Wednesday, March 24, 2010


This is simply a beautiful morning! The birds are so happy today and the air is so still. Yum...just love springtime!

I stepped to the backdoor this morning to check bulging heifer #104; while I was on the phone with dad who was asking me if I could see her. Reluctantly for a moment as I had just placed my glasses on my face for the first time today, I moved through the house. I got to the back door, peeped out the window and laid my eyes on a brand new life - a charcoal gray little dot!! Still trying to wake myself I told dad, "yep, she's got it," and that was that. It wasn't until after I hung up the phone that I was more awake. Then I was able to witness God is His greatness..that little dot was jumping and bouncing all over the place; all the while making its momma a nervous wreck. Sweet, sweet morning indeed!
(see the grayish colored cow in the middle of pic? her new charcoal baby is laying right beside her)

So, if my count is correct, that is 15 babies...7 more to go in this patch. Shortly after dad called he came up to inspect the new arrival. In a matter of moments that little dot was complete; being adorned with her new #104 3/24 yellow ear cute!!!
My dad and Tucker-the pup after they came up to inspect the new baby and give it it's new ear tag.

Have a spring-dandy day everyone!

Until next time . . .

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