Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11, 2001: A Day in Remembrance

I remember exactly where I was the day when the first tower was hit; living in Mountain Home, AR waiting on a co-worker to pick me up as my car was in the shop. I had a few minutes so spare so I decided to wash some dishes. The TV wasn't on so I didn't know yet what was happening. But, as I was going about my day, washing dishes, peoples lives were ending and being changed forever. Just after my co-worker picked me up she got a phone call about the first tower being hit so we flipped on the radio. As soon as we walked into the office we turned on the TV and already the tube was flooded. Just as we were watching the footage of the first tower I witnessed the second tower being hit. It was all so strange; like watching a shootem up blowem up movie.

I will never forget that day. That was a history changing day in my generation. I'm amazed at some of the young people who were babies or toddlers at that time. They don't understand what went on; therefore, don't understand the price that was paid that dreadful day and the fragility of our freedoms and securities. My niece just told me she saw it as an excuse to be out of class during the school remembrance assembly. I guess this is just like people of my generation don't understand the Depression or WWI and WWII.

Anyway, I'm thinking today of the lives and families changed forever during the events of 9/11. I'm remembering the lives lost as they plummeted to the ground from the high floors of the towers, the plane hitting the Pentagon, and the one going down in a field in Pennsylvania; headed for our Nation's Capitol. I'm remembering the rescuers who lost their lives while trying to save another. I'm remembering the heroes of that day. I'm remembering how our country seemed to come together and one heard more spiritual things on tv; although only briefly. I'm remembering! Side note: it seems as though our country has went downhill in the generosity, people helping others and their neighbors; man looking out for fellow man rather than self; and Christians stepping up to the plates of evil categories since that time. I remember thinking, "Ok, this is going to get people on the right track spiritually." Sadly, that time was only being led with adrenaline rather than persistence.

I pray that our country comes together once again. Afterall, as we well learned September 11th, 2001, America is not invincible. We need to knock down our barriers of being proud and cocky and be a country of service, humanity, and fellowship rather than being out for #1 and holding our hand out.

May God richly bless all those reading this today. I pray for all the families, friends, and loved ones who's lives were changed on 9/11; seems like yesterday.

Until next time . . .

1 comment:

  1. I remember where I was. I was at home waiting for Mike. He was in Gainesville, doing court since he was a police officer at that time. And he called me to turn on the tv.
