Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fellow Christians-ACT NOW

Good day all. I am choosing to post a different type of post today. It regards a subject that so many seem to dodge, but I believe dodging the subject partly what has gotten us (our country) in the shape it's in. That subject would be religion. Folks, regardless of what we think or believe about Christianity, religion, or God...HE is coming back for His people! He may not come back in our lifetime, but He will come back. We don't know the year, month, week, day, hour, or second of His return so the time is now to get things right with Him and follow Him. I don't know about you, but I want to be on His team and no one else's. I may be ridiculed along the way, but I don't care. I fear the Lord to know that He will do what He says He will do. Many people in life fill us with hopes and empty promises; even our family and loved ones. I'm here to tell you that God is the only one in the world who will never break a promise and tell us something that won't happen. This notion of a 'One World' economy and system that our lawmakers and President are trying for...straight from scripture in Revelation regarding the End Times and end of the world. Not trying to scare, but if you don't believe me read the Book of Revelation for yourselves. Now there have been regulations applied to the can and can not for the decorations being made for the 2009 White House CHRISTMAS tree. See link for article: Kids aren't allowed to depict anything regarding religion or government in the ornament. Without religion there would be no sence of Christmas. So let's call it a Winter Holiday ornament. I DON'T THINK SO!!! The day I shun God and Jesus Christ is the day my life ends. I'd rather go to jail for the day than deny God.

Friends, you might be saying, "What can I do, I'm in Missouri or Arkansas or California?" What we can do first and foremost is get on our knees and talk to the Father. If you don't know Him, meet Him. The promise I will make that will never be empty is that you will never regret knowing God and living for Him. Knowing/Believing/Following Him is the best descision anyone will ever make. Believers, what we can do is tell everyone about the love and sacrifices of Jesus Christ. We can guide others to knowing Him. We can get off the fence and not be afraid of speaking His name and spreading His teachings. WE CAN and need to TAKE A STAND for this country so that all our freedoms for beliefs don't continue to go down the drain. So ask yourself, "Do I know God today? Do I need to get things right with Him? Am I hungry for the the only filling and satisfying thing in this world? Am I in need of a revival in my soul?"

Have you prayed today? Have you talked to the Father today? Even though you might be going through hard times, aren't you glad you can have God to get you through? The time is now to know and follow the Lord for we don't know if we'll get tomorrow. We need to pray harder now than ever before for the world in which we live, not just our country; although our country leaders need MUCH prayer! We need to pray like there's no tomorrow!

Until next time . . .

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