Monday, September 13, 2010

Jasper's 1st bath (inside) ....and trip to the vet

So Jasper had is 1st bath in the bathtub last night!  Much fun let me tell you.  Sadly I don't have a picture as evidence, only the memory.  Sorry, my hands were a little preoccupied holding the pup in the tub! haha

So, you may be asking right about now:  Why give an outside dog a bath in the bathtub?  Why not just give him a bath outside with the hose?  Well, you see, it was dark outside plus a little on the cool side.  You ask, "So why not just wait until another day?"  Jasper is making a trip to the vet today for a sleep over; two nights sleep over to be exact.  He wreaked of pond water and cow manure so I wanted him fresh and shiny!  Plus, I wanted to give him a warm bath so he wouldn't get so chilly and possibly catch a cold.  He's my baby you know!

He did pretty good for the most part.  He actually took the bath better in the tub than he does outside.  I think it was the warm water.  At first he didn't want to come in the house because I'm all the time getting after him to stay outside when I open the door.  Guess he thought it was a trick.  After I finally got him in the tub he sat right down and enjoyed.  He only started shaking and splashing water everywhere towards the end.  Then, I said, "ok let's go!"  Out of that tub he jumped and through my house he went..quickly!  To finalize the pampering I dried him off with a nice warm towel fresh from the dryer...he loved it!

At this very moment my pup is in the care of the vet clinic.  Dad called to let me know they made it.  I asked if he behaved; he meaning Jasper.  Dad said as soon as they walked in another dog started making racket and Jasper began barking like crazy!  tehehehe  I told dad to tell them they better take care of my baby!

I miss my sweet Jasper already.  He'll be home Wednesday afternoon.  I sure hope they take good care of him.  **sniff**sniff**tear**

Until next time . . .

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