Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rise and Shine!!!!

Good morning fellow bloggers! 

It's an early morning for me!  7:45 am and I've already been up nearly three hours!  Woah, shocker I know.  Well today started my new carpool route.  I've been looking forward to it for several weeks now.  It is certainly going to be an adjustment, but one I think will have positive rewards; i.e. off work by 3:30 every day and saving about $30 a week in fuel!!  That's way positive at $3.50 a gallon (average). 

Everything was so quiet and still this morning, with exception of the thunderstorm brewing in the north.  I left the eastern windows open on the house so it'll probably rain.  But, that is quite alright as we desperately need it. 

Well, I'm going to get back to my yogurt and granola...yes, I'm still doing okay eating healthy.  Do you know how loud granola is to chew when there's absolutely no noise in a big office building?  Let me just tell you it's loud.  Sounds like a herd of people walking through the woods stepping on crunchy leaves! ha

Have a great Tuesday and week!

Until next time . . .

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