Friday, September 14, 2012

Tomorrow is the Day...My First 5K!!!

It's so hard for me to comprehend I am doing my first 5K!  It's tomorrow at Springfield Lake Boathouse and a benefit for the Good Samaritan Boys Ranch of Springfield.  I'm excited and a little nervous; only nervous because I have no idea what to expect.  And I will be jogging really for the first time in public!  If you know me you will know that's a big deal!!

There are so many things zooming through my mind.  Here's some of them....."I hope I don't come in last, finish strong, don't worry about what you look like even if you're the only heavy set person there, don't care who's watching you, who cares if you come in last as long as you finish, please Lord don't let my legs cramp up like they occasionally do when walking hard, DON'T FALL DOWN, keep smiling, positive thoughts, look how far you've come since April, you can do it, your dear friend is going to be there cheering you on."  My mind is constantly going from one of these statements to the next, nonstop.

Never before would I have even considered doing a 5K let alone exercise in public!  If someone would have told me in January I'd be doing this I would have laughed at them!  Seriously I would have!

But now, even though I'm still not up to running the entire distance, I am so unbelievably pumped for tomorrow...despite a few nerves.  I have no idea what to expect, but it doesn't really bother me.  It's kinda like faith and my walk with the Lord....give it all to Him and he'll guide me through.  He is my strength and my guide.  I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but through faith I know God will be there with me.  I guess that's what makes everything okay and puts me at peace.  I feel God pushing me to do this so I know it's right and I know everything will be awesome!!!

Until next time . . . Run for life!

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