Wednesday, August 29, 2012

200 Day Challenge!

203 days from this very day, Lord willing, I will be doing my most favorite thing in this world....TRAVELING OVERSEAS!!!!  The Britannia 2013...aka Ireland, Scotland, Wales and London.  Yeehaw!!

This is something I feel so very fortunate to have the opportunity to do.  I remember as a little girl dreaming of seeing those ancient lands, monuments, lands filled with rich history, and that countryside.  My big dream was Paris and visiting the Eiffel Tower...that was my very first trip in 2006.  Since then I have had the bug to go as much as I could, when I could, and when finances allowed.

I think sometimes of my traveling journeys being like my weight loss journey.  I never thought I'd be able to travel overseas, even though I dreamed of it and prayed for it....took me awhile, but I DID!  My weight loss journey is no different...I dream of waking up healthy and skinny and pray for God's's taking me awhile to get where I need to be, but I WILL! 

Each time I've ever been in Europe I have the time of my life; oh the memories.  Yet at the same time I've let the weight bother me some.  First of all, 8-9 hours in an airplane across the big pond is not fun if you are too fleshy!  LOL  I think when I'm first reminded of the weight is when I'm getting on that first plane and have to ask for a seat belt extender.  Oh goodness that's hard sometimes.  Then I'm reminded when I can't fully put the tray on the seat back down all the way.  Yep, it's those little things that remind us of our trials.  This is negative talk and so not the purpose of this post!  Stay focused Lindsay.

So, on to the 200 Day Challenge....I've lost about 25 pounds thus far.  I'm challenging myself to keep up with the walking/jogging/eating right.  I would love to step on that plane at least 50 more pounds lighter, 75 total, on March 20, 2013 (the day after my 34th birthday).   Sure I'll take more.  But over the years I've found that if I set that number too high and fail those voices are not so nice to me.  I'm going to be meeting up with friends from Rossville, IN who I first met in 2009 on the Paris, London and the Alps tour.  I can not wait to step off that plane in Ireland 75 pounds (or more) lighter :) !!!!!  Plus, I'll need cute new clothes for the trip :) lol

Until next time . . . Run for dear life!!!

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