Thursday, September 16, 2010

Jasper made it home!

Well after spending two nights at the vet my Jasper is home!  I'm so glad.  I missed my little puppy.  Who actually is not that little.  He had to be weighed when being checked into the vet.  That little lad weighs 46.6 pounds!  He's going to be a thooster!

So his 'altering' procedure, aka neutering, went well.  Everything is so far so good.  He's still Jasper that's for sure.  Get this, he was sweet as pie for my dad when he took him and picked him up from the vet.  Dad said he sat right up next to him in the truck the entire way home.  Well, he briefly laid down and wanted to chew on the seat belt, but dad quickly told him that was a no no.  But, Jasper never once wanted to chew or give Jasper Kisses...bite!  However, when I get home and take him for his walk.........he bites my wrists and ankles and doesn't think twice!  I just don't get it.  One change I have noticed already is that when I pet him to calm him down after he's had a fit (biting) he calms right down.  So glad!

Jasper knew where he was when dad turned onto the county road.  He for sure knew where he was when dad pulled into my drive.  Dad told me Jasper got all kinds of excited!  Awe!!

I'm so happy to have my pup home.  We got back to our walking last night and this morning.  He pulled me right on down the road.  Oh, and I was advised to keep him calm for about a week; i.e. no running, jumping or swimming.  Well the swimming part I can handle because I'm keeping him on his leash and he can't get to the ponds.  However, have you tried to keep a six month old lab who is full of energy, or full of it, from jumping or running?!!!  Impossible!!  I say that's about as possible as keeping a bull in a china closet from breaking any dishes! haha  I think it's going to be a long week if you ask me.  Nonetheless I'm happy the procedure is over, he's recovering and my puppy is home to stay.  Scary to think of cold weather, but I actually had a vision last night of playing in the snow with my pup.  He's going to love it!

Until next time . . .

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