Good day everyone! We are welcoming October with CHILLY weather! Now I know cooler temps are expected as we get into Fall, but we go from one extreme to the next! Hello typical weather in the Ozarks! But it's been down right cold! These 30-something degree evening/night time temperatures is something I'm not ready for. The last couple mornings have brought us a light frost as well. Guess those tarantulas crossing the road a few weeks back did their job at predicting the weather change!
This past weekend was jam packed. I had lots to say "no" to because there's just not enough hours in the day and well it's really impossible to physically be in five places at once. Started the day with the C Ridge 5K...supported a fellow Ozark Countian as he participated in the Arkansas Traveler 100 mile race. It was nice and airish Saturday morning. My plan was to run at 7am...I like running/walking to the sunrise. But, it was cool and my house was cozy so I waited until 9am :) Great stroll with great company; my momma. I really love our time together walking and talking. And, to be able to finally stay at pace with her, well that's simply fabulous! Oh, and I ran more this time than I ever have...1/2 mile without stopping in part of it!
Saturday was also a wedding day....NO not mine! haha! My neighbor's daughter got married. It was a beautiful wedding!! Congratulations to the happy couple.
After the wedding I headed to Springfield for my first ever boxing match. It was held at the Shrine Mosque. A good friend of mine manages an up and coming boxer so he got me a ticket. I have to say it was really interesting. Enjoyed people watching, HA! But also enjoy the matches. Met up with some new friends (best friends to my friend). We had dinner at Pickleman's in Downtown. Enjoyed visiting, laughing and having a good time. Already looking forward to our next visit.
Only got in 10 miles of walking/jogging this week. There were three days I didn't get a stroll in. I definitely pay for that, too! The first and second stroll after not going for three days always hurts.
Today I start clearing out caffeinated drinks and sugars from my diet. I have done that a lot already, but I'm working on cutting out these things cold turkey. Will miss my morning cup of coffee, but will splurge every once in a while on visits to Starbucks.....which rarely happens so I think I'll be okay! HA. As far as the sugars go, I really think I'll start seeing a difference in the waist line once I quit those. Goodness I hope so. I have been at a plateau weight wise for a few months, but I can tell I'm losing inches in the legs and hips...just not the waist, which is weird. So, I must really focus on what and how much I'm eating. When I started my journey I dropped 20 pounds in no time without much walking. Now I'm walking/jogging nearly every day and the weight loss has stopped. I haven't been as consistent with my diet which I know is the factor. So, it's now time to get the exercise balanced with the diet!!
Until next time . . . Run for life!
A sneak peak into my life . . . From working in town to country life, chasing sunsets, living and working on the farm, and my insane love for travel.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Welcome October and Ozark Cty Walk-a-bout 2012
Yesterday was March and today is October.....well it wasn't really but sure seems like it anyway. This year is zoom, zoom, zooming by. Are you enjoying it? Are you living it to the fullest?
Things have been relatively quiet the past week or so. The Ozark County Walk-A-Bout started October 1. All my miles will be logged for them this month :) I had to go out of town over the weekend (to Tan-Tar-A) for the 2012 MSBA Conference (aka school board conference). It was a great conference with wonderful speakers and sessions. I enjoy things like that and learning as much as I can. I don't think one can ever learn too much. I want to be a good board member for my school and community!
Been continuing with my walking; adding a little more jogging each time. Days were long while at the conference so three days of sitting on my tail really hurt! My Sunday afternoon walk/jog was a booger!!! Can we say ouch with a big 'O' to the chins and calves! Mercy, mercy, mercy! But, by the time I was wrapping up the stroll I was getting stretched out. Yesterday's stroll was much better....and I jogged (in intervals) one mile of the two! Hurt like crazy but I did it. A dear friend, who shall remain nameless, tells me, "do your best, push hard, and when you think you've done all you can, push harder!" That's all that was going through my mind in my jogs the last two days....push harder Linz! **side note** Yes, I do know when to stop before hurting myself. I just have to learn to endure and push when my mind (not my body) tells me to stop. My mind would win nearly every time and leave me on the couch if I'd let it.
Log for this week:
Until next time . . . Run for life!
Things have been relatively quiet the past week or so. The Ozark County Walk-A-Bout started October 1. All my miles will be logged for them this month :) I had to go out of town over the weekend (to Tan-Tar-A) for the 2012 MSBA Conference (aka school board conference). It was a great conference with wonderful speakers and sessions. I enjoy things like that and learning as much as I can. I don't think one can ever learn too much. I want to be a good board member for my school and community!
Been continuing with my walking; adding a little more jogging each time. Days were long while at the conference so three days of sitting on my tail really hurt! My Sunday afternoon walk/jog was a booger!!! Can we say ouch with a big 'O' to the chins and calves! Mercy, mercy, mercy! But, by the time I was wrapping up the stroll I was getting stretched out. Yesterday's stroll was much better....and I jogged (in intervals) one mile of the two! Hurt like crazy but I did it. A dear friend, who shall remain nameless, tells me, "do your best, push hard, and when you think you've done all you can, push harder!" That's all that was going through my mind in my jogs the last two days....push harder Linz! **side note** Yes, I do know when to stop before hurting myself. I just have to learn to endure and push when my mind (not my body) tells me to stop. My mind would win nearly every time and leave me on the couch if I'd let it.
Log for this week:
- Sunday - 2 miles (with my momma and my pup) Makes me feel good that that skinny binny now has to keep up with me at times ;)
- Monday - 2 miles (with both pups; Tucker and Jasper) Jasper has this thing about cutting in front of my feet when I get to jogging.....bad! So far I've kept myself vertical, but it's only a matter of time before he takes me out! HA!
- Tuesday - TBA, but I'm hoping for 4
Until next time . . . Run for life!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Squeeze 'Em to Save 'Em 5K
Good day every one! This is the first time I've had a chance to update since the weekend. This past weekend was the first Squeeze 'Em to Save 'Em 5K in conjunction with Hootin and Hollarin; and my second 5K!! Yes, I did it :) It was such a beautiful, first day of Fall, morning! Perfect strolling weather. There was a nice turn out for the 5K and one mile walk. It was nice to see several out for this. Proceeds from this race go to Susan B Komen Race for the Cure.
I have to admit I thought I'd be a little more nervous for this race than my first one from the previous weekend. It's a little more intimidating in front of people you know than in the company of complete strangers! But it wasn't too bad. I post all my workouts on facebook as an accountability measure so this race was putting me to the test.....since many of my fellow racers follow me on facebook :)
It was awesome running across that finish line to cheers! For a second I didn't feel overweight :) The rest of those seconds...well, I was full of enthusiasm, excitement, and knowing that what I'm doing is working; slowly but it's working! Oh...and I did much better this week than last; 50.04 minutes instead of just over an hour plus a little more running. Probably could have been finished sooner, but I think I got chatty. Right now my time isn't my focus, finishing is. But, I do aspire to medal one day :)
**Sidenote** I get so cracked up when people hear I've done a 5K. Sure I get a lot of "good for you" comments. But the comments that crack me up are, "REALLY? YOU did a 5K? Wow, I'm impressed." I just laugh and respond with a, "Yes I did."
The next 5K is the weekend of October 6th and it's a virtual race. So back to the trail I go.
Until next time . . . Run for life!
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We did it! (L to R): Amanda, Me, friends since elementary :) |
I have to admit I thought I'd be a little more nervous for this race than my first one from the previous weekend. It's a little more intimidating in front of people you know than in the company of complete strangers! But it wasn't too bad. I post all my workouts on facebook as an accountability measure so this race was putting me to the test.....since many of my fellow racers follow me on facebook :)
It was awesome running across that finish line to cheers! For a second I didn't feel overweight :) The rest of those seconds...well, I was full of enthusiasm, excitement, and knowing that what I'm doing is working; slowly but it's working! Oh...and I did much better this week than last; 50.04 minutes instead of just over an hour plus a little more running. Probably could have been finished sooner, but I think I got chatty. Right now my time isn't my focus, finishing is. But, I do aspire to medal one day :)
**Sidenote** I get so cracked up when people hear I've done a 5K. Sure I get a lot of "good for you" comments. But the comments that crack me up are, "REALLY? YOU did a 5K? Wow, I'm impressed." I just laugh and respond with a, "Yes I did."
The next 5K is the weekend of October 6th and it's a virtual race. So back to the trail I go.
Until next time . . . Run for life!
Monday, September 17, 2012
I started, I finished, I conquered my first 5K!
Wow! What can I say. I'm still on cloud 9 from Saturday! Smiling, beaming, happy, energized!
Saturday, September 15, 2012: The day started early for me; 4am. I needed to be on the road by 5am in order to travel to Springfield, MO for the race. It was at the Springfield Lake Boathouse. I like to leave 30 minutes earlier when I'm not sure where I'm going. But, it was a breeze to find. It's a good thing because I left later than I wanted to.
I got my attire ready the night before so I wouldn't be rushed around. Checked the weather; called for partly cloudy and misty skies. But a towel never crossed my mind. Threw in extra set of comfy clothes to change into when finished. Well, the weather was WAY OFF! It was kind of misty and cloudy when I left home. But the closer I got to Springfield the heavier the rain got. I remember laughing out loud to myself in the car and saying, "oh great!" But hey, I've always wanted to have a good walk/run in the rain.
I walked into the boathouse and everyone around were slim athletes. But I'm still thinking "I got this!" However I knew at that moment I'd probably come in last; especially when they told us about the course! OH MY GOODNESS......HILLS! I'll fast forward to line up. We were all getting lined up and I knew by my company I definitely needed to find myself a spot near the back of the pack. We're standing there, my nerves are beginning to talk....they were saying oh my gosh Lindsay I can't believe you're doing this and I was answering back I can't either! Not out loud conversations here. Didn't' want anyone to think I was crazy! LOL And there it was, the sounds I never in a million years thought I'd hear with me being apart of it.....Runners, on your mark, get set, GO! Followed by the sound of the air horn. Here we go! The sound of feet pounding through the water; splash splash. May have even heard my heart a little, too.
The first 2/3 of the race was almost entirely uphill. There were a few downhills in there, too. Hills, let me just say, are my weakness. Not to mention it was pouring down rain and the trail was slicker than snot! I won't lie and say I never wanted to quit. The thought did cross my mind at one point, but I carried on. I knew I would be so mad at myself if I let fear conquer me. So I just said "Lord, You're going to have to please carry me up this hill." Yes, I said it out loud...why not? No one was anywhere near to hear me. I was out there by myself. But oh what soul searching and mind cleansing I did. As the other runners began to quickly go out of my view I just said, "Lord, it's me and You."
There were so many thoughts going through my mind. My body hurt. I was cautious with every step because it was so slick. I was freezing, but hot at the same time. My clothes were heavy and weighing me down from the rain. I thought at one point it was good for my clothes to be wet...reminded me of the weight I've lost and how I do not want to be carrying that around anymore! My clothes were sticking to me too; oh how I dislike that! My mind was racing faster than my body was I think. It was still saying I can't believe you're doing this. Near the end of the race I remember thinking about how long I had been out there. It felt like an eternity. Every volunteer I passed at a trail turn I remember thinking, "oh, I'm the slow one making them have to stand out here in the rain waiting on me." But they were so kind, saying good job and telling me thank you for doing this to support the ranch.
The last volunteer I met I asked how much further and he told me I was 2/3 there. WOOHOO I'm going to nip this thing in the bud! By that time the trail was starting to taper off to short little hills and the ground was beginning to level a little. I had told my friend before the race he better be out there waiting for me to cross. I was wondering how long he had been finished and how long he'd been waiting on the rain. I come out of the last little bend and valley and much to my surprise....there he was! He had finished his race and came back to meet me to finish with me. I think the sunbeams were shining on me the rest of the race because I was beaming! That meant so much to me. He was mouthing something to me and I just kept saying, "I'm coming okay." Then he told me I had this, I was almost finished, the finish line is just around the corner and down a little ways. So we finished together. I only hoped he'd be there waiting on me to finish. What I go was so much better! Just before the finish line he reached out to grab a high-five and congratulated me on my completion.
I may have finished today's race last, but I had so many personal "fear" victories in this day. One, I signed up for something and finished it; not just anything, a 5K. Two, I walked into a boathouse with my head held high knowing I could do this and didn't let the 'athlete' card intimidate me into quitting. Three, I feel like I conquered the fear of coming in last! Four, I FINISHED!!! I crossed that finish line with a smile on my face knowing I had completed something that was the steps in the right direction toward my future; HEALTHY! I was and am so incredibly happy.
Great day! Awesome day! Excellent day! Ready for more :)
Until next time . . . Run for life!
Saturday, September 15, 2012: The day started early for me; 4am. I needed to be on the road by 5am in order to travel to Springfield, MO for the race. It was at the Springfield Lake Boathouse. I like to leave 30 minutes earlier when I'm not sure where I'm going. But, it was a breeze to find. It's a good thing because I left later than I wanted to.
I got my attire ready the night before so I wouldn't be rushed around. Checked the weather; called for partly cloudy and misty skies. But a towel never crossed my mind. Threw in extra set of comfy clothes to change into when finished. Well, the weather was WAY OFF! It was kind of misty and cloudy when I left home. But the closer I got to Springfield the heavier the rain got. I remember laughing out loud to myself in the car and saying, "oh great!" But hey, I've always wanted to have a good walk/run in the rain.
I walked into the boathouse and everyone around were slim athletes. But I'm still thinking "I got this!" However I knew at that moment I'd probably come in last; especially when they told us about the course! OH MY GOODNESS......HILLS! I'll fast forward to line up. We were all getting lined up and I knew by my company I definitely needed to find myself a spot near the back of the pack. We're standing there, my nerves are beginning to talk....they were saying oh my gosh Lindsay I can't believe you're doing this and I was answering back I can't either! Not out loud conversations here. Didn't' want anyone to think I was crazy! LOL And there it was, the sounds I never in a million years thought I'd hear with me being apart of it.....Runners, on your mark, get set, GO! Followed by the sound of the air horn. Here we go! The sound of feet pounding through the water; splash splash. May have even heard my heart a little, too.
The first 2/3 of the race was almost entirely uphill. There were a few downhills in there, too. Hills, let me just say, are my weakness. Not to mention it was pouring down rain and the trail was slicker than snot! I won't lie and say I never wanted to quit. The thought did cross my mind at one point, but I carried on. I knew I would be so mad at myself if I let fear conquer me. So I just said "Lord, You're going to have to please carry me up this hill." Yes, I said it out loud...why not? No one was anywhere near to hear me. I was out there by myself. But oh what soul searching and mind cleansing I did. As the other runners began to quickly go out of my view I just said, "Lord, it's me and You."
There were so many thoughts going through my mind. My body hurt. I was cautious with every step because it was so slick. I was freezing, but hot at the same time. My clothes were heavy and weighing me down from the rain. I thought at one point it was good for my clothes to be wet...reminded me of the weight I've lost and how I do not want to be carrying that around anymore! My clothes were sticking to me too; oh how I dislike that! My mind was racing faster than my body was I think. It was still saying I can't believe you're doing this. Near the end of the race I remember thinking about how long I had been out there. It felt like an eternity. Every volunteer I passed at a trail turn I remember thinking, "oh, I'm the slow one making them have to stand out here in the rain waiting on me." But they were so kind, saying good job and telling me thank you for doing this to support the ranch.
The last volunteer I met I asked how much further and he told me I was 2/3 there. WOOHOO I'm going to nip this thing in the bud! By that time the trail was starting to taper off to short little hills and the ground was beginning to level a little. I had told my friend before the race he better be out there waiting for me to cross. I was wondering how long he had been finished and how long he'd been waiting on the rain. I come out of the last little bend and valley and much to my surprise....there he was! He had finished his race and came back to meet me to finish with me. I think the sunbeams were shining on me the rest of the race because I was beaming! That meant so much to me. He was mouthing something to me and I just kept saying, "I'm coming okay." Then he told me I had this, I was almost finished, the finish line is just around the corner and down a little ways. So we finished together. I only hoped he'd be there waiting on me to finish. What I go was so much better! Just before the finish line he reached out to grab a high-five and congratulated me on my completion.
I may have finished today's race last, but I had so many personal "fear" victories in this day. One, I signed up for something and finished it; not just anything, a 5K. Two, I walked into a boathouse with my head held high knowing I could do this and didn't let the 'athlete' card intimidate me into quitting. Three, I feel like I conquered the fear of coming in last! Four, I FINISHED!!! I crossed that finish line with a smile on my face knowing I had completed something that was the steps in the right direction toward my future; HEALTHY! I was and am so incredibly happy.
Great day! Awesome day! Excellent day! Ready for more :)
Until next time . . . Run for life!
Friday, September 14, 2012
Tomorrow is the Day...My First 5K!!!
It's so hard for me to comprehend I am doing my first 5K! It's tomorrow at Springfield Lake Boathouse and a benefit for the Good Samaritan Boys Ranch of Springfield. I'm excited and a little nervous; only nervous because I have no idea what to expect. And I will be jogging really for the first time in public! If you know me you will know that's a big deal!!
There are so many things zooming through my mind. Here's some of them....."I hope I don't come in last, finish strong, don't worry about what you look like even if you're the only heavy set person there, don't care who's watching you, who cares if you come in last as long as you finish, please Lord don't let my legs cramp up like they occasionally do when walking hard, DON'T FALL DOWN, keep smiling, positive thoughts, look how far you've come since April, you can do it, your dear friend is going to be there cheering you on." My mind is constantly going from one of these statements to the next, nonstop.
Never before would I have even considered doing a 5K let alone exercise in public! If someone would have told me in January I'd be doing this I would have laughed at them! Seriously I would have!
But now, even though I'm still not up to running the entire distance, I am so unbelievably pumped for tomorrow...despite a few nerves. I have no idea what to expect, but it doesn't really bother me. It's kinda like faith and my walk with the Lord....give it all to Him and he'll guide me through. He is my strength and my guide. I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but through faith I know God will be there with me. I guess that's what makes everything okay and puts me at peace. I feel God pushing me to do this so I know it's right and I know everything will be awesome!!!
Until next time . . . Run for life!
There are so many things zooming through my mind. Here's some of them....."I hope I don't come in last, finish strong, don't worry about what you look like even if you're the only heavy set person there, don't care who's watching you, who cares if you come in last as long as you finish, please Lord don't let my legs cramp up like they occasionally do when walking hard, DON'T FALL DOWN, keep smiling, positive thoughts, look how far you've come since April, you can do it, your dear friend is going to be there cheering you on." My mind is constantly going from one of these statements to the next, nonstop.
Never before would I have even considered doing a 5K let alone exercise in public! If someone would have told me in January I'd be doing this I would have laughed at them! Seriously I would have!
But now, even though I'm still not up to running the entire distance, I am so unbelievably pumped for tomorrow...despite a few nerves. I have no idea what to expect, but it doesn't really bother me. It's kinda like faith and my walk with the Lord....give it all to Him and he'll guide me through. He is my strength and my guide. I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but through faith I know God will be there with me. I guess that's what makes everything okay and puts me at peace. I feel God pushing me to do this so I know it's right and I know everything will be awesome!!!
Until next time . . . Run for life!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Today Marks a Milestone!
Today - Monday, September 10th, 2012; your typical day. Awoke to a cool fall-like morning of 50 degrees, blue skies and a light breeze. Oh, and it's my first day back to work since August 31st. Took advantage of a long holiday weekend (Labor Day) and some vacation time....stayed home to work on my house remodel projects. Anyway, that's not the milestone.
So what's so special about this day? Why is it a milestone marker? Well let me just tell you . . . . I signed up today for not only one, but two 5K's!!! My first and second ever!! I'm stoked, pumped, side kick toe touch excited!!
I'm a beginner and walk mostly; this I know. But you know you what? That's okay. One has to start somewhere....get my feet wet. In my mind I think, "Goodness, there are going to be fast runners there. What will they think of me?" Then I think, "Hold your head high and know you're making a difference in your life and supporting great causes at the same time. Maybe you'll inspire someone who has the same fears Lindsay." So I did it. I bit the bullet. I overcame fear and submitted those registration forms!
You know really...fear was the furthest thing from my mind when I hit that little magic button that said "submit registration". My mind was full of joy and anticipation for great things to happen. God is pushing me in ways I never imagined or dreamed possible. Scripture tells us in Matthew 9:29, "According to your faith, it will be done unto you." Our faith in God's abilities is the key to seeing our dreams come to pass. I have faith I will be healthier, but I have to put forth effort. I have to keep the faith that God is my strength to get me through the days when I feel this is too hard. "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song." (Psalm 28:7) And, I must keep the faith and trust in the people that God has put in my life for a reason, a season or a push me and cause me to work harder in this journey.
I'm excited...already said that but wanted to make sure you caught on :) I'm so happy with how God is moving in my life. Even though it's a little race God still gets the glory in all that I do. I'll be taking Him with me on race day, too :)
Until next time . . . Run (or walk fast if you're on the same level as me) for life!
So what's so special about this day? Why is it a milestone marker? Well let me just tell you . . . . I signed up today for not only one, but two 5K's!!! My first and second ever!! I'm stoked, pumped, side kick toe touch excited!!
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my announcement to the world! |
You know really...fear was the furthest thing from my mind when I hit that little magic button that said "submit registration". My mind was full of joy and anticipation for great things to happen. God is pushing me in ways I never imagined or dreamed possible. Scripture tells us in Matthew 9:29, "According to your faith, it will be done unto you." Our faith in God's abilities is the key to seeing our dreams come to pass. I have faith I will be healthier, but I have to put forth effort. I have to keep the faith that God is my strength to get me through the days when I feel this is too hard. "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song." (Psalm 28:7) And, I must keep the faith and trust in the people that God has put in my life for a reason, a season or a push me and cause me to work harder in this journey.
I'm excited...already said that but wanted to make sure you caught on :) I'm so happy with how God is moving in my life. Even though it's a little race God still gets the glory in all that I do. I'll be taking Him with me on race day, too :)
Until next time . . . Run (or walk fast if you're on the same level as me) for life!
Friday, August 31, 2012
Weekly exercise recap . . . .
Well this week I didn't get much trail walking/jogging in...none actually. I was on the highway driving.
But, I did make two trips to Silver Dollar City; it was the Southern Gospel Picnic. Went to see/hear Jason Crabb and The Hoppers! EXCELLENT!! WOWOWOW!!
Anyway....Echo Hollow. Have you ever been there? Have you ever walked into and out of that place? My goodness! Well, a month ago when I was there I huffed and puffed and my legs were fire by the time I got to the top. This week, oh ho this week. I climbed up out of that holler and FELT GREAT!!! Sure I huffed and puffed, but nothing like I used to. And the legs, oh ho the legs...they felt great! On top of that, I ran from the exit gates all the way to the car both nights....probably a quarter mile I'm guessing.
So no normal trail walking/jogging but I feel like I've met another small victory in that climb out of Echo Hollow as well as jogging IN PUBLIC!!! Yeehaw!! Although the scale isn't really saying so yet, I guess what I'm doing is really working!
Until next time . . . Run for dear life!
But, I did make two trips to Silver Dollar City; it was the Southern Gospel Picnic. Went to see/hear Jason Crabb and The Hoppers! EXCELLENT!! WOWOWOW!!
Anyway....Echo Hollow. Have you ever been there? Have you ever walked into and out of that place? My goodness! Well, a month ago when I was there I huffed and puffed and my legs were fire by the time I got to the top. This week, oh ho this week. I climbed up out of that holler and FELT GREAT!!! Sure I huffed and puffed, but nothing like I used to. And the legs, oh ho the legs...they felt great! On top of that, I ran from the exit gates all the way to the car both nights....probably a quarter mile I'm guessing.
So no normal trail walking/jogging but I feel like I've met another small victory in that climb out of Echo Hollow as well as jogging IN PUBLIC!!! Yeehaw!! Although the scale isn't really saying so yet, I guess what I'm doing is really working!
Until next time . . . Run for dear life!
Fogs in August 2012
Today is the last day of August, 2012. According to my record keeping this month, and I confirmed with mom because she watches too, we have had 5 fogs this month. Now for those of you just joining you're probably wondering what in the world I'm talking about.
Well, according to old wives it wives or wise??...anyway, you know what I mean. According to tales and the Farmer's Almanac the number of fogs in the month of August predict the number of snows for the upcoming winter season.
Fogs is August 2012 . . . . . . FIVE! We'll see :)
Until next time . . . run for dear life!
Well, according to old wives it wives or wise??...anyway, you know what I mean. According to tales and the Farmer's Almanac the number of fogs in the month of August predict the number of snows for the upcoming winter season.
Fogs is August 2012 . . . . . . FIVE! We'll see :)
Until next time . . . run for dear life!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
200 Day Challenge!
203 days from this very day, Lord willing, I will be doing my most favorite thing in this world....TRAVELING OVERSEAS!!!! The Britannia 2013...aka Ireland, Scotland, Wales and London. Yeehaw!!
This is something I feel so very fortunate to have the opportunity to do. I remember as a little girl dreaming of seeing those ancient lands, monuments, lands filled with rich history, and that countryside. My big dream was Paris and visiting the Eiffel Tower...that was my very first trip in 2006. Since then I have had the bug to go as much as I could, when I could, and when finances allowed.
I think sometimes of my traveling journeys being like my weight loss journey. I never thought I'd be able to travel overseas, even though I dreamed of it and prayed for it....took me awhile, but I DID! My weight loss journey is no different...I dream of waking up healthy and skinny and pray for God's's taking me awhile to get where I need to be, but I WILL!
Each time I've ever been in Europe I have the time of my life; oh the memories. Yet at the same time I've let the weight bother me some. First of all, 8-9 hours in an airplane across the big pond is not fun if you are too fleshy! LOL I think when I'm first reminded of the weight is when I'm getting on that first plane and have to ask for a seat belt extender. Oh goodness that's hard sometimes. Then I'm reminded when I can't fully put the tray on the seat back down all the way. Yep, it's those little things that remind us of our trials. This is negative talk and so not the purpose of this post! Stay focused Lindsay.
So, on to the 200 Day Challenge....I've lost about 25 pounds thus far. I'm challenging myself to keep up with the walking/jogging/eating right. I would love to step on that plane at least 50 more pounds lighter, 75 total, on March 20, 2013 (the day after my 34th birthday). Sure I'll take more. But over the years I've found that if I set that number too high and fail those voices are not so nice to me. I'm going to be meeting up with friends from Rossville, IN who I first met in 2009 on the Paris, London and the Alps tour. I can not wait to step off that plane in Ireland 75 pounds (or more) lighter :) !!!!! Plus, I'll need cute new clothes for the trip :) lol
Until next time . . . Run for dear life!!!
This is something I feel so very fortunate to have the opportunity to do. I remember as a little girl dreaming of seeing those ancient lands, monuments, lands filled with rich history, and that countryside. My big dream was Paris and visiting the Eiffel Tower...that was my very first trip in 2006. Since then I have had the bug to go as much as I could, when I could, and when finances allowed.
I think sometimes of my traveling journeys being like my weight loss journey. I never thought I'd be able to travel overseas, even though I dreamed of it and prayed for it....took me awhile, but I DID! My weight loss journey is no different...I dream of waking up healthy and skinny and pray for God's's taking me awhile to get where I need to be, but I WILL!
Each time I've ever been in Europe I have the time of my life; oh the memories. Yet at the same time I've let the weight bother me some. First of all, 8-9 hours in an airplane across the big pond is not fun if you are too fleshy! LOL I think when I'm first reminded of the weight is when I'm getting on that first plane and have to ask for a seat belt extender. Oh goodness that's hard sometimes. Then I'm reminded when I can't fully put the tray on the seat back down all the way. Yep, it's those little things that remind us of our trials. This is negative talk and so not the purpose of this post! Stay focused Lindsay.
So, on to the 200 Day Challenge....I've lost about 25 pounds thus far. I'm challenging myself to keep up with the walking/jogging/eating right. I would love to step on that plane at least 50 more pounds lighter, 75 total, on March 20, 2013 (the day after my 34th birthday). Sure I'll take more. But over the years I've found that if I set that number too high and fail those voices are not so nice to me. I'm going to be meeting up with friends from Rossville, IN who I first met in 2009 on the Paris, London and the Alps tour. I can not wait to step off that plane in Ireland 75 pounds (or more) lighter :) !!!!! Plus, I'll need cute new clothes for the trip :) lol
Until next time . . . Run for dear life!!!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Run for Dear Life!
Run for Dear Life...probably not the title you're used to seeing from me. But, as of today I've decided to use my blog for good instead of gab; not that I posted bad stuff. Maybe someone will get something out of my ramblings. If anything, this will be my own account of my journey to a healthy life. Something I can look back on 6 months, 1 year or 2 years from now to see how far I've come in this journey.
Sure, I've said it MANY times....I'm going to get healthy, I'm going to lose this weight, yada yada yada. I start out okay for a while then FLOP. Well, I'm tired of flopping and giving those who laugh and mock more to laugh at. Yes, sadly, there are some who have actually said to my face "I'll believe it when I see it for you to lose weight." But you know, those kinds of people are always going to be there. As I think back on that I should have used that fuel as a fire starter not a reason to quit. I'm tired of beating myself up and having more emotional bruises to heal. I'm finished with feeling like I'm holding myself back in this life because of my weight. No more! You know, it's like our fight with Satan. The Bible tells us Satan has to leave us when we tell him too in the Name of the Lord...he has to leave...yes, scripture says that! So....weight be gone in the name of Lindsay WILL conquer you! hehehe a moment of toughness!
Many of you know I've been working hard this year at the weight loss battle. The scale doesn't say so as much, but I feel I've made so many positive improvements. Sure I could have worked much harder. Losing weight is not all about the food; although I desperately need to learn how to fuel my body and not eat just to be eating. In fact, for me, it is more about the mind. Sure food has a lot to do with our success, but I think our mental readiness is so important, too. Even more so important than the food aspect. Our minds control so much of our being. I mean, think about this. We're sad or mad (an emotion in the mind and heart), we're bored, etc so what do we do? WE EAT! At least I do.
Since the first of the year I have tried to rethink my life, my habits (good and bad), my likes, my dislikes, what fuels me and what drains me. I've started following fellow Ozark Countians on their pursuit to a healthy life by running. I'm a LONG way from being able to keep up with them on the trail, but Norene P, David M, Molly L, Carl B and so many more have been inspirations to me. I've listed them in my blog and I don't think they have an idea how they've inspired and helped me already. It all started last year when many of them ran in a marathon in Nashville, TN. I have no idea what it was and to this day can't tell you. But something clicked in me. The desire deep inside me that is running on all cylinders....but it's a desire that's running on the inside trying to find it's way out; out and onto the open road!
I read their posts about training. I remember thinking, "My goodness that's a lot of running." I also remember thinking, "I'll never be able to run (our minds are brutal!)." Even though I've always felt like my soul was a runner....I've never exactly had the runner build! Then I saw their pictures from the race. You could see so much emotion on their faces; emotions of completing a huge endeavor, emotions of exhaustion yet feeling so accomplished, smiles, laughter, and being so happy to finish such a milestone.
"I'm so happy for them. That is awesome. I can do that. I want to do that. I NEED to do that." These are all things I remember hearing myself say. They were all statements associated with that "click" in my head. That moment of have a great life and you're very blessed and fortunate, you're happy with everyone and their accomplishments except yourself, you know what you have to do! Let me back up a second...I tend to be a very happy person and very much enjoy life. But you may understand where I'm coming from. Even though my life is filled with joy I still feel like I'm letting my weight hold me back from my full potential; that potential that God has given me that I allow the weight to rule. That's the part of me where I'm so hard on myself and hot happy with. But by gollies I'm going to do something about it! HA :)
I'd like to say all that changed my life in an instant, but it didn't. It's not easy. If it were, I wouldn't have let my weight get so out of hand. Not an excuse, but being overweight is the absolute hardest thing I've ever had to deal with. It's worse than college, worse than relationships (and I stink at those), worse than living life single, worse than losing loved ones. But you know, weight is the reason I stink at some of those other things in life. No matter how much I'm liked...if I can't fully like myself it's just a ripple effect on everything else. There is a verse of scripture for that: Love your neighbor as yourself. -Mark 12:31. I do love my neighbors, but you see, if I can't fully love myself how in the world can I do as God commands and fully love my neighbors?! It's all a ripple effect I tell ya.
I'm losing focus.....So, after the first of the year I started to watch my food, get some walking in. I lost about 24 pounds in a little over a month doing that. But then the mind starts in. My mind kept telling me how it doesn't matter that I've lost 24 pounds because people don't know it and can't tell. I still felt people looking at me like a fatty. Granted I still was and am, but I felt so good having lost that. I mean come on, that's eight packages of sugar! But, the mind got the best of me. I recall making a blast on facebook about being sick and tired of working so hard at losing weight and still being looked at as a fatty. Boy, did that get a lot of comments! Ha. Then, the comment from a great friend that set in motion another "click"...that little text that asked if I minded they help me with my journey. Boy did that stir me up. I first thought no way can I let this happen. I don't like to talk about my weight to my parents let alone someone someone outside my realm of comfort, especially a guy. And a hunky one at that ;) (Ha, he knows I think that cause I've told him so no worries!) But then, as tears flowed down my face and as I prayed in the silence, I could feel this was right. I could even feel a strong presence of God around me during that moment. I knew I now had a true accountability partner who saw me as me not a fatty, someone to keep me in check, someone I did not and do not want to fail!! Maybe one day I'll have the courage to tell him. Until then, patience for God's timing.
Yes, I've failed many times since March and I'll continue to not do as good as I should/could. I have a long way to go and much to learn. I can't think of things as failures, but areas to work harder to get better.....I'm a work in progress. I've walked/jogged many miles since January 1, 2012...I wish I would have kept record of them before now. I finally have a love of walking and working on the jogging. I get out there on the open road and push so hard. I remember the first several weeks I could hardly move after I'd get in from a walk. Now, I'm walking 2-6 miles nearly every day. When I get home I'm exhausted, but it's a great exhausted and I can't wait to get out there again. I finally feel that I'm going to be able to jog one day. All I hear my mind say are the words of that dear friend, "You can do this Linz, you can!" That inner runner in my soul is making it's way out to run for dear life; in order to have life!
So, today...August 27, 2012 shall be my first blog of my journey. I may not post everyday, in fact I doubt it, but I'll post all my miles. I do have some logged in dailymile, but I really don't want to go back through them! LOL Let's just say there are several footprints on the road that belong to me. Join me in my journey to get healthy! You can all be my accountability partners :) As for any trial, I'm always excited to see the other side of it and see God's works that are revealed!
Until next time . . . run for dear life!!
Sure, I've said it MANY times....I'm going to get healthy, I'm going to lose this weight, yada yada yada. I start out okay for a while then FLOP. Well, I'm tired of flopping and giving those who laugh and mock more to laugh at. Yes, sadly, there are some who have actually said to my face "I'll believe it when I see it for you to lose weight." But you know, those kinds of people are always going to be there. As I think back on that I should have used that fuel as a fire starter not a reason to quit. I'm tired of beating myself up and having more emotional bruises to heal. I'm finished with feeling like I'm holding myself back in this life because of my weight. No more! You know, it's like our fight with Satan. The Bible tells us Satan has to leave us when we tell him too in the Name of the Lord...he has to leave...yes, scripture says that! So....weight be gone in the name of Lindsay WILL conquer you! hehehe a moment of toughness!
Many of you know I've been working hard this year at the weight loss battle. The scale doesn't say so as much, but I feel I've made so many positive improvements. Sure I could have worked much harder. Losing weight is not all about the food; although I desperately need to learn how to fuel my body and not eat just to be eating. In fact, for me, it is more about the mind. Sure food has a lot to do with our success, but I think our mental readiness is so important, too. Even more so important than the food aspect. Our minds control so much of our being. I mean, think about this. We're sad or mad (an emotion in the mind and heart), we're bored, etc so what do we do? WE EAT! At least I do.
Since the first of the year I have tried to rethink my life, my habits (good and bad), my likes, my dislikes, what fuels me and what drains me. I've started following fellow Ozark Countians on their pursuit to a healthy life by running. I'm a LONG way from being able to keep up with them on the trail, but Norene P, David M, Molly L, Carl B and so many more have been inspirations to me. I've listed them in my blog and I don't think they have an idea how they've inspired and helped me already. It all started last year when many of them ran in a marathon in Nashville, TN. I have no idea what it was and to this day can't tell you. But something clicked in me. The desire deep inside me that is running on all cylinders....but it's a desire that's running on the inside trying to find it's way out; out and onto the open road!
I read their posts about training. I remember thinking, "My goodness that's a lot of running." I also remember thinking, "I'll never be able to run (our minds are brutal!)." Even though I've always felt like my soul was a runner....I've never exactly had the runner build! Then I saw their pictures from the race. You could see so much emotion on their faces; emotions of completing a huge endeavor, emotions of exhaustion yet feeling so accomplished, smiles, laughter, and being so happy to finish such a milestone.
"I'm so happy for them. That is awesome. I can do that. I want to do that. I NEED to do that." These are all things I remember hearing myself say. They were all statements associated with that "click" in my head. That moment of have a great life and you're very blessed and fortunate, you're happy with everyone and their accomplishments except yourself, you know what you have to do! Let me back up a second...I tend to be a very happy person and very much enjoy life. But you may understand where I'm coming from. Even though my life is filled with joy I still feel like I'm letting my weight hold me back from my full potential; that potential that God has given me that I allow the weight to rule. That's the part of me where I'm so hard on myself and hot happy with. But by gollies I'm going to do something about it! HA :)
I'd like to say all that changed my life in an instant, but it didn't. It's not easy. If it were, I wouldn't have let my weight get so out of hand. Not an excuse, but being overweight is the absolute hardest thing I've ever had to deal with. It's worse than college, worse than relationships (and I stink at those), worse than living life single, worse than losing loved ones. But you know, weight is the reason I stink at some of those other things in life. No matter how much I'm liked...if I can't fully like myself it's just a ripple effect on everything else. There is a verse of scripture for that: Love your neighbor as yourself. -Mark 12:31. I do love my neighbors, but you see, if I can't fully love myself how in the world can I do as God commands and fully love my neighbors?! It's all a ripple effect I tell ya.
I'm losing focus.....So, after the first of the year I started to watch my food, get some walking in. I lost about 24 pounds in a little over a month doing that. But then the mind starts in. My mind kept telling me how it doesn't matter that I've lost 24 pounds because people don't know it and can't tell. I still felt people looking at me like a fatty. Granted I still was and am, but I felt so good having lost that. I mean come on, that's eight packages of sugar! But, the mind got the best of me. I recall making a blast on facebook about being sick and tired of working so hard at losing weight and still being looked at as a fatty. Boy, did that get a lot of comments! Ha. Then, the comment from a great friend that set in motion another "click"...that little text that asked if I minded they help me with my journey. Boy did that stir me up. I first thought no way can I let this happen. I don't like to talk about my weight to my parents let alone someone someone outside my realm of comfort, especially a guy. And a hunky one at that ;) (Ha, he knows I think that cause I've told him so no worries!) But then, as tears flowed down my face and as I prayed in the silence, I could feel this was right. I could even feel a strong presence of God around me during that moment. I knew I now had a true accountability partner who saw me as me not a fatty, someone to keep me in check, someone I did not and do not want to fail!! Maybe one day I'll have the courage to tell him. Until then, patience for God's timing.
Yes, I've failed many times since March and I'll continue to not do as good as I should/could. I have a long way to go and much to learn. I can't think of things as failures, but areas to work harder to get better.....I'm a work in progress. I've walked/jogged many miles since January 1, 2012...I wish I would have kept record of them before now. I finally have a love of walking and working on the jogging. I get out there on the open road and push so hard. I remember the first several weeks I could hardly move after I'd get in from a walk. Now, I'm walking 2-6 miles nearly every day. When I get home I'm exhausted, but it's a great exhausted and I can't wait to get out there again. I finally feel that I'm going to be able to jog one day. All I hear my mind say are the words of that dear friend, "You can do this Linz, you can!" That inner runner in my soul is making it's way out to run for dear life; in order to have life!
So, today...August 27, 2012 shall be my first blog of my journey. I may not post everyday, in fact I doubt it, but I'll post all my miles. I do have some logged in dailymile, but I really don't want to go back through them! LOL Let's just say there are several footprints on the road that belong to me. Join me in my journey to get healthy! You can all be my accountability partners :) As for any trial, I'm always excited to see the other side of it and see God's works that are revealed!
Until next time . . . run for dear life!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
BLoG uNdeR CoNstRucTioN!!!
Wow! Two posts in one day......just a note to say that my blog is going to be UNDER CONSTRUCTION!
I get bored with the way it looks so I'm really going to work on a revamp! Bare with me.
Until next time . . .
I get bored with the way it looks so I'm really going to work on a revamp! Bare with me.
Until next time . . .
Where Have I Been????
Hello blogger friends! It's been a while. Every time I say I'll do better seems I get worse :( It's been a busy summer!!!
I think the last time I posted was right after VBS. Since then I can't remember what I've been up to! Ha! This, that and the other I guess.
All I know is that it's been a fast, hot summer. The kidlets are back in school, August has cooled off a little compared to our June and July, and we're beginning to receive a little rain after a summer of extreme drought. The Fall feeling is in the air.
I'm not going to say I promise I'll be better at blogging, but I'll say I'll work on getting being more consistent in my blogging.....who reads it anyway?! Ha!
Hope you all have a fantastic day. Happy blogging!
Until next time . . .
I think the last time I posted was right after VBS. Since then I can't remember what I've been up to! Ha! This, that and the other I guess.
All I know is that it's been a fast, hot summer. The kidlets are back in school, August has cooled off a little compared to our June and July, and we're beginning to receive a little rain after a summer of extreme drought. The Fall feeling is in the air.
I'm not going to say I promise I'll be better at blogging, but I'll say I'll work on getting being more consistent in my blogging.....who reads it anyway?! Ha!
Hope you all have a fantastic day. Happy blogging!
Until next time . . .
Monday, July 16, 2012
Dora Class of '97 Reunion
Wew, time sure flies when you're having fun I guess. For starters, it's been nearly two months since my last post. I guess with all the fun comes busyness, too. So, hello blogger buddies :)
Life has been busy, but I have no idea what has been taking up so much of my time. Other than the normal work, home, church and repeat routine. Since my last post I have been back to good ole Nashville, TN. Got together for a Kenny Chesney concert! My first stadium concert and I'm sure not the last! Good times, good stuff.
This past weekend some former classmates and I got together for our 15 year class reunion. Goodness, I can't believe it's been 15 years!! That is a long time. For a couple classmates that's how long it's been since we'd seen each other, too. I truly think everyone had a wonderful time. A few of us got together to camp; myself, Carl, Eric and his family. We camped both Friday and Saturday nights. Saturday this crew along with Amanda C and Michelle and her hubby went floating. Good times on the BUSY North Fork. Kayaked for the first time. I will be getting one of those :) After we got back we were joined by Teresa, Amanda R, Cody and his family for dinner. Again, good times. We laughed and talked about old memories. It was great seeing all those who were able to come.
We put plans in motion to do something like this every summer. Waiting 15 years is ridiculous! Don't know why we haven't done something sooner. But definitely on board for an annual floating/camping trip. We're also putting plans in motion for our 20th :) Goodness, that'll be here here before we know it.
All-in-all.....GREAT WEEKEND!!
Until next time (hopefully I won't wait two months) . . .
Life has been busy, but I have no idea what has been taking up so much of my time. Other than the normal work, home, church and repeat routine. Since my last post I have been back to good ole Nashville, TN. Got together for a Kenny Chesney concert! My first stadium concert and I'm sure not the last! Good times, good stuff.
This past weekend some former classmates and I got together for our 15 year class reunion. Goodness, I can't believe it's been 15 years!! That is a long time. For a couple classmates that's how long it's been since we'd seen each other, too. I truly think everyone had a wonderful time. A few of us got together to camp; myself, Carl, Eric and his family. We camped both Friday and Saturday nights. Saturday this crew along with Amanda C and Michelle and her hubby went floating. Good times on the BUSY North Fork. Kayaked for the first time. I will be getting one of those :) After we got back we were joined by Teresa, Amanda R, Cody and his family for dinner. Again, good times. We laughed and talked about old memories. It was great seeing all those who were able to come.
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L to R: Carl, me, Teresa, Michelle, Amanda, Cody, Eric. Amanda C was not available for the picture |
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friends since Kindergarten....we sure have had some good times |
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Eric had to get in on the huggin! HA! |
We put plans in motion to do something like this every summer. Waiting 15 years is ridiculous! Don't know why we haven't done something sooner. But definitely on board for an annual floating/camping trip. We're also putting plans in motion for our 20th :) Goodness, that'll be here here before we know it.
All-in-all.....GREAT WEEKEND!!
Until next time (hopefully I won't wait two months) . . .
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
The Journeys that Began 6 years ago today!
Six years ago today...almost to this very moment...I was jet sailing across the big pond, aka the Atlantic Ocean, embarking on my first international adventure. Oh the emotions, thoughts and feelings going into this day. I had dreamed of this day since I was a little girl and it was finally happening! I was beside myself. I literally felt like I was walking around like a zombie watching all this play out.
Six years ago dad was sick to his stomach. He did not want me to go off by myself to some foreign country where I had no idea what they were saying. He did not want me to go by myself. Plain and simple...he did not want me to go. He was finally realizing his little girl was an adult and could do this by herself. Side note; I couldn't believe I was doing this by myself! It was a very maturing moment of my life.
Six years ago today...I was on my way to Paris, France!! A dream trip. A chance of a lifetime. An answered prayer. A change in my life. I remember so much about that trip. Things, even though six years later, are still so very vivid in my mind. I can still hear the sounds of music and numerous languages, smell the smells of the cafes and bistros, and close my eyes and walk down those streets in my mind. I can't remember what I did last week, but I can remember very specific details of my adventures in Paris. I can still talk for ever about it if anyone asks me :)
Six years ago today...began a passion in me I didn't know was there; one of history, art, culture and TRAVEL! Oh yes, this embedded in me a travel bug that runs so deep in my veins now!
So, I'm taken aback to six years ago today. So much going on in my life at that time. I had just graduated (finally) from college and as a reward I was going on a trip that had been a lifelong dream. I remember it all like it were yesterday! Sure wouldn't mind going back!
Thanks for letting me reminisce a little :)
Until next time . . .
Six years ago dad was sick to his stomach. He did not want me to go off by myself to some foreign country where I had no idea what they were saying. He did not want me to go by myself. Plain and simple...he did not want me to go. He was finally realizing his little girl was an adult and could do this by herself. Side note; I couldn't believe I was doing this by myself! It was a very maturing moment of my life.
Six years ago today...I was on my way to Paris, France!! A dream trip. A chance of a lifetime. An answered prayer. A change in my life. I remember so much about that trip. Things, even though six years later, are still so very vivid in my mind. I can still hear the sounds of music and numerous languages, smell the smells of the cafes and bistros, and close my eyes and walk down those streets in my mind. I can't remember what I did last week, but I can remember very specific details of my adventures in Paris. I can still talk for ever about it if anyone asks me :)
Six years ago today...began a passion in me I didn't know was there; one of history, art, culture and TRAVEL! Oh yes, this embedded in me a travel bug that runs so deep in my veins now!
So, I'm taken aback to six years ago today. So much going on in my life at that time. I had just graduated (finally) from college and as a reward I was going on a trip that had been a lifelong dream. I remember it all like it were yesterday! Sure wouldn't mind going back!
Thanks for letting me reminisce a little :)
Until next time . . .
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Post Focus 40
Greetings fellow bloggers! How are we doing on this exceptional day?!
So, I made it through the Focus 40 Prayer and Fasting! Yes, I survived . . . . . only to splurge on my pop and sweets a few times. These past 40 days I thought would take forever when I started. At the beginning I honestly couldn't wait until the end to see what happened. Kinda like reading the last page of a book; we get impatient with the happenings in the middle!
Well, I wouldn't trade the happenings in the middle for the world! No, I didn't see any lost saved during this Focus 40. But what I did see was a change inside of me. A change to be better for God that I had been. A change to really shine a true Light. A change to make sure what I'm thinking matches what I'm actually doing. During this time I vowed to do without pop, sweets and junk food. Well, I haven't purchased a bag of potato chips since February 20th! That's huge for me! I only had a few pops during that time and even cut way down on my coffee . . . . on top of all that I lost 24 pounds!!! WOOOO! Also, during this time of prayer and focusing on God's Will my house sold and is even moved to it's new home already. I'm excited that chapter is closed; however, still sad I will not be able to take my 2013 Ireland trip due to the fact that it took a year (almost to the day) for my house to sell. My Ireland money went into keeping up with payments on two properties :( But I guess there's a reason I'm not supposed to be going. What it is I CAN NOT see yet! Oh well.
Let me bring you up to date on the final week of Focus 40. I left you on Day 29 so today I'll begin with Day 30 to bring you to the close:
Day 30: Pray that this day you can show someone the love of God in an unexpected way for them.
Day 31: (Day my house sold, officially) Pray for the future generations that you will never see that they too will know Jesus Christ and his love.
Day 32: Pray that you will become all that God has planned for you by his plan for your life.
Day 33: Pray that God will search your heart and work through you for Jesus Christ.
Day 34: Pray for God to continue to transform you from the inside out.
Day 35: Pray to follow God completely in the direction he is leading you.
Day 36: Pray for God to tear down the walls that are preventing God from filling your life completely.
Day 37: Pray for God to give us positive attitudes in all we do.
Day 38: Pray for strength to show Christ's love through the mess of our lives.
Day 39: Pray for the will of God to be done in all aspects of your life.
Day 40: (We made it!!) Resurrection Day! Pray that in your everyday life you will follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and not miss an opportunity! (Ha! I did something very bold today!!)
Thanks guys for praying for me during this 40 days. Although I wasn't as committed as I set out to be or wanted to be, I did learn much through this process. I learned that I need to have a prayerful mind ALL the time not just during 40 days. I learned that keeping Focus 40 in my mind at all times helped to control my eating habits. I learned to lean on God for E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!
I hope you learned a little something along the way too if you were keeping up with my blogging and the daily prayer posts.
Until next time . . . .
So, I made it through the Focus 40 Prayer and Fasting! Yes, I survived . . . . . only to splurge on my pop and sweets a few times. These past 40 days I thought would take forever when I started. At the beginning I honestly couldn't wait until the end to see what happened. Kinda like reading the last page of a book; we get impatient with the happenings in the middle!
Well, I wouldn't trade the happenings in the middle for the world! No, I didn't see any lost saved during this Focus 40. But what I did see was a change inside of me. A change to be better for God that I had been. A change to really shine a true Light. A change to make sure what I'm thinking matches what I'm actually doing. During this time I vowed to do without pop, sweets and junk food. Well, I haven't purchased a bag of potato chips since February 20th! That's huge for me! I only had a few pops during that time and even cut way down on my coffee . . . . on top of all that I lost 24 pounds!!! WOOOO! Also, during this time of prayer and focusing on God's Will my house sold and is even moved to it's new home already. I'm excited that chapter is closed; however, still sad I will not be able to take my 2013 Ireland trip due to the fact that it took a year (almost to the day) for my house to sell. My Ireland money went into keeping up with payments on two properties :( But I guess there's a reason I'm not supposed to be going. What it is I CAN NOT see yet! Oh well.
Let me bring you up to date on the final week of Focus 40. I left you on Day 29 so today I'll begin with Day 30 to bring you to the close:
Day 30: Pray that this day you can show someone the love of God in an unexpected way for them.
Day 31: (Day my house sold, officially) Pray for the future generations that you will never see that they too will know Jesus Christ and his love.
Day 32: Pray that you will become all that God has planned for you by his plan for your life.
Day 33: Pray that God will search your heart and work through you for Jesus Christ.
Day 34: Pray for God to continue to transform you from the inside out.
Day 35: Pray to follow God completely in the direction he is leading you.
Day 36: Pray for God to tear down the walls that are preventing God from filling your life completely.
Day 37: Pray for God to give us positive attitudes in all we do.
Day 38: Pray for strength to show Christ's love through the mess of our lives.
Day 39: Pray for the will of God to be done in all aspects of your life.
Day 40: (We made it!!) Resurrection Day! Pray that in your everyday life you will follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and not miss an opportunity! (Ha! I did something very bold today!!)
Thanks guys for praying for me during this 40 days. Although I wasn't as committed as I set out to be or wanted to be, I did learn much through this process. I learned that I need to have a prayerful mind ALL the time not just during 40 days. I learned that keeping Focus 40 in my mind at all times helped to control my eating habits. I learned to lean on God for E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!
I hope you learned a little something along the way too if you were keeping up with my blogging and the daily prayer posts.
Until next time . . . .
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Always so behind . . .
So, I knew blogging everyday would be tough. Life has been busy so I'm lagging behind.
March is proving to be an excellent month. Started the month off right by attending Winter Jam 2012 in Nashville, TN with two of my dearest friends. It was a great reunion and time of fun and laughter. I also celebrated my birthday this month; the big 33! Wew, where does the time go. Just yesterday I was 25. But, life is good. Life is great. And, Since Valentine's Day I have lost 20 pounds!! WEW!!
The last post was on Day 6 of Focus 40 . . . we're now up to Day 29! I'll be honest I haven't been as committed to my praying as intended. It's a work in progress. Not only is it hard to blog everyday, it's equally tough or tougher to pray focused prayers daily.
To bring you up to speed . .
Day 7: Pray for the people in your life who need a relationship with him.
Day 8: Pray that you will let go of what is holding you back from really experiencing God's love.
Day 9: Pray that God will give you strength to invite a friend to church and then do it!
Day 10: Pray for healing to happen in the life of someone who needs it.
Day 11: (Nashville, TN trip) Pray that you will have the ability tot keep being salt in your communities.
Day 12: (Nashville, TN trip) During your fasting, pray for someone else's needs to be met by God's provision.
Day 13: (Nashville, TN trip) Pray that God will direct you to be there for someone else today.
Day 14: Pray for and encourage someone who needs to see the work of God in his or her life.
Day 15: Pray fro strength to speak to others about God in daily conversations Then talk about him!
Day 16: Pray that you too will be able to follow the nudging of God in your life.
Day 17: Pray that you will recognize the little interruptions as a blessing from God.
Day 18: Pray that God will help you keep your joy no matter the circumstances you are in.
Day 19: (Happy Birthday to me!) Pray that God will give you a chance to tell your story to the right person who needs to hear it. Do not miss the opportunity.
Day 20: Pray that God will help you show love continually to the "Grandma Angie's" in your life.
Day 21: Pray that others will see Jesus through you because you are loving people where they are.
Day 22: Pray for someone who God is placing in your heart who needs to be drawn closer to him.
Day 23: Pray that you will have absolute faith even in times that seem unsteady.
Day 24: Pray you will be able to share Christ with someone because he first gave it to us.
Day 25: Pray you will be able to show loving grace to people you encounter today.
Day 26: Pray for encouragement to continue to pray for others to come to Christ. Say a prayer for them too.
Day 27: Thank God for the work he has done in your life and others. Know that he continues to work all the time! (MY HOUSE CLOSED TODAY)
Day 28: Pray that you will be able to continue to lose your life for Christ and be witness to others.
Day 29: As you pray, remember that you are praying in the power of the blood of Jesus that overcomes all things.
So, in all these things pray. Pray for me as I do my part to work on being committed to this prayer time.
Until next time . . .
March is proving to be an excellent month. Started the month off right by attending Winter Jam 2012 in Nashville, TN with two of my dearest friends. It was a great reunion and time of fun and laughter. I also celebrated my birthday this month; the big 33! Wew, where does the time go. Just yesterday I was 25. But, life is good. Life is great. And, Since Valentine's Day I have lost 20 pounds!! WEW!!
The last post was on Day 6 of Focus 40 . . . we're now up to Day 29! I'll be honest I haven't been as committed to my praying as intended. It's a work in progress. Not only is it hard to blog everyday, it's equally tough or tougher to pray focused prayers daily.
To bring you up to speed . .
Day 7: Pray for the people in your life who need a relationship with him.
Day 8: Pray that you will let go of what is holding you back from really experiencing God's love.
Day 9: Pray that God will give you strength to invite a friend to church and then do it!
Day 10: Pray for healing to happen in the life of someone who needs it.
Day 11: (Nashville, TN trip) Pray that you will have the ability tot keep being salt in your communities.
Day 12: (Nashville, TN trip) During your fasting, pray for someone else's needs to be met by God's provision.
Day 13: (Nashville, TN trip) Pray that God will direct you to be there for someone else today.
Day 14: Pray for and encourage someone who needs to see the work of God in his or her life.
Day 15: Pray fro strength to speak to others about God in daily conversations Then talk about him!
Day 16: Pray that you too will be able to follow the nudging of God in your life.
Day 17: Pray that you will recognize the little interruptions as a blessing from God.
Day 18: Pray that God will help you keep your joy no matter the circumstances you are in.
Day 19: (Happy Birthday to me!) Pray that God will give you a chance to tell your story to the right person who needs to hear it. Do not miss the opportunity.
Day 20: Pray that God will help you show love continually to the "Grandma Angie's" in your life.
Day 21: Pray that others will see Jesus through you because you are loving people where they are.
Day 22: Pray for someone who God is placing in your heart who needs to be drawn closer to him.
Day 23: Pray that you will have absolute faith even in times that seem unsteady.
Day 24: Pray you will be able to share Christ with someone because he first gave it to us.
Day 25: Pray you will be able to show loving grace to people you encounter today.
Day 26: Pray for encouragement to continue to pray for others to come to Christ. Say a prayer for them too.
Day 27: Thank God for the work he has done in your life and others. Know that he continues to work all the time! (MY HOUSE CLOSED TODAY)
Day 28: Pray that you will be able to continue to lose your life for Christ and be witness to others.
Day 29: As you pray, remember that you are praying in the power of the blood of Jesus that overcomes all things.
So, in all these things pray. Pray for me as I do my part to work on being committed to this prayer time.
Until next time . . .
Monday, March 5, 2012
Focus 40 - Day 6
Hello Monday and Day 6 of Focus 40. I have decided not to post on days that fall on the weekend. 1. I'm not glued to my phone over the weekend and 2. Well, I'm distracted over the weekend; aka not as good on the ole diet as I should be :)
So needless to say I will not be reporting my weekend meals. I wasn't entirely bad, but I wasn't good either. It's a work in progress.
I will share Day 4 and Day 5 prayer focus with you . . .
Day 4 Prayer Focus:
Pray that you will trust God to provide to you what you need and in God's timing.
Weird, I hadn't thought of it until just now . . . . I got an exceptional phone call on Saturday; when the prayer focus was to trust God will provide what I need in His timing. I received word Saturday afternoon that some people who have been looking at my house were approved at the bank and want to buy my house. So the ball is rolling on that process and we should close in less than two weeks!!! WOO!
Day 5 Prayer Focus:
Pray for reconciliation to take place in a broken relationship.
Hadn't really thought about this one either until just now . . . . This prayer focus will remain a silent prayer request as it's a work in progress.
So here we are Day 6. My mind feels like it's going a hundred different directions at a million miles an hour. I'm all over the place. I'm happy. Trying to prepare for a mini-vaca this weekend. Trying to prepare for a brief family/friend vaca in May. Trying to work. Trying not to think about all the goodness going on around me. Trying not to get my hopes up about some things. But, again I say, "I'm happy." I so love and enjoy this live God has provided, even though it's pretty challenging sometimes. At the end of the day I still know, trust and believe God is in charge and working.
Day 6 Prayer Focus:
Pray that God will help you break down the obstacles that prevent you from him.
Right now, I would say this obstacle is TIME! I know I do not give God the time He deserves and needs from me. This is one of my biggest and toughest challenges.
Until next time . . .
So needless to say I will not be reporting my weekend meals. I wasn't entirely bad, but I wasn't good either. It's a work in progress.
I will share Day 4 and Day 5 prayer focus with you . . .
Day 4 Prayer Focus:
Pray that you will trust God to provide to you what you need and in God's timing.
Weird, I hadn't thought of it until just now . . . . I got an exceptional phone call on Saturday; when the prayer focus was to trust God will provide what I need in His timing. I received word Saturday afternoon that some people who have been looking at my house were approved at the bank and want to buy my house. So the ball is rolling on that process and we should close in less than two weeks!!! WOO!
Day 5 Prayer Focus:
Pray for reconciliation to take place in a broken relationship.
Hadn't really thought about this one either until just now . . . . This prayer focus will remain a silent prayer request as it's a work in progress.
So here we are Day 6. My mind feels like it's going a hundred different directions at a million miles an hour. I'm all over the place. I'm happy. Trying to prepare for a mini-vaca this weekend. Trying to prepare for a brief family/friend vaca in May. Trying to work. Trying not to think about all the goodness going on around me. Trying not to get my hopes up about some things. But, again I say, "I'm happy." I so love and enjoy this live God has provided, even though it's pretty challenging sometimes. At the end of the day I still know, trust and believe God is in charge and working.
Day 6 Prayer Focus:
Pray that God will help you break down the obstacles that prevent you from him.
Right now, I would say this obstacle is TIME! I know I do not give God the time He deserves and needs from me. This is one of my biggest and toughest challenges.
Until next time . . .
Friday, March 2, 2012
Focus 40 - Day 3
Happy Friday and Day 3 of Focus 40!
Day 3 Prayer:
Pray that you will step into faith so that you can really be with God.
So many times our faith is tested, either by life's trials, things not going our way, etc. We wonder where God is when our faith is tested. Well, He's right there beside us; always and forever . . . but the teacher is often silent during tests!
Over the past year I have felt my faith being tested, I've been stretched, pulled, tugged in so many directions; like many folks these days. I've cried out to Jesus to hear my prayers. I've yelled and questioned things going on in my life and asked God why He's not answering in my frustrations. I've felt God move in my life which has caused me to reflect on those moments of frustration when I thought God wasn't moving fast enough for my liking. Oh yes, my patience has been challenged this year; it has grown! And now that I'm finally beginning to see that light all those moments of doubt, question, frustration, the joyous times when I felt His presence, etc. are all flooding my mind. I am at such peace in all those things. It's indescribable!
So on this Day 3 of Prayer and Fasting . . . I pray God direct all my paths. I pray that He flushes me out of me and fills me with Him! Because you know, when we are full of ourselves God has no room to work! In everything I do I want to be with God and for God.
Until next time . . .
Day 3 Prayer:
Pray that you will step into faith so that you can really be with God.
So many times our faith is tested, either by life's trials, things not going our way, etc. We wonder where God is when our faith is tested. Well, He's right there beside us; always and forever . . . but the teacher is often silent during tests!
Over the past year I have felt my faith being tested, I've been stretched, pulled, tugged in so many directions; like many folks these days. I've cried out to Jesus to hear my prayers. I've yelled and questioned things going on in my life and asked God why He's not answering in my frustrations. I've felt God move in my life which has caused me to reflect on those moments of frustration when I thought God wasn't moving fast enough for my liking. Oh yes, my patience has been challenged this year; it has grown! And now that I'm finally beginning to see that light all those moments of doubt, question, frustration, the joyous times when I felt His presence, etc. are all flooding my mind. I am at such peace in all those things. It's indescribable!
So on this Day 3 of Prayer and Fasting . . . I pray God direct all my paths. I pray that He flushes me out of me and fills me with Him! Because you know, when we are full of ourselves God has no room to work! In everything I do I want to be with God and for God.
Until next time . . .
Focus 40 - Day 2
Today (March 1, 2012) is Day 2 of Focus 40.
Day 2 Prayer:
Pray for someone you know who is in need of God's work in his or her life.
The same person always comes to mind when I pray that God will place a lost person on my heart. There are so many lost around me (not that I'm judging or think I'm better than anyone else), but the same person comes to mind first every time!
After speaking with members of my church and pastor I am revamping my fasting focus. Since I have never fasted before and I am notorious for not finishing something I start I have been advised to not set myself up for failure. That being said; I am still pursuing the Focus 40 Prayer & Fasting. I am incorporating parts of the Daniel Fast; i.e eating fresh fruits and veggies. But this time I'm not strictly doing the Daniel Fast; i.e. no dairy or meats. My goal for the Focus 40 is to cut out junk foods; i.e. pop, chips, sweets. And, at the same time I'm going to be conscientious of the carbs and portions of what I'm feasting on. This is a good match and start for me.
P.S. I so fudged today! Girl Scout cookies arrived and I did feast on some Thin Mints :)
Continue to pray for me as I seek God's direction and His will.
Until next time . . .
Day 2 Prayer:
Pray for someone you know who is in need of God's work in his or her life.
The same person always comes to mind when I pray that God will place a lost person on my heart. There are so many lost around me (not that I'm judging or think I'm better than anyone else), but the same person comes to mind first every time!
After speaking with members of my church and pastor I am revamping my fasting focus. Since I have never fasted before and I am notorious for not finishing something I start I have been advised to not set myself up for failure. That being said; I am still pursuing the Focus 40 Prayer & Fasting. I am incorporating parts of the Daniel Fast; i.e eating fresh fruits and veggies. But this time I'm not strictly doing the Daniel Fast; i.e. no dairy or meats. My goal for the Focus 40 is to cut out junk foods; i.e. pop, chips, sweets. And, at the same time I'm going to be conscientious of the carbs and portions of what I'm feasting on. This is a good match and start for me.
P.S. I so fudged today! Girl Scout cookies arrived and I did feast on some Thin Mints :)
Continue to pray for me as I seek God's direction and His will.
Until next time . . .
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Leap Day and Focus 40 - Day 1
Happy Leap Day 2012! I sure had high hopes of proposing to someone today, but we'll save that for another time :) Ha! Oh, well, I did propose to Carl today. I proposed (over text, complete with down on a knee) that we have an awesome time next weekend in Nashville. He accepted! Ha! I'm such a dork. He's probably thinking, "why did I invite her down here?!"
Day 1 of Focus 40 . . . here we go!
Not sure how this is going to all play out. Today I have in my head how I wish it were April 9th so I would be finished and be reflecting back on the 40 days. But that's wishing my life away so I'm going to embrace it! I'm notorious for starting things and then not finishing. I guess that may be why I'm a little apprehensive. Nonetheless, h-e-r-e w-e g-o!
The day started a little strange. I was in my parent's home instead of mine...we had storms/tornado warnings last night. Oh, almost forgot. That means...Thunder in February! We ended February with three days of thunder. Let's see if it frosts three times in May. Back on track now. I feel this 'thing' in the back of my mind reminding me of my pledge to do this 40 days. But at the same time I could absolutely go for a cup of coffee! I have all these thoughts of "What am I going to eat? How am I going to go out with friends? What is God going to reveal during this time? Am I going to succeed? Will God word through me? Will? What? How?" So many questions. I'm sure after a few days I'll be more settled.
Today's menu:
Breakfast Snack Lunch Supper
grits banana homemade salad
cranberries veggie/barley soup
Today's prayer focus:
Praying that God will open my heart toward him over the next forty days.
Until next time . . . .
Day 1 of Focus 40 . . . here we go!
Not sure how this is going to all play out. Today I have in my head how I wish it were April 9th so I would be finished and be reflecting back on the 40 days. But that's wishing my life away so I'm going to embrace it! I'm notorious for starting things and then not finishing. I guess that may be why I'm a little apprehensive. Nonetheless, h-e-r-e w-e g-o!
The day started a little strange. I was in my parent's home instead of mine...we had storms/tornado warnings last night. Oh, almost forgot. That means...Thunder in February! We ended February with three days of thunder. Let's see if it frosts three times in May. Back on track now. I feel this 'thing' in the back of my mind reminding me of my pledge to do this 40 days. But at the same time I could absolutely go for a cup of coffee! I have all these thoughts of "What am I going to eat? How am I going to go out with friends? What is God going to reveal during this time? Am I going to succeed? Will God word through me? Will? What? How?" So many questions. I'm sure after a few days I'll be more settled.
Today's menu:
Breakfast Snack Lunch Supper
grits banana homemade salad
cranberries veggie/barley soup
Today's prayer focus:
Praying that God will open my heart toward him over the next forty days.
Until next time . . . .
Monday, February 27, 2012
Pre-Focus 40: Day 3-8 of 9
A shout out to my dear friend Sara B. is necessary here; she was right in saying trying to keep up with a daily blog is tough!
So I'm on Day 8 of 9 of the Pre-Focus 40. I have to admit I wasn't totally on track over the weekend, but I wasn't totally bad either. Unless those Oreos count :( Ha! I can really tell that I haven't been eating heavy foods and I feel good. But, I can say, this is NOT going to be easy! You know what they say though, "Anything worth anything is never easy!"
For my Focus 40 Prayer and Fasting I am choosing the Daniel Fast (I've already mentioned). It is 21 days of only eating fruits and veggies; raw or cooked. And lots of water! Over the weekend I stocked up on 100% fruit and veggie juices; for drinks and smoothies. Also stocked up on fresh veggies & fruits.
What this fast is NOT about:
What this fast IS about:
My hopes for this Focus 40 Prayer and Fasting:
Until next time . . .
So I'm on Day 8 of 9 of the Pre-Focus 40. I have to admit I wasn't totally on track over the weekend, but I wasn't totally bad either. Unless those Oreos count :( Ha! I can really tell that I haven't been eating heavy foods and I feel good. But, I can say, this is NOT going to be easy! You know what they say though, "Anything worth anything is never easy!"
For my Focus 40 Prayer and Fasting I am choosing the Daniel Fast (I've already mentioned). It is 21 days of only eating fruits and veggies; raw or cooked. And lots of water! Over the weekend I stocked up on 100% fruit and veggie juices; for drinks and smoothies. Also stocked up on fresh veggies & fruits.
What this fast is NOT about:
- Starving or depriving myself. It is not a diet!
What this fast IS about:
- a time to reflect on what's going into my body; which is to be a temple.
- a time to pray during those times I would usually eat.
- Focus on God; devoting more time to Him.
- Praying for the lost and being specific on who I'm praying for.
- a time for me to learn how to make wiser food choices.
- I'm not using it as a diet method, but I will be praying during this time that God show and teach me how to eat healthy like this all the time; not for 21 or 40 days out of the year.
My hopes for this Focus 40 Prayer and Fasting:
- pray diligently for the lost around me
- seek God's will for things in my life
- learn how to eat right
Until next time . . .
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Pre-Focus 40: Day 2 of 9
Ugg, kinda sluggish today. But that could just be because I'm tired. Too early to tell. Having no pop shouldn't be that big of an adjustment; but I'm thinking I'll have to ween myself from coffee. Even though I only had one cup, sometimes two a day, my body is used to that hot jolt every morning. What's weird though...I don't miss the coffee on Saturdays and Sundays.
Today's menu:
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, cup of grapefruit juice
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, cup of grapefruit juice
Dinner: a sensible dinner
For the most part I'm not really hungry. I admit I did splurge last night with some milk and nutella on a tortilla :( But, I didn't go over 1200 calories yesterday so I think it's fine :) Better be....I'll give up much, but I can't give up my milk and nutella.
Until next time . . .
Today's menu:
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, cup of grapefruit juice
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, cup of grapefruit juice
Dinner: a sensible dinner
For the most part I'm not really hungry. I admit I did splurge last night with some milk and nutella on a tortilla :( But, I didn't go over 1200 calories yesterday so I think it's fine :) Better be....I'll give up much, but I can't give up my milk and nutella.
Until next time . . .
Monday, February 20, 2012
Pre-Focus 40: Day 1 of 9
To, it's been awhile since I've been here. I hope to be better at my blogging for 2012 :)
Today begins a new journey, actually a preface to a new journey. We were presented with the Focus 40 Prayer & Fasting during yesterday's church service. I've been thinking/praying about fasting the past several weeks since a friend of mine (Carl) mentioned he'd just completed the Daniel Fast. I've never fasted before; Lord knows it won't hurt me and my fluffiness :) Anyway, in talking with Carl briefly about it something definitely began to churn in my soul that I needed to pray about this. Then yesterday's talk pretty much brought those prayers to light and I knew this was something I needed to do. I ordered my copy of the Daniel Fast today; should be here in time to start Focus 40.
a link to Focus 40:
The Focus 40 itself runs February 29 (Leap Day) to April 8 (Easter), 2012. I chose today to begin the clean out of junk; no pop, no junk food. Plus, it's easier to start things fresh on a Monday than it is to wait until mid-week. I haven't done all my research on Focus 40, but it is a national Prayer & Fasting of the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana). The main goal is to prayer for disciples of Christ; but who knows what will happen when we let God work. I'm also going to take this time to pray for a healthier new me and prayer life of my own.
I know, I know. Many of you have heard me talk about dieting and losing weight before...and every time I fail. Know why? I've never let God lead me through the process and change me. Sure I pray to get healthy, but I never fully let go and let God. I'm praying this time is different. With God's help I WILL succeed! Side note: I'm not changing my eating habits to get skinny. I'm letting God change me to get healthy!
So here we go, this is pre-Focus 40; nine days to get ready for the real deal! To get started I'm using the kick start diet method. The kick start diet is normally a two week program, but I'm going to get in on nine days of it and then eat according to the Daniel Fast.
Day 1 menu of the kick start diet:
breakfast: 2 boiled eggs/8oz grapefruit juice
lunch: 2 boiled eggs/8oz grapefruit juice
dinner: 2 boiled eggs/8oz grapefruit juice
Sounds crazy I know, but it's designed to help flush toxins in the body. Oddly, I'm not hungry at all. Normally I get the munchies so bad before lunch, but today nada.
So here we go . . . Until next time . . .
Today begins a new journey, actually a preface to a new journey. We were presented with the Focus 40 Prayer & Fasting during yesterday's church service. I've been thinking/praying about fasting the past several weeks since a friend of mine (Carl) mentioned he'd just completed the Daniel Fast. I've never fasted before; Lord knows it won't hurt me and my fluffiness :) Anyway, in talking with Carl briefly about it something definitely began to churn in my soul that I needed to pray about this. Then yesterday's talk pretty much brought those prayers to light and I knew this was something I needed to do. I ordered my copy of the Daniel Fast today; should be here in time to start Focus 40.
a link to Focus 40:
The Focus 40 itself runs February 29 (Leap Day) to April 8 (Easter), 2012. I chose today to begin the clean out of junk; no pop, no junk food. Plus, it's easier to start things fresh on a Monday than it is to wait until mid-week. I haven't done all my research on Focus 40, but it is a national Prayer & Fasting of the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana). The main goal is to prayer for disciples of Christ; but who knows what will happen when we let God work. I'm also going to take this time to pray for a healthier new me and prayer life of my own.
I know, I know. Many of you have heard me talk about dieting and losing weight before...and every time I fail. Know why? I've never let God lead me through the process and change me. Sure I pray to get healthy, but I never fully let go and let God. I'm praying this time is different. With God's help I WILL succeed! Side note: I'm not changing my eating habits to get skinny. I'm letting God change me to get healthy!
So here we go, this is pre-Focus 40; nine days to get ready for the real deal! To get started I'm using the kick start diet method. The kick start diet is normally a two week program, but I'm going to get in on nine days of it and then eat according to the Daniel Fast.
Day 1 menu of the kick start diet:
breakfast: 2 boiled eggs/8oz grapefruit juice
lunch: 2 boiled eggs/8oz grapefruit juice
dinner: 2 boiled eggs/8oz grapefruit juice
Sounds crazy I know, but it's designed to help flush toxins in the body. Oddly, I'm not hungry at all. Normally I get the munchies so bad before lunch, but today nada.
So here we go . . . Until next time . . .
Monday, January 9, 2012
2012 is Rolling
Wow, it's January 9, 2012 already! It occurred to me I had not updated blog world in a while; a month actually. Since we last visited we have seen another Christmas and New Year.
2011 was a good year; can't complain. It was the year of concerts, election to the school board, bought a house, remodeled that house (almost finished), my sister bought a house and moved, my dear grandma was moved to the nursing home, I met a fella and have been dating him a little (we're still just friends), and I finally got moved over New Year's...I guess technically that is a 2012 event. Overall it was a good year. I'm sure there was more I could mention, but those are the highlights that stick out to me the most.
So here we are 2012. Who knows what we will see and do this year, but I have high hopes for another fantastic year. After all any day we're blessed with is fantastic!! I wish you all a wonderful year. May it be a year of new starts, new beginnings and refreshment. If you have a relationship with God, my hope is that you grow deeper in Him and rely on Him more. If you don't have a relationship with God, my hope is that you talk with someone who does and find out more about the promises and love God has for you! May you all have a blessed 2012!
Until next time . . .
2011 was a good year; can't complain. It was the year of concerts, election to the school board, bought a house, remodeled that house (almost finished), my sister bought a house and moved, my dear grandma was moved to the nursing home, I met a fella and have been dating him a little (we're still just friends), and I finally got moved over New Year's...I guess technically that is a 2012 event. Overall it was a good year. I'm sure there was more I could mention, but those are the highlights that stick out to me the most.
So here we are 2012. Who knows what we will see and do this year, but I have high hopes for another fantastic year. After all any day we're blessed with is fantastic!! I wish you all a wonderful year. May it be a year of new starts, new beginnings and refreshment. If you have a relationship with God, my hope is that you grow deeper in Him and rely on Him more. If you don't have a relationship with God, my hope is that you talk with someone who does and find out more about the promises and love God has for you! May you all have a blessed 2012!
Until next time . . .
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