Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Let the official countdown begin....and I don't mean Christmas!

Got one of my most anticipated calls today....the official confirmation for my upcoming trip in March 2011!!!  Seems like yesterday I was in the infant stages of planning and it was about 450 days until departure day.  Now, it is confirmed, my group's Italy & Spain (Mediterranean Journey) bound departure date is March 16, 2011.  I'm so stinking excited I can hardly stand myself!!!  Also what's official....I'll celebrate my 32nd birthday in Florence, Italy!  EEEK! 

I was shocked when I got the call because when you get calls like this you know things are finally happening with finalization in planning and everything is coming together.  What was even more surprising was the outcome of the call.  It's rare, and I mean very rare, that the group gets their first choice tour request or date of departure; and even more rare you get both of those requests without having to make alterations.  Well, after the changes that had to be made in 2009 and ending up having to take our 3rd choice tour....we got 1st CHOICE TOUR and 1st CHOICE DEPARTURE day!  Even more, oh yes the great news just kept coming, we're only being grouped with our friends from Rossville, IN who we met and traveled with in 2009.  I am stoked, can't you tell?!!!

So, I just wanted to share the news with all you blogger buddies out there.  And, my Flat Brian and Flat CAS travel buddies, you know who you are, get your travel attire ready!  Bon voyage 92 days!

Until next time . . .

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