For months we, the girl row of cubeville, have talked to Ashley's belly, watched Wyatt move around, felt the belly, some have even poked on the belly. I won't name names of the belly poker, caugh caugh um Sara! LOL All this in anticipation of his arrival; which by the way was supposed to be December 27th! This little guy was ready to meet us all.
God knew you when you were conceived; he knit you in your mother's womb (Psalm 139:13). After months of talking to the belly, today we get to meet you and share in all God's love and joy of a new life!! Congratulations Patrick, Ashley and big sister Zoey!
Until next time . . .
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Let the official countdown begin....and I don't mean Christmas!
Got one of my most anticipated calls today....the official confirmation for my upcoming trip in March 2011!!! Seems like yesterday I was in the infant stages of planning and it was about 450 days until departure day. Now, it is confirmed, my group's Italy & Spain (Mediterranean Journey) bound departure date is March 16, 2011. I'm so stinking excited I can hardly stand myself!!! Also what's official....I'll celebrate my 32nd birthday in Florence, Italy! EEEK!
I was shocked when I got the call because when you get calls like this you know things are finally happening with finalization in planning and everything is coming together. What was even more surprising was the outcome of the call. It's rare, and I mean very rare, that the group gets their first choice tour request or date of departure; and even more rare you get both of those requests without having to make alterations. Well, after the changes that had to be made in 2009 and ending up having to take our 3rd choice tour....we got 1st CHOICE TOUR and 1st CHOICE DEPARTURE day! Even more, oh yes the great news just kept coming, we're only being grouped with our friends from Rossville, IN who we met and traveled with in 2009. I am stoked, can't you tell?!!!
So, I just wanted to share the news with all you blogger buddies out there. And, my Flat Brian and Flat CAS travel buddies, you know who you are, get your travel attire ready! Bon voyage 92 days!
Until next time . . .
I was shocked when I got the call because when you get calls like this you know things are finally happening with finalization in planning and everything is coming together. What was even more surprising was the outcome of the call. It's rare, and I mean very rare, that the group gets their first choice tour request or date of departure; and even more rare you get both of those requests without having to make alterations. Well, after the changes that had to be made in 2009 and ending up having to take our 3rd choice tour....we got 1st CHOICE TOUR and 1st CHOICE DEPARTURE day! Even more, oh yes the great news just kept coming, we're only being grouped with our friends from Rossville, IN who we met and traveled with in 2009. I am stoked, can't you tell?!!!
So, I just wanted to share the news with all you blogger buddies out there. And, my Flat Brian and Flat CAS travel buddies, you know who you are, get your travel attire ready! Bon voyage 92 days!
Until next time . . .
Monday, December 13, 2010
12 Days 'til Christmas!!!
....and I haven't started my cards or ornaments! Nor is my tree decorated, it's up though and all my decorations are in boxes piled up in my living room! What a month it's been!
Last night we, we meaning the Ozark County Community Choir, finished up our last of six performances of "The Star Still Shines" cantata. I must say, out of all the choirs and cantatas I've been apart of this was by far the best and most spirited! What a difference it makes when the Spirit of God is filled in all the choir!! It was Godsome!!! It's bittersweet that we're finished though. We've practiced since September so we're all tired, but I will so miss the fellowship. But, February is not far and that's when we start working on our Easter piece!
Hopefully I'll have the ambition and enthusiasm to get the tree decorated this week. Mentally, I'm a little spent, but I can feel the warmth of the Christmas season brewing inside like a percolator making a great pot of coffee!
After some events of the weekend I'm more and more certain of the importance of family, sticking together, and standing up for what is right; no matter the cost. It's taken me a long time to realize that. I mean, I'm not confrontational at all and avoid it as best I can. BUT, my head and belief in God have finally gotten together! hahaha Meaning, I'm full of God's love, but He did give me a head on my shoulders and I'm not going to be run over any longer. I am not afraid to stand up for the truth no matter the cost. The details are of a private matter, but this will all stay in my mind for a long time; especially since it's been playing over an over in my head like a broken record! With all that being said, please pray for my grandma who is probably going into the nursing home :( Oh goodness, this is the first I've seen that statement written down :'( She's 90, in good health, but needs attention. Please pray for my family, that we're strong and supportive for Grandma. When you put someone in the nursing home it's hits you like a ton of bricks that they have less life left than what they've lived. I mean, none of us knows when it's our time to go, but I think you know what I mean. And, please pray for those members of the family who have made this entire process very difficult. Even though we are at odds and our family is in turmoil, I still have faith that God will prevail! As in the words of my grandma, "if it weren't for God I don't know where I'd be! He has always protected me and loved me! I know He cares for me!"
Have a great week every one!
Until next time . . .
Last night we, we meaning the Ozark County Community Choir, finished up our last of six performances of "The Star Still Shines" cantata. I must say, out of all the choirs and cantatas I've been apart of this was by far the best and most spirited! What a difference it makes when the Spirit of God is filled in all the choir!! It was Godsome!!! It's bittersweet that we're finished though. We've practiced since September so we're all tired, but I will so miss the fellowship. But, February is not far and that's when we start working on our Easter piece!
Hopefully I'll have the ambition and enthusiasm to get the tree decorated this week. Mentally, I'm a little spent, but I can feel the warmth of the Christmas season brewing inside like a percolator making a great pot of coffee!
After some events of the weekend I'm more and more certain of the importance of family, sticking together, and standing up for what is right; no matter the cost. It's taken me a long time to realize that. I mean, I'm not confrontational at all and avoid it as best I can. BUT, my head and belief in God have finally gotten together! hahaha Meaning, I'm full of God's love, but He did give me a head on my shoulders and I'm not going to be run over any longer. I am not afraid to stand up for the truth no matter the cost. The details are of a private matter, but this will all stay in my mind for a long time; especially since it's been playing over an over in my head like a broken record! With all that being said, please pray for my grandma who is probably going into the nursing home :( Oh goodness, this is the first I've seen that statement written down :'( She's 90, in good health, but needs attention. Please pray for my family, that we're strong and supportive for Grandma. When you put someone in the nursing home it's hits you like a ton of bricks that they have less life left than what they've lived. I mean, none of us knows when it's our time to go, but I think you know what I mean. And, please pray for those members of the family who have made this entire process very difficult. Even though we are at odds and our family is in turmoil, I still have faith that God will prevail! As in the words of my grandma, "if it weren't for God I don't know where I'd be! He has always protected me and loved me! I know He cares for me!"
Have a great week every one!
Until next time . . .
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Would one more week make any difference?
Good day folks! Only 17 days until Christmas!! Do you have your shopping done? Have you mailed your Christmas cards? Are all your decorations up? If you're crafty, do you have your crafts finished or putting the finishing touches on them?
In response to the above answer to every question is NO!! I don't have my shopping finished; almost though. I haven't even taken the cards out of my storage box let alone have them ready to mail. My tree is up, with the lights on it, but no decorations. My living room is full of all my Christmas totes with the decor in it...but no decorations up to speak of. With 17 days left what is the point really? Oh, let's not begin with the craft question. I usually make ornaments every year for my family. Since there are so many of them, family, I make them all an ornament rather than buying them all a gift; cheaper and more special in my opinion. I have the ornament ingredients, but have no clue if they're going to get finished. Plus, if you've been reading my blogs you know I've started quilting. Well, I thought it would be neat to make quilts for some gifts. One is finished and at the quilters to be quilted, one is 3/4 finished, and one is still sitting in a nice pile of folded fabric; aka not started!!
Oh mercy, so much to do and so little time left to do it all in. I ask myself every year, "Lindsay, why do you wait till the last minute to do anything?" I answer, "Self, I have no earthly idea!"
My next question: would one more week may any difference? Or, would I still put things off till the last minute?
I'm to the point now that whatever I get finished will have to do. I thought it would be nice this year to have more homemade, hand crafted, gifts...WHAT WAS I THINKING?!! Sure they are more special, more affordable, and customizable; but where is the time! No wonder we buy gifts anymore instead of make them! haha
I'll keep you posted on the status. Let's see if I can get it all finished.
Until next time . . .
In response to the above answer to every question is NO!! I don't have my shopping finished; almost though. I haven't even taken the cards out of my storage box let alone have them ready to mail. My tree is up, with the lights on it, but no decorations. My living room is full of all my Christmas totes with the decor in it...but no decorations up to speak of. With 17 days left what is the point really? Oh, let's not begin with the craft question. I usually make ornaments every year for my family. Since there are so many of them, family, I make them all an ornament rather than buying them all a gift; cheaper and more special in my opinion. I have the ornament ingredients, but have no clue if they're going to get finished. Plus, if you've been reading my blogs you know I've started quilting. Well, I thought it would be neat to make quilts for some gifts. One is finished and at the quilters to be quilted, one is 3/4 finished, and one is still sitting in a nice pile of folded fabric; aka not started!!
Oh mercy, so much to do and so little time left to do it all in. I ask myself every year, "Lindsay, why do you wait till the last minute to do anything?" I answer, "Self, I have no earthly idea!"
My next question: would one more week may any difference? Or, would I still put things off till the last minute?
I'm to the point now that whatever I get finished will have to do. I thought it would be nice this year to have more homemade, hand crafted, gifts...WHAT WAS I THINKING?!! Sure they are more special, more affordable, and customizable; but where is the time! No wonder we buy gifts anymore instead of make them! haha
I'll keep you posted on the status. Let's see if I can get it all finished.
Until next time . . .
Monday, December 6, 2010
Quilting - Plates, Stars, Pinwheels and Squares!
Hello world! I've still been plugging away at those quilt blocks! Blocks 8, 9 and 10 are now completed. Things are looking bleak to finishing by Christmas. I hope to at least have the blocks finished and wrapped up. I can put the blocks together after Christmas when things slow down a bit. But, I'm going to keep stitching away and hopefully get the top put together. Only two blocks left in this project!!
Here's a look at blocks 8, 9 and 10....
Block 8: Dresden Plate. This was a fun block to make!
Block 9: Star & Pinwheels. I really liked this one once it was put together.
Block 10: Squares and Stars. Doesn't really look any more challenging than #9 but let me tell you I was a bit flustered putting this one together. Needless to say I should have stopped at the beginning and picked it up another day when I wasn't nearly as tired! I wasn't at all pleased with my workmanship. The outcome was way better than I expected!
Until next time . . .
Here's a look at blocks 8, 9 and 10....
Block 8: Dresden Plate. This was a fun block to make!
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Dresden Plate |
Block 9: Star & Pinwheels. I really liked this one once it was put together.
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Star & Pinwheels |
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Squares and Stars |
Until next time . . .
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
It's December! Are you kidding?
Went to bed yesterday and it was November 2010...woke up this morning at it was December 2010! A little lady at my church used to say, "I'm going to bed this month and waking up the next." Wow, can you believe it is already December 2010? Only 30 more days left in this year. I'm having trouble getting that to sink in.
December is full of excitement. Of course the main excitement is Christmas and celebrating the birth of our Savior. And, most of the December excitement revolves around just that! Christmas plays, parades, musical programs, family gatherings, good food, fun times, etc. I always enjoy taking part in all the above!
My December schedule:
I'm sure there's more, but that's what's on my schedule so far....oh the joys of the season!
Until next time . . .
December is full of excitement. Of course the main excitement is Christmas and celebrating the birth of our Savior. And, most of the December excitement revolves around just that! Christmas plays, parades, musical programs, family gatherings, good food, fun times, etc. I always enjoy taking part in all the above!
My December schedule:
- Saturday, December 4: community choir singing at Gainesville Christmas parade
- Saturday, December 4: Singing Christmas Cantata at Nursing Home
- Tuesday, December 7: Dora Christmas Program/Mr. & Miss Merry Christmas
- Saturday, December 11: CAS Christmas Party
- Sunday, December 12: Singing Christmas Cantata at two Ozark County churches
- Wednesday, December 15: Children's Christmas program at church
- Friday, December 17: CAS Potluck & Dirty Santa
- December 21-27: VACATION!!!!!
- Friday, December 24: Christmas Eve
- Saturday, December 25: Happy Birthday Jesus! - Dinner w/the family - open gifts
I'm sure there's more, but that's what's on my schedule so far....oh the joys of the season!
Until next time . . .
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Catchup not Ketchup! seems like yesterday I was catching you up on my quilt's been two weeks!! Does anyone else think this month is flying right past us? I mean, where did April go? It's not sinking in with me that Thanksgiving is only two days away. I need to CATCHUP!!
Much has been going on over the past weeks. Here's a run down:
I just can't believe it. Well, I better believe it because whether I am ready or not Christmas is around the corner. I enjoy Christmas, however I always pray we don't forget the true meaning of Christmas and get wrapped up in shopping and buying gifts. I'm determined this year to only gift to others things they need.
The real gift that everyone needs has already been given for us. It was presented as a baby, grew up perfect and only knew love, gave willingly - the ultimate sacrifice and gift...JESUS CHRIST! The gift is already there and we don't have to go into more credit card debt to get it....we just have to receive it, accept it, honor it.
So, in honor of Thanksgiving...thank you Jesus for loving me, blessing me, living for me, dying for me and coming back to get me one day! Of all the blessings in my life the one I'm most thankful for is the loving sacrifice of Jesus!
Happy Thanksgiving friends. Share in the joy and love of your family this year!
Until next time . . .
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my morning view 11.23.2010 |
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lots of quackers! 11.22.2010 |
Much has been going on over the past weeks. Here's a run down:
- taking pictures and more pictures of the geese...such a beautiful sight and sound I'm so fortunate to see every year - one of the many joys of country living!
- getting the youth ready for our annual trip to the MO Church of God State Youth Convention...the adults look forward to this about as much as the kids. This is my 18th year! I started out attending as a youth myself then rolled right into the role of youth leader. Fun times all in the name of Jesus!
- getting the children at church ready for their Christmas program that is only THREE WEEKS AWAY...there were 39 of them little boogers to corral last week! More fun times all in the name of Jesus!
- preparing for the community Christmas Cantata...we start our performances NEXT WEEK! And again, fun times in the name of Jesus!
- we have six performances this year; two each on Dec 4th, 5th & 12th
- winterizing the well houses on the farm; one down and one to go.
- oh, and I can't forget to mention Jasper! Just been playing with him, teaching him to shake, he loves fetch and tug-o-war; he's my four-legged monster!!
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Jasper...he's so serious at times! 11.21.2010 |
The real gift that everyone needs has already been given for us. It was presented as a baby, grew up perfect and only knew love, gave willingly - the ultimate sacrifice and gift...JESUS CHRIST! The gift is already there and we don't have to go into more credit card debt to get it....we just have to receive it, accept it, honor it.
So, in honor of Thanksgiving...thank you Jesus for loving me, blessing me, living for me, dying for me and coming back to get me one day! Of all the blessings in my life the one I'm most thankful for is the loving sacrifice of Jesus!
Happy Thanksgiving friends. Share in the joy and love of your family this year!
Until next time . . .
Monday, November 8, 2010
Quilting - Blocks #6 and #7
Hello out there to who ever is listening.
The quilt is coming along quite nicely. Since my last update I've finished blocks #6 - Balkan Puzzle, and #7 - Card Trick. I have to say these are my favorite patterns so far. Of course I've liked all of them, but there's just something about these two. I'm not sure if it's the color combos or the pattern, but I definitely like them.
One note regarding the Card was difficult to figure out! I had to start in the middle of the directions to figure out the rest. It was definitely a tricky puzzle! But, it's by far my most favorite.
Tonight is sewing night with the Silly Stitchers. I always look forward to Mondays :)
Until next time . . .
The quilt is coming along quite nicely. Since my last update I've finished blocks #6 - Balkan Puzzle, and #7 - Card Trick. I have to say these are my favorite patterns so far. Of course I've liked all of them, but there's just something about these two. I'm not sure if it's the color combos or the pattern, but I definitely like them.
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#6 Balkan Puzzle |
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#7 Card Trick |
One note regarding the Card was difficult to figure out! I had to start in the middle of the directions to figure out the rest. It was definitely a tricky puzzle! But, it's by far my most favorite.
Tonight is sewing night with the Silly Stitchers. I always look forward to Mondays :)
Until next time . . .
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
You know how you have to kid-proof your house and/or anything around it when you have toddlers? Well....the same goes for puppies; a 7 month old yellow Lab who goes by Jasper to be exact! Except my parents and sister haven't figured that out yet!!!
I've done pretty well at Jasper proofing my yard at the house. My mom and dad's house and sister's house on the other hand, well, let's just say it's a work in progress and he has lots of stuff to get into. However, just when I think I have everything hidden or picked up outside my dad forgets and leaves something in my yard. In this situation, a pile of old insulation from the well house. You know where this is going don't you? You see, the well house is in my yard and he put new insulation in it to winterize it. Well, he left the pile of the old stuff in my yard. It's been in my yard for two days now and Jasper hasn't bothered it; not even a sniff. But for some reason in those wee hours of this morning he felt the urge to shred! To my surprise I walked outside this morning to a winter wonderland, not one of snow but of insulation! Jasper looked at me with those big brown eyes like, "SURPRISE! Didn't I do good? Isn't my master piece lovely!" Those sleepy eyes quickly turned droopy as I didn't give him a quick 'atta boy!' response. He knew a scolding was on it's way, but I just had to turn around for a brief moment to compose myself. Even though it's a mess it was a tad bit humorous. Then, at 6:50 AM I made a phone call to my lovely father and simply said, "You get to clean this mess up mister!" lol
The following picture will forever be added into evidence and proof that if you don't J-Proof you WILL have a mess! The picture doesn't do the master piece justice. There are tiny bits all over and in other areas of the yard too. This is just the most concentrated my front door! Hmm, wonder what people will think as they drive by today?
Until next time . . .
I've done pretty well at Jasper proofing my yard at the house. My mom and dad's house and sister's house on the other hand, well, let's just say it's a work in progress and he has lots of stuff to get into. However, just when I think I have everything hidden or picked up outside my dad forgets and leaves something in my yard. In this situation, a pile of old insulation from the well house. You know where this is going don't you? You see, the well house is in my yard and he put new insulation in it to winterize it. Well, he left the pile of the old stuff in my yard. It's been in my yard for two days now and Jasper hasn't bothered it; not even a sniff. But for some reason in those wee hours of this morning he felt the urge to shred! To my surprise I walked outside this morning to a winter wonderland, not one of snow but of insulation! Jasper looked at me with those big brown eyes like, "SURPRISE! Didn't I do good? Isn't my master piece lovely!" Those sleepy eyes quickly turned droopy as I didn't give him a quick 'atta boy!' response. He knew a scolding was on it's way, but I just had to turn around for a brief moment to compose myself. Even though it's a mess it was a tad bit humorous. Then, at 6:50 AM I made a phone call to my lovely father and simply said, "You get to clean this mess up mister!" lol
The following picture will forever be added into evidence and proof that if you don't J-Proof you WILL have a mess! The picture doesn't do the master piece justice. There are tiny bits all over and in other areas of the yard too. This is just the most concentrated my front door! Hmm, wonder what people will think as they drive by today?
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Snow in October? Nope...the outcome if you don't J-Proof EVERYTHING! |
Monday, October 25, 2010
Here's a few shots from the MercyMe concert; Saturday, October 23, 2010 at Vada Sheid PAC in Mountain Home, AR:
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Dave Barnes |
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Dave Barnes |
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Bart Millard of MercyMe |
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MercyMe |
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MercyMe |
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MercyMe |
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MercyMe |
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awesome moment of praise & worship |
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silhouette of Bart Millard - MercyMe |
Weekend of bliss
Ready or not Monday here I come! That's what I had to tell myself this morning as I sleepily drove down the road on this first day of the work week. One would think after a kinda quiet, not too busy weekend, that I'd be rested. Guess not.
How I spent the weekend:
Picked up a few walnuts on Saturday, 342 pounds worth, with one of my nieces, Dee. Woo, that's hard work. Hope to pick up more on Friday and Saturday. Of course I had puppy play time in there :) Goodness, I love Jasper....he's starting to wind down a bit and becoming the sweetest dog. Sure he still has his moments; like when I walked outside yesterday to find his pillow in a thousand pieces :( lol
Anyway, I guess that's all I'll ramble on about. It's Silly Stitcher's night tonight! I love quilting night!!! I'm leaving you today with a few Fall color snap shots.
Have a fabulous week.
Until next time . . .
How I spent the weekend:
- picked up walnuts - oh my legs hurt
- played with my pup - oh he's a mess
- MercyMe concert - oh was this awesome
- church - oh what a great service
- relaxed a bit - oh that was nice
- cantata practice - oh I'm beginning to like the musice
- relaxed a bit - oh I need one more day
- end of weekend
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Jasper's weird sleeping positions! hahaha |
Anyway, I guess that's all I'll ramble on about. It's Silly Stitcher's night tonight! I love quilting night!!! I'm leaving you today with a few Fall color snap shots.
Have a fabulous week.
Until next time . . .
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Quilting - Block #5 - Brasstown Star
Morning fellow bloggers! As you know I'm documenting my first quilt! I have been joining a group of ladies on Monday evenings for the past several weeks. We are having a blast.
This week we started block no. 5; the Brasstown Star. I have to say I really like this pattern. This has been my cleanest work so far, in my opinion. I'm finding that it really does help if you iron the fabric really well :) This block was fun to make too. It's so amazing cutting the fabrics then watching them come together into a form as the pieces are sewn.
Without further a due, here's block no. 5:
Until next time . . .
This week we started block no. 5; the Brasstown Star. I have to say I really like this pattern. This has been my cleanest work so far, in my opinion. I'm finding that it really does help if you iron the fabric really well :) This block was fun to make too. It's so amazing cutting the fabrics then watching them come together into a form as the pieces are sewn.
Without further a due, here's block no. 5:
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Brasstown Star |
Thursday, October 14, 2010
No. 4 Block
(to the tune of Ed McMahon on the Tonight Show)
Here's No.4!
Quilt block that is. This is my latest block for my very first pieced quilt. This pattern is the Broken Wheel.
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Broken Wheel |
Monday, October 11, 2010
Q & A
Q. "So what do you know & think about Jane Doe?" asks a guy friend to me.
A. "Well, to be honest, the last time you asked me what I knew about a girl you wanted to go out with her. Am I having a flashback?"
Oh, how I did not want that question to be yes. I mean, I want everyone to be happy and have a chance to find love, be blunt...I am getting sick of being the go to girl that my guy friends come to when they want to know something about a certain girl and if they should date her or not. Especially when I've always had a slight crush on this great guy friend, but he doesn't know that. Or if he does know he's not interested and being a nice friend by not acting on it. Or he does know and he's bashful like me because we are great friends. WHO KNOWS! I'm an old fashioned kind of girl; the guy asks me! Sure I know a lot of people and I'm a good judge of character, but gosh! Does any guy ever ask their friends if I'm date worthy? Or, am I just good enough to be every guys friend? It's like, come on guy don't you think?! Why do people always ask me? UGGGG!!!
So I'm officially sad and not the way I wanted to spend a Monday:'( Writing these questions here was the only way for me to release and vent my frustration...since not many read or comments on my blog I'm safe!
Until next time . . . :'(
A. "Well, to be honest, the last time you asked me what I knew about a girl you wanted to go out with her. Am I having a flashback?"
Oh, how I did not want that question to be yes. I mean, I want everyone to be happy and have a chance to find love, be blunt...I am getting sick of being the go to girl that my guy friends come to when they want to know something about a certain girl and if they should date her or not. Especially when I've always had a slight crush on this great guy friend, but he doesn't know that. Or if he does know he's not interested and being a nice friend by not acting on it. Or he does know and he's bashful like me because we are great friends. WHO KNOWS! I'm an old fashioned kind of girl; the guy asks me! Sure I know a lot of people and I'm a good judge of character, but gosh! Does any guy ever ask their friends if I'm date worthy? Or, am I just good enough to be every guys friend? It's like, come on guy don't you think?! Why do people always ask me? UGGGG!!!
So I'm officially sad and not the way I wanted to spend a Monday:'( Writing these questions here was the only way for me to release and vent my frustration...since not many read or comments on my blog I'm safe!
Until next time . . . :'(
My 1st Quilt....the Sampler Quilt
So I've joined a quilting group...the Silly Stichers...a group of local ladies who like to get together once a week for good food and fellowship; oh and learning to make quilts.
I've always wanted to learn how to quilt and I've finally given myself time to do it. I'm loving it so far and having a wonderful time. There's about 7 or 8 or us who get together. Some of the ladies just come for the fellowship and help those of us who have never quilted before. I have to say it's a great time.
For our first project we are making a Sampler Quilt consisting of 12 blocks. A Sampler Quilt is made up of 12 different quilting patterns. So far I have made a 9-patch, a Pinwheel, and an Anvil. Currently I'm working on the Broken Wheel pattern. Before I even knew what I was making I knew who was going to receive my first quilt; my momma! Mom is my best friend so it's only fitting she gets the first. But, shhhh, she doesn't know it!
Here's a look at what I've been up to:
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9-Patch |
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Pinwheel |
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Anvil |
I'll add more as I get them finished.
Until next time . . .
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Fall is here!
Ah, October! Just thinking about October puts me at ease. Seems like things begin to slow down a bit once October rolls around.
I love fall. It's quite an enjoyable season for me. There are many things I love and look forward to with the arrival of Fall (and in no particular order)...
1. the smell and crispness of the air
2. cool mornings
3. the fog rolling off the waters
4. hot soups
5. changing to deep, rich color
6. golden sunrises & sunsets
7. hot cocoa
8. hay rides
9. pumpkins, mums and fall decor
10. warm jackets
11. leaves blowing in the wind
God gives us such beauty with each changing season. It's all simply amazing & breathtaking to me!
Enjoy and Happy Fall!
Until next time . . .
I love fall. It's quite an enjoyable season for me. There are many things I love and look forward to with the arrival of Fall (and in no particular order)...
1. the smell and crispness of the air
2. cool mornings
3. the fog rolling off the waters
4. hot soups
5. changing to deep, rich color
6. golden sunrises & sunsets
7. hot cocoa
8. hay rides
9. pumpkins, mums and fall decor
10. warm jackets
11. leaves blowing in the wind
God gives us such beauty with each changing season. It's all simply amazing & breathtaking to me!
Enjoy and Happy Fall!
Until next time . . .
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Have I mentioned . . .
. . . I work in a cube? Well, I do. It's complete with gray walls. The splashes of color here and there are pictures I've taken from various travels and made into collages. Anyhow, the style or decoration of the cube is not the focal point there. Although I think it's a cute cube :)
Living in cube land 8 hours a day 5 days a week can be pretty interesting; especially when you have neighbors to the south and east as I do. I face the southwest from my cube. In the southern-southeastern direction we have three crazy girls on the girl row and to my east is one, usually quiet, neighbor. I think all the cube mates will agree that the one who sits due south is a total goof ball! But we all love her dearly.
Let's just say these cube buddies make life very interesting 8 hours a day 5 days a week! You just never know what you're going to hear, see, sometimes smell, have chucked at you over the cube walls, or when your facebook account will be hacked. LOL Gotta love these girls. I sure do. They are great friends.
Here's to cube mates and great friends! Cheers!
Until next time . . .
Living in cube land 8 hours a day 5 days a week can be pretty interesting; especially when you have neighbors to the south and east as I do. I face the southwest from my cube. In the southern-southeastern direction we have three crazy girls on the girl row and to my east is one, usually quiet, neighbor. I think all the cube mates will agree that the one who sits due south is a total goof ball! But we all love her dearly.
Let's just say these cube buddies make life very interesting 8 hours a day 5 days a week! You just never know what you're going to hear, see, sometimes smell, have chucked at you over the cube walls, or when your facebook account will be hacked. LOL Gotta love these girls. I sure do. They are great friends.
Here's to cube mates and great friends! Cheers!
Until next time . . .
Jasper made it home!
Well after spending two nights at the vet my Jasper is home! I'm so glad. I missed my little puppy. Who actually is not that little. He had to be weighed when being checked into the vet. That little lad weighs 46.6 pounds! He's going to be a thooster!
So his 'altering' procedure, aka neutering, went well. Everything is so far so good. He's still Jasper that's for sure. Get this, he was sweet as pie for my dad when he took him and picked him up from the vet. Dad said he sat right up next to him in the truck the entire way home. Well, he briefly laid down and wanted to chew on the seat belt, but dad quickly told him that was a no no. But, Jasper never once wanted to chew or give Jasper Kisses...bite! However, when I get home and take him for his walk.........he bites my wrists and ankles and doesn't think twice! I just don't get it. One change I have noticed already is that when I pet him to calm him down after he's had a fit (biting) he calms right down. So glad!
Jasper knew where he was when dad turned onto the county road. He for sure knew where he was when dad pulled into my drive. Dad told me Jasper got all kinds of excited! Awe!!
I'm so happy to have my pup home. We got back to our walking last night and this morning. He pulled me right on down the road. Oh, and I was advised to keep him calm for about a week; i.e. no running, jumping or swimming. Well the swimming part I can handle because I'm keeping him on his leash and he can't get to the ponds. However, have you tried to keep a six month old lab who is full of energy, or full of it, from jumping or running?!!! Impossible!! I say that's about as possible as keeping a bull in a china closet from breaking any dishes! haha I think it's going to be a long week if you ask me. Nonetheless I'm happy the procedure is over, he's recovering and my puppy is home to stay. Scary to think of cold weather, but I actually had a vision last night of playing in the snow with my pup. He's going to love it!
Until next time . . .
So his 'altering' procedure, aka neutering, went well. Everything is so far so good. He's still Jasper that's for sure. Get this, he was sweet as pie for my dad when he took him and picked him up from the vet. Dad said he sat right up next to him in the truck the entire way home. Well, he briefly laid down and wanted to chew on the seat belt, but dad quickly told him that was a no no. But, Jasper never once wanted to chew or give Jasper Kisses...bite! However, when I get home and take him for his walk.........he bites my wrists and ankles and doesn't think twice! I just don't get it. One change I have noticed already is that when I pet him to calm him down after he's had a fit (biting) he calms right down. So glad!
Jasper knew where he was when dad turned onto the county road. He for sure knew where he was when dad pulled into my drive. Dad told me Jasper got all kinds of excited! Awe!!
I'm so happy to have my pup home. We got back to our walking last night and this morning. He pulled me right on down the road. Oh, and I was advised to keep him calm for about a week; i.e. no running, jumping or swimming. Well the swimming part I can handle because I'm keeping him on his leash and he can't get to the ponds. However, have you tried to keep a six month old lab who is full of energy, or full of it, from jumping or running?!!! Impossible!! I say that's about as possible as keeping a bull in a china closet from breaking any dishes! haha I think it's going to be a long week if you ask me. Nonetheless I'm happy the procedure is over, he's recovering and my puppy is home to stay. Scary to think of cold weather, but I actually had a vision last night of playing in the snow with my pup. He's going to love it!
Until next time . . .
Monday, September 13, 2010
Jasper's 1st bath (inside) ....and trip to the vet
So Jasper had is 1st bath in the bathtub last night! Much fun let me tell you. Sadly I don't have a picture as evidence, only the memory. Sorry, my hands were a little preoccupied holding the pup in the tub! haha
So, you may be asking right about now: Why give an outside dog a bath in the bathtub? Why not just give him a bath outside with the hose? Well, you see, it was dark outside plus a little on the cool side. You ask, "So why not just wait until another day?" Jasper is making a trip to the vet today for a sleep over; two nights sleep over to be exact. He wreaked of pond water and cow manure so I wanted him fresh and shiny! Plus, I wanted to give him a warm bath so he wouldn't get so chilly and possibly catch a cold. He's my baby you know!
He did pretty good for the most part. He actually took the bath better in the tub than he does outside. I think it was the warm water. At first he didn't want to come in the house because I'm all the time getting after him to stay outside when I open the door. Guess he thought it was a trick. After I finally got him in the tub he sat right down and enjoyed. He only started shaking and splashing water everywhere towards the end. Then, I said, "ok let's go!" Out of that tub he jumped and through my house he went..quickly! To finalize the pampering I dried him off with a nice warm towel fresh from the dryer...he loved it!
At this very moment my pup is in the care of the vet clinic. Dad called to let me know they made it. I asked if he behaved; he meaning Jasper. Dad said as soon as they walked in another dog started making racket and Jasper began barking like crazy! tehehehe I told dad to tell them they better take care of my baby!
I miss my sweet Jasper already. He'll be home Wednesday afternoon. I sure hope they take good care of him. **sniff**sniff**tear**
Until next time . . .
So, you may be asking right about now: Why give an outside dog a bath in the bathtub? Why not just give him a bath outside with the hose? Well, you see, it was dark outside plus a little on the cool side. You ask, "So why not just wait until another day?" Jasper is making a trip to the vet today for a sleep over; two nights sleep over to be exact. He wreaked of pond water and cow manure so I wanted him fresh and shiny! Plus, I wanted to give him a warm bath so he wouldn't get so chilly and possibly catch a cold. He's my baby you know!
He did pretty good for the most part. He actually took the bath better in the tub than he does outside. I think it was the warm water. At first he didn't want to come in the house because I'm all the time getting after him to stay outside when I open the door. Guess he thought it was a trick. After I finally got him in the tub he sat right down and enjoyed. He only started shaking and splashing water everywhere towards the end. Then, I said, "ok let's go!" Out of that tub he jumped and through my house he went..quickly! To finalize the pampering I dried him off with a nice warm towel fresh from the dryer...he loved it!
At this very moment my pup is in the care of the vet clinic. Dad called to let me know they made it. I asked if he behaved; he meaning Jasper. Dad said as soon as they walked in another dog started making racket and Jasper began barking like crazy! tehehehe I told dad to tell them they better take care of my baby!
I miss my sweet Jasper already. He'll be home Wednesday afternoon. I sure hope they take good care of him. **sniff**sniff**tear**
Until next time . . .
Thursday, September 9, 2010
90 Years on this Earth!!!
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Grandma with her (always) beautiful crape myrtles 8/5/2010 |
Ninety years ago today, and still going strong, this little spit fire came into the world. Happy Birthday Grandma Bertha!
Imagine, 90 years. I can't fathom the changes, trials, and enjoyment one will see and endure over a 90 year span. Born in 1920, this little lady has seen them all.
- seen and gone through the Great Depression
- lived through the time of WWII
- enjoyed God's gift of marriage and was married for over 50 years to the love of her life, my wonderful Grandpa Leemon
- raised and has seen her three children grow up and raise their own families
- watched her grandchildren, great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren grow
- her nose has itched every day of her life . . . you would have to have been around her awhile to understand this! hahaha
- lived through decades of technology change
So on this very special birthday I say, "Thank you Lord for giving grandma good health and (so far) 90 years of life, and for letting her still be here with us!" She's my only grandparent with us so we've got to cherish all the moments.
Happy 90th Birthday Grandma!!! Love you so much!
Until next time . . .
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Lue Preston Davis 8/29/1914 - 9/8/1995
We have been giving another beautiful Fall-like day today, even though it's on the rainy side. Hey, we've had a dry, hot summer....I think the rain is beautiful!
Today's post is dedicated my wonderful grandpa Lue, whom I miss dearly. Lue Preston Davis, born 8/29/1914, left this world and went home to be with our Lord 15 years ago today; 9/8/1995. It's hard to sink in it's been 15 years. Fifteen years ago we were in a different decade, fifteen years ago I was 16!
I have so many fond memories of my Grandpa (Lue) and Grandma (Hazel) Davis. She left us May '88. My memories: spending a week or two at a time with them in the summer....going yard sale'n....going to auctions....going to singings....going to church. I had never heard a preacher like Herlin Johnson! We also fed the chickens and milked the cow; yes by hand! When I was little Grandma ALWAYS had made me a new dress or two; got homemade dresses for every birthday I think. Oh the summer days eating watermelon in the front yard; and spitting seeds at each other. I can still see and hear them laugh. I can also still hear them getting after me after I'd done something I shouldn't have! hahaha I remember the family get-togethers and holidays and grandma's homemade pies YUM! She was the best crust maker ever! I remember grandpa having eggs and bacon practically every morning for breakfast. He had cornbread and milk (in the same cup) most evenings. I remember picking beans with them in the garden. I remember grandpa's old (orange) Ford truck with the picture of horses on the back glass. Something I can still hear is what my grandpa said to me EVERY time he saw me - his first words...."Whatcha been up to Puddin' Head?" Goodness, there is so much to remember.
Most of all, I remember how much they loved us and how we loved them. That's the best memory!
Thank you for the wonderful memories. These memories means you're still in my heart forever and always. I'll be seeing you again one day. Love you Grandpa Lue and Grandma Hazel Davis. Miss you both dearly!
Until next time . . .
Today's post is dedicated my wonderful grandpa Lue, whom I miss dearly. Lue Preston Davis, born 8/29/1914, left this world and went home to be with our Lord 15 years ago today; 9/8/1995. It's hard to sink in it's been 15 years. Fifteen years ago we were in a different decade, fifteen years ago I was 16!
I have so many fond memories of my Grandpa (Lue) and Grandma (Hazel) Davis. She left us May '88. My memories: spending a week or two at a time with them in the summer....going yard sale'n....going to auctions....going to singings....going to church. I had never heard a preacher like Herlin Johnson! We also fed the chickens and milked the cow; yes by hand! When I was little Grandma ALWAYS had made me a new dress or two; got homemade dresses for every birthday I think. Oh the summer days eating watermelon in the front yard; and spitting seeds at each other. I can still see and hear them laugh. I can also still hear them getting after me after I'd done something I shouldn't have! hahaha I remember the family get-togethers and holidays and grandma's homemade pies YUM! She was the best crust maker ever! I remember grandpa having eggs and bacon practically every morning for breakfast. He had cornbread and milk (in the same cup) most evenings. I remember picking beans with them in the garden. I remember grandpa's old (orange) Ford truck with the picture of horses on the back glass. Something I can still hear is what my grandpa said to me EVERY time he saw me - his first words...."Whatcha been up to Puddin' Head?" Goodness, there is so much to remember.
Most of all, I remember how much they loved us and how we loved them. That's the best memory!
Thank you for the wonderful memories. These memories means you're still in my heart forever and always. I'll be seeing you again one day. Love you Grandpa Lue and Grandma Hazel Davis. Miss you both dearly!
Until next time . . .
Friday, September 3, 2010
The Funnies of far!
Ok, so I have this dog, a five month old lab puppy to be exact. Officially he is Doc's Collins Ridge Fire Ball, but most of the time he goes by Jasper and occasionally Goober or Spaz. He's Goober when he does something stupid like running into the barbwire fence. He's Jasper when he's being his sweet self or in trouble. And he's Spaz when, well, need I say more?! Some days he goes by all three because he can't figure out who he wants to be. haha
Let's just say last night he was Jasper-Spaz-Goober all in the same breath. Is that possible? you ask. Yes, yes it is! To set the scene: it's a breezy fall-like evening with a storm brewing on the horizon. We're playing in the yard and fixing to head out for our evening walk. Off we go, walking down the road. We stop for a dip in the water, well Jasper did anyway. Ok...I'm going to fast forward a bit. We're in my sister's yard when our mom pulls into the drive. We're all talking. Jasper is under my feet and Tucker is tucked really close to us because it's thundering. Jasper loves Tucker so he starts messing with him. Tuck's too scared to growl so he just sits there and lets Jasper love on him. Finally Tucker has had enough, right. Tucker pins Jasper to the ground. Jasper jumps up and starts zizzing around mom's car....he's entered Spaz mode. Then, next thing I know he is behind me with his head between my legs just staring Tucker down! hahahaha Super funny moment.
But the fun's not over . . . .
To continue in the excitement all Jasper wanted from my sister was for her to pet him and she wouldn't. So, to get back at her ignoring him what does he do? He runs to my sister's pool (it's one of those blue ones that look like a mushroom). He jumps on the side and looks at my sister. When she looks he jumps as if he's going to jump in (which he has before) and rests his paws over the side....then he looks at her in a brief stare down as if to say, "Ha!" As soon as I start toward him to get him out of trouble and my sister starts toward him to woop his butt of course he gets down. But, does he quit? NOoooo, he has to continue the madness! He runs to the OTHER side of the pool and does the same thing all over again. The look on his face, as he's resting on the side of the pool, was absolutely priceless humor. He knew he wasn't supposed to do it yet he did. He knew my sister was going to get him, but he continued. Mom and I laughed big time, my sister on the other hand . . .
Fun evening! Good laughs! Words to the wise - next time, pet the pup!
Until next time . . .
Let's just say last night he was Jasper-Spaz-Goober all in the same breath. Is that possible? you ask. Yes, yes it is! To set the scene: it's a breezy fall-like evening with a storm brewing on the horizon. We're playing in the yard and fixing to head out for our evening walk. Off we go, walking down the road. We stop for a dip in the water, well Jasper did anyway. Ok...I'm going to fast forward a bit. We're in my sister's yard when our mom pulls into the drive. We're all talking. Jasper is under my feet and Tucker is tucked really close to us because it's thundering. Jasper loves Tucker so he starts messing with him. Tuck's too scared to growl so he just sits there and lets Jasper love on him. Finally Tucker has had enough, right. Tucker pins Jasper to the ground. Jasper jumps up and starts zizzing around mom's car....he's entered Spaz mode. Then, next thing I know he is behind me with his head between my legs just staring Tucker down! hahahaha Super funny moment.
But the fun's not over . . . .
To continue in the excitement all Jasper wanted from my sister was for her to pet him and she wouldn't. So, to get back at her ignoring him what does he do? He runs to my sister's pool (it's one of those blue ones that look like a mushroom). He jumps on the side and looks at my sister. When she looks he jumps as if he's going to jump in (which he has before) and rests his paws over the side....then he looks at her in a brief stare down as if to say, "Ha!" As soon as I start toward him to get him out of trouble and my sister starts toward him to woop his butt of course he gets down. But, does he quit? NOoooo, he has to continue the madness! He runs to the OTHER side of the pool and does the same thing all over again. The look on his face, as he's resting on the side of the pool, was absolutely priceless humor. He knew he wasn't supposed to do it yet he did. He knew my sister was going to get him, but he continued. Mom and I laughed big time, my sister on the other hand . . .
Fun evening! Good laughs! Words to the wise - next time, pet the pup!
Until next time . . .
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Every Child Deserves a Chance!
Our education system focuses on 'No Child Left Behind' . . . well, they need to also focus on the fact that 'Every Child Deserves a Chance!'.
Schools and administrations say athletics is educational. Well, then teach the students something instead of cutting them down and making them think they are worthless because they don't understand or lose. If you lose a game, so what...teach the students something good out of that loss. If you win a game, great!...teach the students to not be boastful, instead be grateful for the win and humble. And I'm sorry, screaming and yelling at the kids because they mess up on the court or playing field is NOT educational! Unless of course you want your children to learn how to scream and yell at others and show no respect. Teachers should be uplifting not cutters to the core. Children have enough problems at home; they don't need or deserve it at school too.
Over the last several years I, along with many, have watched school systems across the country change; change for no good I will add. I can't go into this saying everything in our public schools is bad, because it's not. There are still some great teachers in public schools. But, those great teachers have their hands tied because of all the (stupid) reform and change going on in our schools; change and reform that is not good. Students can't be disciplined to make a difference - the children rule the schools - cell phones need to go out the window for students and administration - PDA is running rampant - oh the list goes on.
People, we need to get back to basics in education; the basic principle that EVERY child deserves a chance, EVERY child should be treated equally, EVERY child should be held to a higher standard of learning, EVERY child needs an education, EVERY child should hit the floor or the field if they play team sports (hello, it's team not a few), EVERY child should feel accepted by their teachers . . . EVERY!
I don't care if that child is physically slower than some (I've been there, I know the feeling), if they are on the team they play. I don't care if that child isn't the first to the board during math relays, they deserve the same respect and education too.
Teachers and administrators (again, not all are in the wrong profession) you need to remember YOU are the adult and you're no longer a child/student/buddy-chummy! YOU set the bar for standards in the school. If YOU act like a child then what do you think those students are going to act like? If YOU show little or no respect, how do you think the students are going to treat other teachers and students? If YOU run your mouth about students or teachers to other students, what do you think the students are going to do with the information? On the other hand, if YOU come to your job, enjoy it and show care, oh what a difference you'll make in changing the lives of the students. This will make the students want to be there and want to get their education and want to better themselves! Statistics prove we become who we're around . . .
So many students live a life of hell at home. Schools nationwide should be a safe place filled with teachers/administrators who want to be there for those students, care for them, and encourage them to do better and achieve greatness. We live in a lost and dying world that is in such a downward spiral it's scary. Just like our economy and government needs a reform, so do our schools. The government has just a tight a hold on the schools that it does the people. It only takes one teacher/administrator to step out on faith and break the cycle that is ruining our schools. Thus, making it impossible for respect-team playing-education to even be in the building. Schools are becoming a glorified baby-sitter and just a place to store the children while moms and dads are elsewhere. UGG! It gripes me that US students are far behind other nations in education. We live in the greatest country in the world. We should want greatness for our children as well instead of dumbing down their education!!
EVERY child deserves a chance. Until we all get back to the reality of this our education system will continue to go down the tubes in chaos and destruction and take our children with it!
Until next time . . .
Schools and administrations say athletics is educational. Well, then teach the students something instead of cutting them down and making them think they are worthless because they don't understand or lose. If you lose a game, so what...teach the students something good out of that loss. If you win a game, great!...teach the students to not be boastful, instead be grateful for the win and humble. And I'm sorry, screaming and yelling at the kids because they mess up on the court or playing field is NOT educational! Unless of course you want your children to learn how to scream and yell at others and show no respect. Teachers should be uplifting not cutters to the core. Children have enough problems at home; they don't need or deserve it at school too.
Over the last several years I, along with many, have watched school systems across the country change; change for no good I will add. I can't go into this saying everything in our public schools is bad, because it's not. There are still some great teachers in public schools. But, those great teachers have their hands tied because of all the (stupid) reform and change going on in our schools; change and reform that is not good. Students can't be disciplined to make a difference - the children rule the schools - cell phones need to go out the window for students and administration - PDA is running rampant - oh the list goes on.
People, we need to get back to basics in education; the basic principle that EVERY child deserves a chance, EVERY child should be treated equally, EVERY child should be held to a higher standard of learning, EVERY child needs an education, EVERY child should hit the floor or the field if they play team sports (hello, it's team not a few), EVERY child should feel accepted by their teachers . . . EVERY!
I don't care if that child is physically slower than some (I've been there, I know the feeling), if they are on the team they play. I don't care if that child isn't the first to the board during math relays, they deserve the same respect and education too.
Teachers and administrators (again, not all are in the wrong profession) you need to remember YOU are the adult and you're no longer a child/student/buddy-chummy! YOU set the bar for standards in the school. If YOU act like a child then what do you think those students are going to act like? If YOU show little or no respect, how do you think the students are going to treat other teachers and students? If YOU run your mouth about students or teachers to other students, what do you think the students are going to do with the information? On the other hand, if YOU come to your job, enjoy it and show care, oh what a difference you'll make in changing the lives of the students. This will make the students want to be there and want to get their education and want to better themselves! Statistics prove we become who we're around . . .
So many students live a life of hell at home. Schools nationwide should be a safe place filled with teachers/administrators who want to be there for those students, care for them, and encourage them to do better and achieve greatness. We live in a lost and dying world that is in such a downward spiral it's scary. Just like our economy and government needs a reform, so do our schools. The government has just a tight a hold on the schools that it does the people. It only takes one teacher/administrator to step out on faith and break the cycle that is ruining our schools. Thus, making it impossible for respect-team playing-education to even be in the building. Schools are becoming a glorified baby-sitter and just a place to store the children while moms and dads are elsewhere. UGG! It gripes me that US students are far behind other nations in education. We live in the greatest country in the world. We should want greatness for our children as well instead of dumbing down their education!!
EVERY child deserves a chance. Until we all get back to the reality of this our education system will continue to go down the tubes in chaos and destruction and take our children with it!
Until next time . . .
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Hello September!
Woke up this morning (thank the good Lord) and it was September 1st, 2010! Where has 2010 gone? We are in the last quarter of the year; can you believe it? I sure can't. Seems like yesterday the trees were just beginning to bud after their winter's sleep and the grass was starting to pop with green. Now, the leaves are turning shades of bronze and brown as they begin their winter's sleep. Remarkable how fast time goes. But, the way I see it, we've had almost another whole year of God's beauty and working for Him.
Fall is one of my favorite seasons. I love them all, but Fall is wonderful! The smell in the air and the color; OH, I just love it! Plus, we begin having those little black dots making their arrival on the Collins Ridge; aka new black baby calves in our Fall-birthing momma cows. One other wonderful thing about Fall...getting those flowerbeds ready for winter by mulching a clipping back their summer growth; or lack thereof with a dry summer (hopefully) behind us. This is just one way to spruce up the yard and give a final splash of fresh color before the flowers go to sleep till Spring.
I'm wishing you all a fabulous September and Fall! Enjoy God's beauty that is all around.
Until next time . . .

I'm wishing you all a fabulous September and Fall! Enjoy God's beauty that is all around.
Until next time . . .
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
So I've Been Told.....
So I've been told, recently, that all I talk about is my puppy and traveling. Well, if that's all I know, besides family, church and work then what else am I supposed to talk about?! And, I really can't talk about my immediate family to my immediate family because I'm not telling them anything they don't already know anyway. Who wants to really carry on a conversation about work outside of work? That's called take work to work and leave it there.
Many people talk about the weather to start a conversation. I admit I'm guilty of the same when I don't know what to say. "So, how do you like this fall-like weather we're having?" To answer myself, "I'm loving it!"
What am I supposed to talk about if I'm not involved in 'it' or know anything about 'it'? You carry on a conversation about what you know. This is what I know: my church, my family, my puppy, an occasional trip somewhere. That's what I know so that's what I talk about.
To my friends who get an excessive low-down on any of the above; sorry that I have nothing more to talk about. It's not that I'm self-absorbed and can only talk about me, and it's not that I want to look better than anyone else (because believe me I'm not), but that's all I know. Many times I'm hesitant to discuss my latest travels unless I'm asked first. Simply because I realize I've been very fortunate and blessed to have done so or get to. I pray that I never come across snotty our proud because I'm neither and that is never my intention. I'm just a small town girl who never thought she would have a career she could be proud of or that she'd go anywhere outside a few close states. Some days something will pass my mind and I still can't believe I've seen several areas of the US and Europe. That's just something in my wildest dreams I never thought would happen.
I know it is all God so I must share what God is doing in my life. Without God I'd, first of all, not be here in the first place and would be lost in sin with no hope for eternity. Without God I'd be nothing, nowhere, zilch, nadda! I'm called by God to share and show how good He is. He does great things in my life and sometimes it's hard for me to comprehend why and why me. There are times I even think too hard and think that God might take it all away (He could you know). I always want to praise God for ALL He does in my life; good and bad. Believe me, I have storms of life too. If I don't praise God and show others His love then I'm not listening to God or answering my call. Not listening to Him can get you in big trouble!
So, anytime I'm talking about a trip; it's all God's doings and I LOVE to share about his beautiful creations I've been so fortunate to see across the globe. GOD IS HUGE!!! So, anytime I'm talking about much of nothing about my family; it's all God's doings because He has blessed me with such a wonderful and loving family. So, anytime I'm talking about my puppy Jasper; it's all God's doings because He's punishing me with having an awnry (spelling?) dog....just kidding...Japser has the potential to be a loving and sweet dog, but he's very much into that puppy phase. So, anytime I'm talking about my church; it's all God's doings because I'm very much involved with the church family and I DON'T WANT ANYONE TO LEAVE THIS WORLD LOST IN SIN AND UNSAVED!!!!!!!!! GOTTA SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS OF JESUS!!!!!!!
If I don't talk about what I know then I'll be talking about something I don't know. ???????
Until next time . . . how's the weather?
Many people talk about the weather to start a conversation. I admit I'm guilty of the same when I don't know what to say. "So, how do you like this fall-like weather we're having?" To answer myself, "I'm loving it!"
What am I supposed to talk about if I'm not involved in 'it' or know anything about 'it'? You carry on a conversation about what you know. This is what I know: my church, my family, my puppy, an occasional trip somewhere. That's what I know so that's what I talk about.
To my friends who get an excessive low-down on any of the above; sorry that I have nothing more to talk about. It's not that I'm self-absorbed and can only talk about me, and it's not that I want to look better than anyone else (because believe me I'm not), but that's all I know. Many times I'm hesitant to discuss my latest travels unless I'm asked first. Simply because I realize I've been very fortunate and blessed to have done so or get to. I pray that I never come across snotty our proud because I'm neither and that is never my intention. I'm just a small town girl who never thought she would have a career she could be proud of or that she'd go anywhere outside a few close states. Some days something will pass my mind and I still can't believe I've seen several areas of the US and Europe. That's just something in my wildest dreams I never thought would happen.
I know it is all God so I must share what God is doing in my life. Without God I'd, first of all, not be here in the first place and would be lost in sin with no hope for eternity. Without God I'd be nothing, nowhere, zilch, nadda! I'm called by God to share and show how good He is. He does great things in my life and sometimes it's hard for me to comprehend why and why me. There are times I even think too hard and think that God might take it all away (He could you know). I always want to praise God for ALL He does in my life; good and bad. Believe me, I have storms of life too. If I don't praise God and show others His love then I'm not listening to God or answering my call. Not listening to Him can get you in big trouble!
So, anytime I'm talking about a trip; it's all God's doings and I LOVE to share about his beautiful creations I've been so fortunate to see across the globe. GOD IS HUGE!!! So, anytime I'm talking about much of nothing about my family; it's all God's doings because He has blessed me with such a wonderful and loving family. So, anytime I'm talking about my puppy Jasper; it's all God's doings because He's punishing me with having an awnry (spelling?) dog....just kidding...Japser has the potential to be a loving and sweet dog, but he's very much into that puppy phase. So, anytime I'm talking about my church; it's all God's doings because I'm very much involved with the church family and I DON'T WANT ANYONE TO LEAVE THIS WORLD LOST IN SIN AND UNSAVED!!!!!!!!! GOTTA SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS OF JESUS!!!!!!!
If I don't talk about what I know then I'll be talking about something I don't know. ???????
Until next time . . . how's the weather?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Fall is in the least today it is!
***breath in***breath out*** That's what I did this morning as I stepped onto my front porch. I opened the door to what seemed like a season change in the works! Fall was in the air this morning indeed. I stepped out this morning shortly after 6 AM (I overslept) to go for a walk with my darling (SPAZ) puppy, Jasper. The moment I stepped out I was instantly when, "WOOO-booshy!" It was a tad chilly. But then I immediately began to take in/out deep breaths to soak in as much of that cool weather as I could. It was wonderful. Then, went around the house and found an already feisty puppy! He was in his pen raring to go. Let him out and he exploded with energy. Jasper didn't know which direction to run the fastest. He was here and there and back here again in about two seconds. Let's just put it this way....he was running so fast down the dirt road that he as slinging gravels! Oh man, what a fireball young Jasper is.
I'm already loving fall and it's still August!
Until next time . . .
I'm already loving fall and it's still August!
Until next time . . .
Fog's in August - FOG UPDATE
Okay, so there have been 3 fogs in August. I was home for two of them, but was unsure if there was fog while I was on vacation. According to neighbors we had ONE fog from the 7th to the 12th. So, three fogs so far this August.....and it's the 24th!
Wonder what this winter will have in store for us?!
Until next time . . .
Wonder what this winter will have in store for us?!
Until next time . . .
Monday, August 23, 2010
Darling Jasper...aka The SPAZ

After I got home I had to investigate and see if there was anything I needed to replace. I was concerned about mom's new landscaping lights :( EEK! But, Jasper never touched them; knock on wood. As I was investigating Jasper had to show me his new found oasis.....MOM'S FLOWER WATERING POOL!!!!! Noted by picture above. Oh my gosh, when I found him in that pool I was like, "my mother is going to hurt me!" He would just get in the pool, walking over/through the plants, and sit in the middle to rest his rump in the water! What can I say, it was hot and the dog was just trying to cool off.
This pup is a mess, but oh so sweet-when he wants to be. What can I say, "I love my puppy!"
Until next time . . .
Fog's in August - No. my counts
This morning I awoke to a fog. That's right...a fog in August. Now, by my record keeping that is only #2 and we only have a week and a half left of August. However, I have no idea if there were any fogs while I was away on vacation. I was home the 12th and 13th, but no fog. Who knows what kind of weather we had from the 7th to the 11th? I guess we'll have to just wait and see what this winter brings us.
I've been seeing wooly worms...yes, wooly worms also predict winter weather. The ones I've seen are orange/black/orange/black etc all the way down their bodies. The bands of color are very close and thin as well. What does this predict you ask? Well the orange predicts calm weather and the black, well you guessed it, predicts yucky weather. So to analyze the wooly worms I've seen: we'll have back and forth calm/wintery weather all winter long. I'll keep my eye out for the woolies!
Until next time . . .
I've been seeing wooly worms...yes, wooly worms also predict winter weather. The ones I've seen are orange/black/orange/black etc all the way down their bodies. The bands of color are very close and thin as well. What does this predict you ask? Well the orange predicts calm weather and the black, well you guessed it, predicts yucky weather. So to analyze the wooly worms I've seen: we'll have back and forth calm/wintery weather all winter long. I'll keep my eye out for the woolies!
Until next time . . .
Friday, August 6, 2010
It's Vacation time!
At the start of this entry I am on officially on vacation in t-minus 1 hour 39 minutes and 37 seconds! So excited! My family and I; this includes myself, mom, dad, my sister (Renee) and her girls (Shanea, Dee & Jasmine). We are Colorado bound! Estes Park to be exact.
I'll back up a bit...we were supposed to be Gulf Shores, AL bound, but you'll probably recall the BP oil spill of April 2010! Nuff said about that!
So, we're heading to Colorado and getting on the road tonight. We like to drive at night when there are several of us to drive :) We're headed for cooler weather, spacious skies, and those fabulous Rockies! It's not an extended stay, but it's just enough. Plus, when you're with family that's all that matters.
When we get home we have to unload Renee's mama wagon, Maude, and pack it up again. Dear sweet Shanea is going to college! She moves in on Friday the 13th. We're so proud of her and the young lady she is becoming. Wishing Shanea much luck and enjoyment for her Freshman year at College of the Ozarks.
Then, on Friday night (the 13th) mom, dad and myself are off to St. Louis. THEN bright and early Saturday morning we're leaving on a jet plane to Boston, MA!!! Oh my, can not wait! We're going to the 2010 Solid Waste Convention...that's not the official name of the meeting, but it's all about recycling and recycled products. They are pretty awesome fun!
So, this is going to be a jam packed adventures 12 days. I'm looking forward to it and am going to embrace life and God. God is so good. Praying now for safe travels, no car trouble, and all attitudes stay in check!
Unless I have wifi on the road I'll be back on the 19th!
Until next time . . .
I'll back up a bit...we were supposed to be Gulf Shores, AL bound, but you'll probably recall the BP oil spill of April 2010! Nuff said about that!
So, we're heading to Colorado and getting on the road tonight. We like to drive at night when there are several of us to drive :) We're headed for cooler weather, spacious skies, and those fabulous Rockies! It's not an extended stay, but it's just enough. Plus, when you're with family that's all that matters.
When we get home we have to unload Renee's mama wagon, Maude, and pack it up again. Dear sweet Shanea is going to college! She moves in on Friday the 13th. We're so proud of her and the young lady she is becoming. Wishing Shanea much luck and enjoyment for her Freshman year at College of the Ozarks.
Then, on Friday night (the 13th) mom, dad and myself are off to St. Louis. THEN bright and early Saturday morning we're leaving on a jet plane to Boston, MA!!! Oh my, can not wait! We're going to the 2010 Solid Waste Convention...that's not the official name of the meeting, but it's all about recycling and recycled products. They are pretty awesome fun!
So, this is going to be a jam packed adventures 12 days. I'm looking forward to it and am going to embrace life and God. God is so good. Praying now for safe travels, no car trouble, and all attitudes stay in check!
Unless I have wifi on the road I'll be back on the 19th!
Until next time . . .
Election Results
Well, Election Day 2010 has come and gone for another time. Dad ran a very good campaign and had much support, but fell short by a mere 22 vote spread. Considering he was challenging an incumbent and a supposedly 'big to do' name he did very well. Woop-tee-doo on the big to do name; a name doesn't get you anything but the ability to buy people!
Anyway...I won't be negative or a poor sport about it. If one dwells on the negative aspects of this issue one could easily be angered and let anger take control...But we're not because we know the truth behind all the lies! The fact that the guy didn't want to run anyway and told my dad he wasn't going to is one indication he didn't want it. It wasn't until my dad filed that the guy got all on the defense; probably because he didn't think dad had the guts to challenge him. Well, dad did challenge him and had him on the edge of his seat until the final wire; when we came up short on votes. Over half of the precincts wanted dad, but certain clicks are hard to penetrate. And, this guy takes a week's vacation practically once a month and gets paid full salary! Not many people know this probably. PLUS, it must be nice to buy your votes and make all these donations to part of the community right before election; the only part of the community where dad got the least amount of votes I might add. Pretty convenient if you ask me. Oh blah, blah, blah!
But, dad is good and okay about it. This was not part of God's plan. It's simply another puddle in one of life's storms. Yes, I'm a bit defensive about it, but it strikes a nerve; especially when we know why certain people vote against you. They call you friend with one breath and stab you in the back with the next. Even though I know everything happens for a reason and God is in control, some things are still frustrating. We've always been considered by select clicks as lowly, not good enough and not upper crust enough to run with the big dogs. But let me just say....none of that matters. To be frank, I don't want to ever be a big dog. I like it just fine right where I am. I know who we serve and serving Him is the only thing that matters. He (God) will take care of everything. One day the lies will be exposed and the 'big-to-do' name won't matter; doesn't ever matter to God!
Sorry for venting my frustrations!
Until next time . . .
Anyway...I won't be negative or a poor sport about it. If one dwells on the negative aspects of this issue one could easily be angered and let anger take control...But we're not because we know the truth behind all the lies! The fact that the guy didn't want to run anyway and told my dad he wasn't going to is one indication he didn't want it. It wasn't until my dad filed that the guy got all on the defense; probably because he didn't think dad had the guts to challenge him. Well, dad did challenge him and had him on the edge of his seat until the final wire; when we came up short on votes. Over half of the precincts wanted dad, but certain clicks are hard to penetrate. And, this guy takes a week's vacation practically once a month and gets paid full salary! Not many people know this probably. PLUS, it must be nice to buy your votes and make all these donations to part of the community right before election; the only part of the community where dad got the least amount of votes I might add. Pretty convenient if you ask me. Oh blah, blah, blah!
But, dad is good and okay about it. This was not part of God's plan. It's simply another puddle in one of life's storms. Yes, I'm a bit defensive about it, but it strikes a nerve; especially when we know why certain people vote against you. They call you friend with one breath and stab you in the back with the next. Even though I know everything happens for a reason and God is in control, some things are still frustrating. We've always been considered by select clicks as lowly, not good enough and not upper crust enough to run with the big dogs. But let me just say....none of that matters. To be frank, I don't want to ever be a big dog. I like it just fine right where I am. I know who we serve and serving Him is the only thing that matters. He (God) will take care of everything. One day the lies will be exposed and the 'big-to-do' name won't matter; doesn't ever matter to God!
Sorry for venting my frustrations!
Until next time . . .
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Fog's in August - No. 1
I was reminded this morning that it is August. I've known it was August for 3 days now, but it didn't dawn on me that it was August until I was gripping about the heavy fog this morning. Then my sister kindly reminded me by saying, "isn't there something about the fogs in August?" I said, "YES!" I totally would have forgotten. Thanks sis!
For all who don't remember or if this is the first time you're reading my blog...the number of fogs in August supposedly, according to folklore, represent the number of snows we'll receive in the winter months. Oddly enough this is pretty accurate. Nonetheless it's always fun counting the fogs and then counting the snows. One thing about it...if you had 10 fogs in August once you reach snow 9 in the winter you know (hope) we're almost done with wintery precip!
Get to counting those Fogs in August and happy counting!
Until next time . . .
For all who don't remember or if this is the first time you're reading my blog...the number of fogs in August supposedly, according to folklore, represent the number of snows we'll receive in the winter months. Oddly enough this is pretty accurate. Nonetheless it's always fun counting the fogs and then counting the snows. One thing about it...if you had 10 fogs in August once you reach snow 9 in the winter you know (hope) we're almost done with wintery precip!
Get to counting those Fogs in August and happy counting!
Until next time . . .
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